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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi all no issues updated and now available for 1.2 on spacedock
  2. Nope fair point i'd not even tested it with the new versions, should be easy enough to put together a tidier version, but those errors seem a bit odd for a patch
  3. not really. i've had these parts kicking around for ages, and the microdeath star i did for the Mun pocket edition, so it's all junk and handme downs
  4. There you go baby death star with a laser dish thingy that works, not exactly awesomely powerful though, but then I've only glanced at the laser setup and tweaks so i bet it can have a bit more oomph yet , Jeb and valentina seem to love it though, dead easy to fly too, yes it's tweakscalable and so's the laser doobry, but what it needs really is an emissive transparent shader i it's something i dont have, i had to fade the opacity to get the beams to disappear once shut down, not the nicest option as you can see through everything via the opacity, it'd probably look great in space but you see the oddness in sun light
  5. Yup all i can do is confirm, any more than two large(ish) ships (maybe between them 1000parts) are in close proximity the frame rate takes a huge dive in 1.2 Back. in 1.1.3 with a bit of care (and bribing the kraken) I could have half a dozen plus scatterer hi res and have no frame rate issue at all . Adding scatterer into the mix now turns the whole thing into a slide show, far worse than I've experienced previously (except when spamming null refs) The logs abnormally are clear of errors, nothing, everything is playing as it should, So no reason apart from 1.2 full being less than spectacular.
  6. Well you have the tools you need, as already mentioned make sure you get the part tools of unity will be useless. Go to blender make a cylinder, texture said cylinder, paint it white in other words, just make a white texture in gimp, format irrelevant, stick a cfg on it and you have a fuel tank, make another cylinder, but make it pointy, and again splash on some paint and you have a pod. If i can give one solid bit of advice that you probably wont follow.. Is take it slow, baby steps will get you further than rushing into a complicated mod that will just ultimately frustrate and discourage you. The first mod i ever made for KSP was a fuel tank, made out of scrap parts. It was orrible but i loved it, and ultimately you is all you have to please, if you want to get into modding in pursuit of glory and fame you'd be better off looking elsewhere for that. (pic below of first ksp mod, you can see how old it is from the state of the VAB)
  7. last time i looked they were included in the download, usually in another zip
  8. Its called SM_Utility at present it's two parts, as close to stockalike as I'm ever likely or want to get. It's now up on SpaceDock links in OP http://spacedock.info/mod/992/SM Utility
  9. Back again, having adopted the velocity curve proposed by Azimech the problem is sorted, now regardless of mass length or cargo i'm looking at an easily measurable fuel flow and consumption and fixed speed max of around 27-29ms, 64mph 56kts, while a little fast for reality, I can certainly live with that as there's only so much fun in taking forever to get somewhere At those speeds the ships are pretty safe to be left alone for excessive lengths of time, and definitely a good candidate for a control speed
  10. I should have known that was the place to look for elegant solutions, dl'd viewed and adopted, that should be much nicer thanks, i was going the right way just not far enough, Cheers.
  11. For gimp you need the dds plugin, , there is absolutely no reason you can't be a mod maker, the only thing stopping you is you, (don't make me get the violin out again) ,
  12. Hi, that poll was set up by LordPrometheus founder and creator of PEW, LP is currently taking and extended lie down in a dark room and I have stepped in to maintain and update PEW, as such the poll is quite old and not quite relevant , PEW is not in a place right now in which I'd be happy to promise to add anything, don't get me wrong it all works, but there's a million and one little things still to be polished before any new additions.
  13. That makes no sense at all, the only function of rigidifying a part joint is simply to take the elastic property out, there must be something else occurring other than just the engines dropping off....
  14. I'm just tinkering with the above as a bit of RnR , i'll let you know
  15. straight down like an elevator, fortunately hullbreach cleared up the mess at 200mtrs, it was already at .7 though so that was a contributing factor,
  16. Hi, if you installed it and it did not work then you did not install it correctly. And more importantly there is no official version available for KSP 1.2, the only version available is for 1.2 pre release and is only partly functional.
  17. that there is a missing material or shader, and does the main texture always look like that?? have you installed it correctly, are the files and paths as the should be , so no ksp/GameData/GameData/Mod/ problems, it;s worth a look, and just out of curiosity what format are the image files in?
