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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi All. with 1.2 finally a thing the time for a new update is due, this update removes two of the early hulls but they will still be in zip form should you have used them. They will remain for one update more and be gone. This update has of course the color change in order to work with LBP, a load of structural parts panels, masts and two new small fast craft hulls, a specially reworked hull8 to make it suitable for shallow water and river work. and a final addition a little Tug boat kit, still with the one part (trouble free) hull but with a full set of parts to build the tug below, the same applies to the new RC1 Riverine, a single part but scaleable hull with a set of complementary parts to suit, these parts also work on the PT hull which has the familiar teardrop of a torpedo boat or similar. While i finish the last few annoying details i'll give you some pictures to contemplate
  2. What i should have done in that case, given that you're not a complete novice is point you toward this as well
  3. Hi, no there is not supposed to be a link, your post was moved from it's original location by a moderator as it was a mod related question. Your question has a quality of vagueness about it, do you mean , if i had mods installed will it have affected the update? The answer to this question is no. If it's another question you'll have to clarify. But what is certain that any plugin based mods from 1.1.3 will be broken by 1.2, as far as i'm aware there is no 1.2 update for DMP and questions relating to DMP would be better answered if directed to the DMP thread.
  4. This has got to be one of my all time favorites, good job free time is free:)
  5. Nice , don't know about the Mk214 green though. How did you opt to do the muzzle brake part in the end? I think that mg131 is very smart and wouldnt look out of place on any craft
  6. And every now and then we think to ourselves " we do this for fun????!!!! " I feel; your pain, i too am being abused by 1.2s physics Your endeavors are appreciated by many, here's hoping for better times ahead
  7. Hi, To all lovers of smoke and flames, Destruction Effects will shortly be getting a nice new thread in Addon Releases. maybe
  8. Hi took a look at your cfg and model file, they're not just old they're ancient... and maybe clones of another part? From the looks of the model file you have not reworked the model in any way from it's original obsolete layout, I can see within the mu all the old names for the parts. The legs changed over to a part module a long time ago , not animate generic, to make the legs work with the new modules you will need to rework the hierarchy within unity. so that it can be properly accessed by the code. It will help to export one of the existing squad models for reference, then of course you could use an existing cfg as a guide If however you are just looking for a quick and dirty fix, you are still going to have to export your model, clean up as required and then add the animation required in order for the legs to at least fold out and extend. Then re export to KSP and simply reference your animation name in the animate generic module. That will work but there'll be no suspension or foot pivot as is available with a properly set up landing leg. It's likely that you didn't want to hear all that, and expected a nice easy solution, sorry buddy they are just too old for the fix to be simple
  9. Thanks for passing on your mods to LG, didn't realize fully until 1.1.3 how your mods had crept in to my game and mods, they say the sign of a good mod is that you don't notice it until it's gone, and i certainly noticed when the compatibility was lost. Thanks for your mods, and good luck with your further adventures
  10. I just took it as a general inquiry so no biggy. Stryker provisional is below And as for the coding of mods, all you need to do is click the source link found in the OP of most mods these days, this will in all likelyhood take you to GitHub, and there you can find the intimate inner details, just download the master zip open it up and pretty much any text editor will open a .cs script file, it's nice if you have one like notepad++ that has language and syntax highlighting, then it's just a matter of working out what it all means sometimes easy and sometimes not so much. For example the sinking mod that i looked at restoring, the code was erm different to say the least, i played with it until i couldn't make any more improvements, showed it to a coding Buddy and he promptly reduced the four pages of code down to one very tidy script that did exactly the same thing
  11. Indeed I will but I am waiting for the BDAc pro coding team to finish some outstanding issues, particularly relevant to PEW as one of this issues covers radar and camera function both being essential for missiles. The current version will work in 1.2 but only within the limits of BDAc, If BDAc doesn't work properly niether will PEW, Boomsticks, NAS, NKD, Stryker, BDFPS or any of the other weapon mods. Inevitably if i release a version named for 1.2 I'll be besieged with problems that can only be fixed by fixing BDAc. Luckily I am in a position to intimately know whats going on behind the scenes (which is nice) and all i can say is it will be worth the short wait i
  12. Are you using the correct version for your game? if so you may have to go through the procedure outlined a few pages back, of removing all mods except KK, start a new game , make sure kk is functional, save and exit, now add your mods back into the game and ir should be functional. I know of no 1.2 compatible versions, so if anyone has forked, fixed and has a working version of the dll that correctly saves placed statics, and is a bit gentler when placing objects I'd be most grateful for a link, my own attempts have led to a gradual reduction in function throughout 1.2pre , so static projects are now on hold
  13. PhotoShop, Gimp , Paint.net and likely others just not ms paint lols PPS Thanks RD for the FS update, it's functions are so buried in some of my mods that i forget how much goes down the pan when FS has missed an update . Cheers
  14. I dont think that in the entire history of KSP there has been an official (made by Squad) mod compatibility thread. Usually they are just like this one although the person starting them has an intention to provide a service to the mod using forum goers or at least some interest in taking part
  15. That seems like a nice symmetry a nice shiny new thread to match the nice shiny new release. I'll be doing the same for some other adopted mods.
