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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Docs aware already of my interest in this idea SO while the first set of ideas, is what we'd all like to see on day one , these things are never that easy . So i say baby steps A/ decide firm parameters for first target test , so as to avoid forum induced feature creep, which kills complex projects before they get properly rolling, Perhaps just as a stage 1 spawn opponent X in such a way that the current/future AI's will accept it as a target for both teams. Sticking mainly to surface combat , meaning on solid ground. Why stay at that, because it's considerably less difficult than any other form of KSP combat, both to create and to manage , the moment you bring ships and aircraft into the equation , you have to start thinking of extended ranges. Non of the ctrl systems are the same, what works in air certainly doesn't work on the ground, and what works for tanks, only works for 10K tonne ships if you go mad on the options, making it difficult for a less experienced player to set things up phase 1 create the method of X team spawn.creation. Once thats sorted or underway, custom parts , with limited but precise function can be quickly developed from items already in dev, or modified to test function /form etc , with well over 1300 parts already in the wild, a few more aren't going to make the blindest bit of difference.
  2. That'll be because i never downloaded 1.4 However just checked in 1.4.1 and props and they all have reverse , though not tested all to fullest. , Firespitter is still a dependency . This is not to say an update is imminent there is a 1031 part waiting list to be fully checked before any true state can be assessed. That little lot on the back of a HD failure that scrambled all my unity projects, wrecked the saved scenes, and while it was at it randomised 95% of the files in my KSP dev builds. SO please bear with us while we dig our way out, normal service of some sort will be restored, i n hopefully a reasonable time frame
  3. That little lot deserve more than 1 like for sure , Very nice ships indeed.
  4. Eventually is the best answer you're likely to get at this point, please visit main BDA thread for updated info. If any becomes available it will be there.
  5. To use all the parts in FPS you'll need KIS , you then load a craft , right click on the command pod , and select the seat inventory you want the item in, drag and drop item from menu into inventory window repeat until satisfied . close inventory windows and launch craft, once craft has loaded send Kerb on EVA, right click Kerb , select open inventory and click on the item you wish to fit, items will automatically jump to location of fitting, so hats to heads, and guns to right hands, note that Kerb must be inn backpack use position before fitting weapons
  6. Hi, and erm if you've found it you've already found it There are two and they are both located in the parts folder for BD FPS yes. sorry for slow reply
  7. Dear Friends and users of  SM's multifarious mods . Due to a hard drive failure that corrupted all my dev game builds , cfgs, textures and mu's  ,  messed up all  the unity  projects and corrupted many of the saved scenes, there will be some delay in updating to whatever KSP1.4 version the dust settles on. 

    As for using SM Mods in 1.4 in un updated form ,to  some extent i expect  a lot of it to work trouble free, although any parts reliant on other mod plugins  will be only functional if an updated plugin is available , so props may not turn,  guns may not fire ,  IR parts will be broken etc etc .

    Normal service will be resumed as soon as (Funds for a second drive is available) possible.


    1. LightBender


      I wish I could get you a new Hard-drive.

