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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Driving, sailing and flying double-decked aircraft carrier with "Catapusht" and elevator. Stock. Heavy cruiser using my own mod WW2 Warships: Cargo ship, 200m. long using my other mod Big Ships. Stock super yacht. Modern ship using another one of my mods: Real Ships. Identity crises?
  2. It works for all parts you write a config for. I've made these configs and they're available for download. The only problem with KerbPaint today is the shaders: painted parts do not produce shadows and unpaintable parts are visible behind paintable parts. Edit: Ninja'd.
  3. The Hind is my favorite helicopter ... but I won't call this one a Hind because the appearance is too far off. I do have a Hind replica btw. Now if only some wizard could make KerbPaint really work.
  4. Changed the appearance and improved handling at high speeds with a trick. I think it's close to release. What do you guys think of it?
  5. Aaaaand ... I couldn't fight. The urge. To build. Another. Stock Helicopter. First prototype flight, not the finished product. Engine is from the Archon II.
  6. I have a picture in the album of an M1A2 Abrams, The main battle tank of the US army. Mass: 65t. How I did that in KSP: lots of ore tanks clipped together :-) That's ... a long story. But you're welcome to explore ... see the link in my sig - Stock Turboprop & Turboshaft Creations. Better leave the OP for what it is ... still suffers from the Imgur mutation.
  7. Changelog version 1.1: In some cases an engine would develop a low-frequency, high-amplitude vibration. Enough to shear the engine off the wing. Added 2 struts per engine to remedy the situation. Don’t use the undo function in the editor, I’ve stretched those struts beyond original game length limit using offset. Undo resets them. Changed the horizontal stabilizer into an all-moving elevator for more control and less drag during forward flight.
  8. I've used those solar panels on my USS Excelsior, so yeah, I agree. I never use octagonal struts in such a way though, the radiator panels are strong enough themselves. Again on the Excelsior I've used them as hull plating, building long strips out of them. If you're interested, you'll find the Excelsior on KerbalX.
  9. Yeah, I'm not really a fan of the looks either. But the internal space vs mass, the roadholding & soft suspension (not always mutually exclusive), lack of electronics, cheap parts and good mileage makes me forget about that. And thanks :-)
  10. Question about contact foam. Will there be an adjustable parameter for the amplitude and decay of the foam? And could it somehow be dependent on speed of the collider moving over the surface? That way we could have trails behind ships. :-) I understand however, a bow wave would be difficult.
  11. That's new to me. Did you code something, @SpannerMonkey(smce)?
  12. I love the MiG-9. Flew it a lot in IL2: 1946. And I like this one too.
  13. Squad has improved the buoyancy settings for a lot of parts with the recent updates. Some parts will sink like metal plates, beams, girders, engines. However there's a big list of parts that are still too buoyant. All wing parts are excessively buoyant, even if they don't have fuel tanks. Batteries float which also seems very unrealistic to me. The buoyancy of fuel tanks is something different, while I agree they're excessively buoyant, new values should be calculated instead of guesswork. We could help Squad with adjusting the settings and test the parts, then send a proposal to have them modified with a new update. How this works: Check a part config and see if the line buoyancy = x.x exists. If it doesn't the game will automatically give it a value based on volume, mass and density and it will usually float. Batteries for example don't have it. You can give it a negative value and it will always sink. A very few parts have additional parameters, for example some command pods: CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0 CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 buoyancyUseSine = False I have not experimented with these values, might provide interesting results.
  14. Some arguments I've read and want to comment on: A banked runway will work differently with real planes than with KSP planes - that's something we'd need to test. I think it won't be a problem. Landing gear will produce unpredictable results - that is true with the standard settings, automatic friction might seem a good idea but it's a disaster. The "AI" tries to predict what the player wants, the player expects certain results but gets a different one. Set friction to a realistic level and you'll be fine.
  15. Something different for change. I invite you to make a replica of the car you own or the car you (can/want to) realistically buy in case you don't have a car yet. No ludicrous sports cars, no prototypes. Rules: Stock parts only. Must have realistic performance (acceleration / top speed). Must have realistic roadholding and suspension. The use of a monocoque frame is encouraged. Real cars have them, ours should too. Size is not really an issue but the relative dimensions are (LxWxH). If you don't like the Rovemax M1 because of the soft suspension or looks, use the TR2-L. Keep in mind the car will become a whole lot bigger because of the larger wheels. I suggest the use of jet engines. Tune them so you'll have the acceleration / top speed of the real car. Part clipping is suggested, even engines or wheels. Part clipping fuel tanks is not allowed. Try to create realistic rear lights and give it brake lights. The use of a Boost Flap is encouraged. Mass is not an issue. My own replica is 10 times the weight of the real one. A realistic crumble zone is not required (hard to build with these materials anyway). Max part count: 250. This is my own car you can use as an example: Points ... that's a subject open for debate.
  16. Thanks! That's the fun, my mod is done only with editing config files, I can't code either. But I reprogrammed stock KSP modules to do what I want. So ... anyone can.
  17. That's relatively easy to create but ... you'd need to study the principles so you can adapt the parameters. Not very difficult though.
  18. Some people made a sort of basic building block for a mechanical calculator, years ago. Very tedious work and worked only in space. It was very slow as well. However ... I've created a mod which has the potential to grow and create logic building blocks. Not yet released.
  19. Citroën BX "Flying Frankenstein", 1985 Its name: Flying Frankenstein. I’ve tried to mimick its performance in roadholding and top speed. There’s a lot of body roll but it’s got excellent suspension and doesn’t mind driving on the hills and plains of Kerbin, it just doesn’t like the mountains very much. It’s built on a monocoque frame resembling the original. It’s a bit flexible but there aren’t any struts, anywhere. The real car is 1170kg. The kerbal version is 10 times as heavy. Building a car in this scale in KSP is hard. Flying Frankenstein used to be a GT with a 1.9 liter carburetted engine and a manual 5-speed. I’ve converted it into a turbodiesel automatic and gave it a digital dashboard. I’ve bought the car in 2006 and converted it in 2008. I plan to continue driving it for as long as possible. Tip: if you wish to increase performance, right click on the second engine icon while driving and set the performance limiter back to 100%. Note: the little split in the rear bumper is for the exhaust thrust of the jet engines. Craft file
  20. Little helicopter carrier, Carlin class. Length: 116m. Beam: 15. Mass: 1675t. with tanks full. Part count: 145. Engines: 8x Goliath. Top speed: 30m/s with tanks full. Mods: None.
  21. Nice plane! The tech wasn't invented by MrNuclearTurkey though. There's a video made around December 2014 I think, with the first electrical engine/propeller. Makes me wanna continue work on my turboprop.
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