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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Yep, that's the way to do it @klond. I decided not to use it on my helicopters though, I feel the construction is too bulky and heavy while not generating the amount of thrust my big ones need.
  2. Here ya go (might be inspirational for creating a challenge) ... you might like the comments as well. Just make sure it won't cost players too much time or ... convince Badie to make it a challenge lasting a month or longer. I've driven around Kerbin ... ehm ... my vehicle has driven around Kerbin while I programmed in course corrections ... took a very long time.
  3. I like this one. Half a year ago I was already building a village 50km north of KSC. I could continue and turn it into a town. Let's face it ... everyone's gone to space and most challenges have been repeated over and over again. Why not do something with the bleedin' barren planet? If there's something I've learned in the 5 years of using KSP ... space is boring. Lots more fun starts below the Karman line.
  4. I used to be a "pilot" ... spent thousands of hours in sims since 1983. Since piloting in KSP is nothing of a challenge, I consider myself an engineer. I've quit playing career a few years back and have been building stuff to share with the community ever since.
  5. Maybe my sense of humor has crossed a line ... who knows?
  6. I'm afraid of boomerangs. Edit: and other Aussie bugs, for that matter.
  7. Hmmm ... interesting. I have a different opinion. Contrary to real life, in KSP we can do things like clip wings, bodies and control surfaces together. I would argue the simplistic Errordynamics make it much easier to get things flying the way you want to. Creating drag is easy, just build like a Neanderthal. This is an asymmetrical stock aircraft carrier ... one that can drive, sail and fly. It has a krakentech elevator (the thing on the right) producing lots of drag. Exploiting physics in KSP is a lot easier than in real life.
  8. Just increase the voltage ... it will tickle them.
  9. Both my Dodge Charger 1969 and the Excelsior Class have 21 points on KerbalX so ... I guess they're my best craft. No mods, naturally. Most advanced in the technology department is probably my Asura, stock turboshaft helicopter. This one is still using the old engine while I've already been using the Asura II engine in later designs. Upgrading it costs a lot of time and is tedious work.
  10. @TriopNice! But ... what's wrong with the Claw? This way it could be 100% stock.
  11. Yes, if you look at the Panther config file, you see two entries for ModuleEnginesFX. Just change the other entry too (the one I edited in this example was the afterburner entry (wet).
  12. Best thing you can do is look at both the jet engine and a rocket engine with comparable specs. You'd need to change a lot but most of all: ISP, engine type, resource requirements. MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = Wet thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 130 heatProduction = 75 useEngineResponseTime = True // change to False engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.8 engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.8 useVelocityCurve = False flameoutEffectName = flameout //powerEffectName = running_wet runningEffectName = power_wet engageEffectName = engage disengageEffectName = disengage spoolEffectName = running_wet engineSpoolIdle = 0.05 engineSpoolTime = 2.0 EngineType = Turbine // change to LiquidFuel exhaustDamageMultiplier = 20 clampPropReceived = True PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir // change to Oxidizer ignoreForIsp = True // unknown, test. Otherwise disable using double slash in front of it (module will use default setting). ratio = 12 // change to 1.1 } PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE ratio = 1 // change to 0.9 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve // copied directly from the LV-T45 { key = 0 320 key = 1 250 key = 6 0.001 } This should work.
  13. Happy birthday to you too then! So, what's the age difference?
  14. Rockets? I've started putting Juno's on every car a while back. Much more fun (and better range). @SpaceTrashCan, I'd also put a Boost Flap on it. It cuts the thrust of the Juno's while braking and keeps the Juno's running at full speed to prevent "turbo lag". Download my Charger to see how it works. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--1969-Charger-RT-31
  15. But I feel like 25 Anyway ... if anyone ever wondered where that "77 Industries" comes from, now you know.
  16. Apparently I had a too simplistic view of the situation. I figured you could maybe stick a Juno on the nose pointing up to remedy all this, maybe augmented with a boost flap for a fast variation in thrust, if needed. But I see those Wheesley's on the back ... couldn't you use those? Maybe give them 0.5kN or something?
  17. Yep, they have a natural tendency to drop the nose and start flying forward. That's what the Juno is for, to push the tail down just enough. Reaction wheels are sometimes a little bit too limited. More info in the manual: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lbq08twm592iys/Titan Series Helicopters.pdf?dl=0
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