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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. I won't argue over the ugliness of struts but I don't think you'd need a lot of struts for this one. Maybe 4, placed at the right spots, creating triangles. Or else just use autostruts, since those are invisible.
  2. Everything you see is 100% stock: My Dodge Charger: Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--1969-Charger-RT-31 My Dodge Challenger: Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--1971-Challenger-RT-11 My Petyrbolt LRHF2: Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--Petyrbolt-LRHF2-11 My Lowell Verona 1958: Download link: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--1958-Lowell-Verona-21 I could go on but you'll find the rest over here: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/craft Just narrow down the search to "rover".
  3. Yes I've seen them before too. This one is nice because for once ... I've made something with a low part count while still having my typical design features :-)
  4. Thanks guys & gals! Tried it yet? Forgot to mention, use Q & E for steering. You can even turn it around at high speed for fast braking like you slow down a spaceship.
  5. 77 Industries - Monowheel DX Fun to drive and pretty fast, only 17 parts! Open Imgur album for instructions. Download
  6. Autostrutting wings does not always invoke the kraken, I use it often but only on wing tips. That's fine until you damage your craft and somehow the rest goes into RUD. Autostrutting to heaviest part has another risk because the code is too immature and will easily choose a fuel tank based on resource mass instead of empty mass. I've had a kraken attack when I used fuel beyond a certain level and the struts started switching during flight. This also means that if you dock with a space station with a heavier part it could summon the kraken anyway. I should write a bug report on this. But it's true, often struts work better than autostruts. Too many struts creates problems as well, a structure that bends will break less easily (and keep your FPS higher). Based on my experience, I never use rigid attachment anymore. The code looks for a modifier in the physics.cfg, with standard settings it lowers both joint breaking force and breaking torque to ridiculously low levels.
  7. No problem, anyone can post their creations here and ask questions/discuss. What EST139 said is correct, personally I choose to have the CoM in front of the CoL to counter the effect. All of my helicopters have this.
  8. Proof the Faroka has an excellent range & reliability:
  9. I'm supposed to quit smoking today but now I need a smoke! Please excuse me while I vent my emotions. AAAAAARRRRRGGGH!! It didn't help. Hey, isn't today April 1st? Ehm ...
  10. Yep, my own name for it. I call the pre-1.0 model "Errordynamics".
  11. A new topic for us turboheads, focused on building turboshaft & turboprop creations but this time using FAR. The reason is simple: FAR offers the ability to build craft much lighter and with less parts while offering superior performance over NeoAero. The basic principles are the same and most existing craft can be modified to work with little modification. At this time FAR isn't released but with some searching in the FAR topic, one can acquire the dev build, which runs fine with KSP 1.2.2. I've got the impression the FPS is higher too. Here's my first one, the 77I-Azi24 Curious Faroka, based on the 77I-Azi12 Curious Chakora. Part count has dropped from 344 to 275. The engine runs with 50% of the amount of blowers of the original offering the same performance as the Chakora with adjusted drag in NeoAero! I had to double the amount of propeller blades though. Anyway, close to release. More info soon!
  12. If anyone needs a new challenge, try the FAR dev build. It makes building turboprops both more easy and more difficult. I've made a FAR version of the Curious Chakora. It flies fine :-)
  13. The same story with the stock turboprops, they greatly benefit from FAR. With NeoAero most turboprops have tremendous difficulty to reach the almost magical 100m/s and using a huge amount of blowers. Using FAR I can use half the amount of blowers and it easily flies 170m/s. Propeller pitch at start has a narrow margin between engine overspeed and blade stall. I had to double the amount of blades though. Not only that, I get the impression FPS is higher.
  14. I'm happy to report my stock helicopters are functional using FAR in 1.2.2 with only minor modifications. Engine/rotor RPM needs to be higher but it seems fuel economy is much better. Forward flight speed is limited due to retreating blade stall, more than with NeoAero. The engine now benefits from a starter stage to get the turbine close to operating speed, a second stage then takes over and delivers most of the power.
  15. I'm happy to report my stock helicopters are functional using FAR in 1.2.2 with only minor modifications. Engine/rotor RPM needs to be higher but it seems fuel economy is much better. Forward flight speed is limited due to retreating blade stall, more than with NeoAero. The engine now benefits from a starter stage to get the turbine close to operating speed, a second stage then takes over and delivers most of the power.
  16. It really depends on the payload ;-)
  17. Indeed, I have a few gigantic cargo planes which have to operate with a wide range of CoM shift. I just give them a very long tail and a lot of control surfaces. With FAR I would change the design somewhat. With my helicopters it's a different story, I always put CoM in front of CoL because stock rotors can't compensate forward flight.
  18. Is this a request for help? Without any pictures or a shared craft file none of us can do anything with the information Somehow I can't imagine having infinite EC has a negative impact on the physics. At least it's something I've never heard before and haven't experienced myself in the last 4.5 years. Ziet er goed uit (looking good)!
  19. Unless you have gigantic pitch/rudder control authority but usually you're right. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--TCCS-Pallas-12
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