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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. The CoM of my Titan series are in front of the rotor, I use a single Juno (AG2) on the tail pushing the tail down while hovering and I adjust the thrust limiter accordingly.
  2. It's the reason I don't use a ramp at all on my non-MK3 cargo helicopters and airplanes ... too much drag and unwanted lift in all but the right direction.
  3. It's reasonable, I have all settings on high, use scatterer and EVE. Still FPS. Anyway, I got home from work, woke the PC and this happened:
  4. Fascinating bug. Suddenly there when I woke the PC. If I show this to a friend he'll start start talking about "sacred geometry" or something. Emissary: "We come from another dimension. We exist as pure energy." Valentina: "Duh ... we too!" Come to think of it. Ever wondered what Valentina sounds like? I think she sounds like Miss Piggy. By the way, this is the rear section of my newest ship, SS Sapphire. Suddenly a fitting name. The topic about the ship can be found here:
  5. Drive section. Without boosters, tanks full: 491t. Tanks empty: 238t. Part count: 346. TWR: 0.31. Delta-v: 4.09km/s. Crew section. Without boosters: 238t. Part count: 303. TWR: N/A Delta-v: N/A. So after docking the Delta-v is nothing to write home about but that wasn't the goal of this project. But if anyone wants, I can replace the MK2 fuel tanks with MK3 fuel tanks and give it more engines.
  6. Starting to wonder how my helicopters would perform in such a challenge.
  7. 77 Industries presents: SS Sapphire Room for 338 kerbals, has a hangar with a big door, has two shuttles but room for many more. Comes in two parts, assemble in orbit. It has docking guides and a big airlock. You can read all about its features in the album. Download links: Crew section. Drive section.
  8. I probably can help you with that. I've made a bunch of standard rolling chassis you can examine. You can also look at a few of my finished products. Scroll down the big list, you'll see Chassis type A-E. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/craft
  9. I'd like to stick to stock ... just to keep those creative juices flowing. If I'd allow mods, then people start with one and eventually end up without any stock parts ;-) I'll take a drive. Keep 'm coming guys!
  10. I really like this one! I'm curious to see how you think it would drive with friction and traction control on override instead of automatic.
  11. Good job! Small tip: you don't have to create a separate album for every picture you wish to share. You can do a bulk-upload. After that just copy the image link and paste it. You can also share the whole album and choose to add comments to every picture in that album.
  12. Love the ion engine configuration on the EX-9. Like the others as well. Keep them coming!
  13. That looks very good! Care to share more pictures & modlist? Maybe a download link?
  14. Makes me wanna watch it. I mean ... I should've done it a long time ago.
  15. That's Scatterer. If you don't have it already, you'd love it. I mean the whole mod, not just the wireframe option (through its menu, ALT-F11).
  16. interesting question ... I rarely measure it. It depends on if I'm building a new tech or something like this helicopter. I think this one was ready for first flight in 2 hours using mostly standard building blocks. A lot of hours go into testing and at least an hour in making screenshots. Janus was more difficult, the first flight test was in an hour but I spent another 6 in fault searching after I discovered I couldn't increase engine power the same way as with the other engines. I solved it though.
  17. Those are purely for looks. The docking ports are autopilot settings. They're all angled differently. You select "control from here" and choose radial out with the SAS. More info in the manual.
  18. 77 Industries presents: Azi29 Janus Janus is my first coaxial helicopter in almost two years. The engine is based on the Asura II. Due to the size I had to build two cargo bays. When loading/unloading, its best to do both at the same time and with the same weight. The looks are unusual but I feel it’s got its own special beauty. You need a manual to fly this thing. Link to manual: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lbq08twm592iys/Titan Series Helicopters.pdf?dl=0 Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I-Azi29-Janus-v10
  19. 77 Industries presents: Azi28 Perses This helicopter might resemble something you know from real life but it’s not intended as a replica. I do have a replica of the Hind but that one uses mods. Use the manual of the other Titans (Azi20 - Azi23) to fly this thing. The engine is a little less powerful and thus has only three power/economy settings (action group 0 is missing). Link to manual: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lbq08twm592iys/Titan Series Helicopters.pdf?dl=0 Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I-Azi28-Perses-v10
  20. @EpicSpaceTroll139maybe it's an idea to use Notepad++ to find every instance of that I-Beam 200 in (a copy of) your craft file? See how they are connected. Maybe there's a false entry.
  21. After posting screenshots of my newest helicopters on Facebook someone asked me how to build bearings because he wanted to build a crane. I got inspired and after three hours I have this thing, using a combination of ore tanks pumping resource and reaction wheels. It's a crane/giant robot arm/swing. And it can throw things XD. The truck you see is roughly 8t. Now to make it even stronger and finish it. Not as cool as @klond's VAB crane or the vertical crane using a screw a few years back but I'm happy with it, it's my first.
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