  8. It never was , the author left the forums, and the tracks idea turned eventually into Kerbal Foundries
  9. Hi as everybody else has addressed the texture, I'll mention the perhaps why of the model not loading. I believe from looking at the picture, texture problems aside, that you applied a convex mesh collider in unity, this has failed due to the model being very high poly and prevented the model from exporting properly. Convex colliders can have no more than 256 triangles, and unity being unity bases the convex collider on the models own mesh . so if there's as many poly's/tri's in that engine bell as there appears to be ( considerably more than 256) the attempted collider generation will fail. Check the bottom of the unity editor window for errors i suspect they are collider related. Until you can optimise models for the game you will need to use a basic primitive collider, so create a simple cylinder collider that fits snugly and use that for your engine instead
  10. Hi, thanks. The ammo should be supplied via the BDA universal ammo box, all the guns are cfg'd to uses stock BDA ammo , unless i've messed something up, and the types aren't being loaded, I'll look into it Re sounds There's a problem with some of the engine sounds. related to the sound module used. In order to alleviate the issues that a lot of users have i'm going to go back to using FS engine sounds module instead of the stock one. Having horrible HD issues right now but will try and get an update done shortly. Cheers
  11. Hi, the answer to your hullbreach question is given in the hullbreach thread, however here i'll address the damage issue with LBP directly. Although as my friend above states, things aren't generally like that anymore, your problem is out of date patches. When those patches were created both HB and BDA damage was very different, they did not talk, HB simply responded to heat and sunk your ship, now that damage is properly (imo) set up, the original patches are very wrong, we had no idea of the way things would develop and the forces that would be involved, Now we do. However this will not solve your problem, the modular hull design of LBP is flawed, full stop end of story, when it comes to combat vessels. Yeah sure build all the cargo ships you want it'll never be an issue, but if you want to use it combat there is no setup that gets you a win, or for that matter sensible option. You point out the com centered targeting and it's been a constant issue since i became involved in ship and huge craft modding, Its' something the BDA team have worked on , though time pressure and other more needed features took precedence. This Com centered target method can only be countered in one way, with 1 part hulls with modular internals and upper works, the lego solution gets you variety but it doesn't get combat survival. Whatever patch set up you use, it will always be a compromise with LBP, you can have its core excessively armored and with stupid HP, it'll take longer to start flooding, or it'll destroy another section , perhaps containing the bridge instead which is game over mostly, or destroy an end and leave half the ship intact , but whats not going change are those times when 4 16" shells all hit the center section, it's still going to destroy it. NON modular hulls and ships based upon them are a different beast altogether and make LBP ships look like bath toys.
  12. H HI the problem is not with the HB mod but with the patches that control how it functions, and that my friend has little or nothing to do with Hull breach. I suspect you are running fairly early HB patches, so the flood etc is quite fast, we don't do it that way now, plus all the armor was weak on the last few releases because it was all in development . time has passed and gun damage is sorted so we now have a better idea of whats needed . As always with mod difficulties try the mod concerned that being in this case LBP, as that is where the rectification will come from. Breach temp is now linked to BDA damage directly and your comment about the patch values confirms that the HB patches you currently use are way out of date, breach now occurs at between 10/20% of damage occurring being 80% of total, hence breachTemp = 0.8 and critical breach at about 60-80% damage , so critBreachTemp = 0.4. Currently dealing with a HD failure , so PM me and i'll send you some updated patches for armor and flood settings etc
  13. Well in that case a copy of your KSP.log will be required in order for the problem to be diagnosed. Did you download BDA from the github releases page? If you downloaded elsewhere please delete existing version and reinstall a fresh copy from https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases And retry the game, post only zipped copys of logs , not plain text versions cheers
  14. Hi, for that tank the whole texture should be on one sheet not spread over different ones, and a 2048 texture just so you can have a bit of text when the rest is plain blue seems a little excessive . However, as the tank is plain blue you could tile the other 7 sides on your single sheet texture, same for the end caps, so you have one blue area and a grey area, and even though as a rule, it's nice to keep all parts at the same kind of texture density , you could devote the larger area of the texture for your graphic panel. I'd imagine a good font will be legible at 1028. Although for text i usually scale the texture up x2 , sort out the text, then scale it back down, this makes the characters a lot sharper than if i placed them on the 1028 to start
  15. Have you fitted a weapon manager? one is required fitted to every craft. BDA is not compatible with KSP 1.4 at this point.
  16. Hi a zipped copy of your KSP.log found in the main KSP folder will be of more help diagnosing a problem than a save game, that somebody has to search and install the mods for in order just to see , probably in a clean version of KSP. Non of which is required if the KSP.log was available A little more effort on your part would go a long way in helping those who like to help, help you. Make sure your mods are up to date, DO NOT rely on any mod manager to get it right, check! First remove half your mods, start the game, if the problem gone , it must be caused by the other group, so install half the remaining group , start the game and rinse and repeat , If you find the problem in the first installed group, remove half of them, and retry. I would strongly advise you end any flights/ missions before you start the process, as you will for some of the time have missing parts that will prevent a craft from loading, and you will get loads of locked craft with parts missing, until you complete the process, don't worry about that , as once you've found the problem, as long as it's not parts, of patch related, all your craft should be fine
  17. Hi dont know what to tell you , though as I'm testing in the quick load build , i stuck a dev copy of FPS in there and filled the inventory with a random selection, including the game friendly version of the pro props gun, and without exception the worked as expected, and obviously in my case they 'work work' not just look cool. it may be worth mentioning that i use quite an old version of kis ( 1.76468.41490) and that may have some relevance perhaps things have changed with the module? but iirc pro props hasn't been touched in ages either.
  18. It looks ok, you should be aware that all the weapons have been cfg'd to be held in the right hand when the kerb is in the using jetpack pos , they do not attach properly in any other position.
  19. Hi, RE BD FPS and pro props , i believe items attach the same way , via the bone tree, so it should be a simple matter of removing all the gun information , loading items to inventory and then fitting them via the inventory window. I know that Kerbs in 1.31 still hold the weapons correctly, of all the troubles, i've had , attachment of the weapons was a smaller one. If you leave any of the weapon info in the files and dont have BDA installed it's likely to cause problems.
  20. That really sucks given how many possible letter combinations , formats of namespace etc for them to end up exactly as they are in KK, go ksp devs for taking the easy option . Take your time, i'm in not rush to move my mods to 1.4 either , having seen that the bugs from 131 are still there .
  21. hi it's also possible to fix a wrongly proportioned drag cube ,, there is a tool. So first go to the part database.cfg and find and copy this bit of the cube for your part. cube = Default, 0.05605,0.9593,0.1192, 0.05605,0.9593,0.1192, 0.1046,0.8686,0.1795, 0.1046,1,0.1004, 0.02353,0.8077,0.1807, 0.02353,0.8051,0.1807, 0,0.02,0, 0.2,0.12,0.52 Now go here http://www.datainterlock.com/dragcubes.php Paste your cube in the box provided and using the options provided , drag can be adjusted up or down, as can all other areas of the drag cube. making it possible to completely change how the game reacts to the part and how the part moves in game Once you have done that, copy the newly generated drag cube to your part cfg, and that should with a little experimentation fix your game/ I do hope that your part has suitable mass , rather than being featherlight, as not having enough mass will cause issue with large surface area cubes.
  22. Hi you are not alone, why is it a procedural cube though, does it has several animations? IF so easy way to get a proper cube generated is to simply comment out the animation modules , load the game, quit the game then copy the drag cube from the part database.cfg to the part cfg , this will prevent the cube been re written each load of the game , and remove the comments from the animation modules
  23. You can technically , but nobody does, because a turret is basically an animation, and when you attach anything by any means to an animation, you are not actually connected to the animated part, the node is attached the the parts root. What this means is that when the turret rotates, any item surface attached to it dont, they stay still, and looks bad, ruins the effect , so nobody bothers allowing it . But simply changing the attach rules to allow surface attach by changing a 0 into a 1 will get you that result.
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