  16. Hi, yes there are some changes that need making to the joint break code before it'll work in 1.2. I think it's good but as my code skills are less than optimal I'll let JR make the call on a release, as a coding pro I'd trust his judgement over mine (and it is his project anyway) Not noticed any performance hit at least on my machine, that screenshot was from a 5x5 combat and frame rate didn't flutter, I think what I have at the moment is a nice balance between effect and performance, while it's possible to make huge smoke plumes and massive walls of flame it's certainly a performance killer just like every other KSP visual effect. only good in small doses.
  17. How big do you want this DeathStar to be? ideally, bearing it in mind that the larger is gets the more difficult it is to launch fly etc,and it gets very difficult to make extra large 1 part ships nicely controllable. I don't think tweakscale naturally goes bigger than 400% as you can start having serious collider issues if you scale too far, it's worth asking in the tweakscale thread though.
  18. Hi although I've not actually tried it with the new version and 1.2, but back in the good old days this used to work quite well when applied by MM, or of course you can just copy the module from the ejection module cfg and paste it into the pod of your choice, in English it's basically, if the part has a command module and it doesn't already have an ejection module add one.
  19. Hi the mod uses a C# plugin to alter the heads, plus of course the models,,. the odd thing is that none of the model files are in recognizable formats, however the file types included may actually be encoded to be read by the code, but the whole structure seems a bit odd to me. Admittedly I've done zero modding of kerbals so it may be as it should be. The source is listed should you want to have a look, though not overly complex it's not that simple either if you are looking at it from the perspective of starting to make mods for KSP
  20. @gomker try PHYSICS_EASE = False in settings.cfg. or change in general game settings, ease in gravity off. It changed my build from not being able to launch without instant destruction, but had other effects, that I'm trying to pin down.
  21. @gomker did I send you the latest LBP test? Hope so.. anyway anything above DG size so above 2500tonnes and i run into trouble, but it's all a bit odd right now, chasing the swinging yoyo is not fun. As right now i have 4 active DG's within 1km BUT the frame rate has gone down to a slideshow. Which was not the case for all the multiple ship shots i did in 1.1.3.# I for one will be quite happy when the builds don't stage 5 times a week
  22. Hiya, I've yet to find a reason for not having it rigid all the time. I genuinely cannot even comprehend why anyone would want jelly ships, with flexible joints between parts, the issue even extends to other long craft like Airships, i had to switch rigid attachment to stop it bending around the landing gear. At this point I'm all in favour of it being permanently on, with no toggle, but perhaps its would be wise to include a toggle as we have yet to explore every avenue, and may yet find a case when it is better to have rigid off. Regarding the other issue of vessels coming apart, I'm just testing the newest build 1576 and things provisionally, don't seem as bad, but I'm running literally enough parts to build the DG and squad so it's not a full game by any stretch, going to swap over to a more mod infested install and see how it's working there before i can say one way or the other
  23. @Cheesecake @KerbalMan23 @tjsnh Thanks for your reports, with a new build being released every couple of days it's quite difficult to keep on top of the changes rebuild and everything for the most recent build. given that between us we've 20 mods or so Normal service should be resumed shortly
  24. Hi , patience grasshopper. having a less than awesome few days. Normal service will be resumed shortly
  25. Don;t actually know if it's going to be of any help now i've looked at the code as it only ref's the system rather than the specific item.
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