  18. yup, it's only mentioned vaguely in the change log and I've yet to find a working example anywhere , if the extras aren't there i believe it defaults to crossfeed true and jelly joint, so no need to add unless you need to add
  19. You really need rigid attachment for motor joints, the torque required to move these large ships overpower the normal flexible joint and strain it to the point it breaks, while rigid attachment is a less than perfect solution it is the only one I've found that works. @Eskandare just started adding the 8th and ninth nodes to the attachment points , xyz, xyz, size, 8/crossfeed, 9/rigid or flexi, so, as i know that fuel cross feed true is 1, then I'm going with joint is rigid, being 1 also so a new node def looks like node_stack_base = 0, 0, 0.00, 0, -1, 0, 7, 1, 1 //yes there's meant to be 9 Much like the bounds thing from yesterday, which multiplies the mass of the drag cube as far as i can tell, and seems to be a weigh of making light things appear much heavier than they are, tested your setting alongside mine and the CV went insta sub Plug it in and see if it helps,
  20. The below references only ships/boats, nothing below would apply well to a rover scenario I think that you are both over complicating the issue, case in point, I have a brand new shiny destroyer, I've been playing with the curves in order to get a more marine behavior from the engines, anyway as it stands, it takes in excess of 24Kkn to push 2000tonnes to 30 something meters pers sec. fine, but the issue comes when player A bolts my drives to something that weighs 200 tonnes. now the same engines will happily take the craft into orbit never mind 30 ms. The nature of high speed vessels in KSP is to gradually climb out of the water and will if left unattended get airborne and in all likelihood destroy itself shortly after. For this reason alone you can never leave a vessel running at high speed unattended for too long, and you would be foolish to even try to guess at the consumption rates (of six 2x1mtr intake panels) or even manage them. Fuel should be definitely left to be the players responsibility, as fuel serves a dual purpose of ballast for a lot if not most mod ships/boats and the player should know how to manage it, i doubt if the populace at large would even bother with some of the hoops we have to jump through to get ships and boats to play nice, and fuel/ballast management is just one small part The simplest (perhaps oversimplified i grant) and most straightforward arrangement is to have a basic nav feature (i know it's not basic) and let the user set the desired speed themselves via a gui, then everything else becomes a decision for the individual. The aforementioned destroyer has already done a circumnavigation just using a small water powered RCS/bow thruster and SAS for head holding, with me just popping in between coats of paint to make sure nothing solid is on the near horizon. In fact I'd take that right now, a simple pathfinder, or a way point based system, in which like the old MJ rover autopilot i could set go here here and here points, set the max speed and let it go. That would fulfill a need and if combined with a dash of BDAc could be very interesting indeed. Oh and re the Boat nav plugin source I have a copy If you'd like me to link it . (thats only 2 errors away from working (pity two of them are right over the edge of my comfort zone).
  21. You still need the legacy part tools in your assets folder as well, just drag and drop from the zip. The package just contains the advanced features such as the asset bundle building, none of which is required for just a normal part. Once you have the legacy part tools in your project and it has compiled you will see all the familiar tabs, not much has changed appearance wise since i started using unity. No information to draw any conclusions as to your problem or offer advice for , lots more info required
  22. This was the original intention i believe of BD when he introduced his own category. The problem comes with users who don't like to see copies of their mods throughout the editor, and many of them reported and still report that BD parts do still appear to some extent in both the BD category and the Utility category as a bug.. I personally prefer that all part X's are in category X. By allowing or desiring that parts appear more than once seems to be defeating the whole reason for the categories in the first place
  23. Yes by installing and older version, i believe the code for 1.2 has been totally reworked and the new SAS is new, not a rehash of an older code, it makes no real sense, and scruffy code to have unused blocks of code lying around. Definitely a retrograde step
  24. RasterPropMonitor, but it has now been split into a mod in its own right
  25. Hi, something using the BDAc laser as a base mdule would probably work, it's got potential for stupid range, the snag is the size of the part, ignoring that for now you could probably animate the emitter beams to the focal point , then have an offset fire transform for the laser module to run from the focal point of those animated beams, It would have to be made large to start with, as turrets don't particularly like being scaled up massively. Doable yes , but a lot of effort for somebody to go to for a one off item. Time to learn how to mod I think
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