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Everything posted by Sordid

  1. Now that you mention it, I may have encountered that glitch as well. At the time I thought I just lost track, but maybe it was actually a glitch.
  2. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Captain Sordid
  3. Really? I started using them because I kept running out of fuel in the descent stage and subsequently either having to jettison it along with the lander legs or smashing into the mun.
  4. Actually frenchie16 was right, mounting the legs 45 degrees offset from the fairings allows you to fit them in nicely. Well you could put a compressed tank beneath the 2m tank and mount the small legs on that, but that\'d make the lander rather unstable, I would think. Plus there doesn\'t seem to be a combination of parts that wouldn\'t leave a gap between the edge of the 2m tank and the fairing anyway.
  5. Oh okay. I just use the small engine + some tanks, it\'s entirely capable of delivering the lander to the mun with plenty of deltaV for parking it into a nice munar orbit.
  6. Isn\'t that by design? The way I understand it, the 2m parts are supposed to be the first stage of a rocket.
  7. Only when you use it with the standard tank. If you use the compact tank, which you would in a lander, it doesn\'t. Damn, ninja\'d. IMO what we need is not more compact legs but rather wider fairings.
  8. That\'s strange, mine drain from the lowest stage upwards. Post .craft file?
  9. ASAS is absolutely brutal with gimballed engines, you\'ll just have to learn to fly manually or use fixed engines.
  10. Um... why, exactly would it be needed?
  11. That\'d be excellent, I\'m trying to download it and it isn\'t letting me. I am displeased by this.
  12. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Captain Sordid
  13. Sordid

    Hi All

    Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Captain Sordid
  14. Are you quite sure about those numbers? 20 m/s is a mere 72 km/h. Even piston-engined World War 2 fighters had landing speeds double or triple that.
  15. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Captain Sordid
  16. Hey now, nobody\'s forcing you to do anything. Don\'t like pony threads? Don\'t read them, simple as that. But you are going to be polite and respectful towards other members, including bronies, or else.
  17. I\'m sorry, just no. The Thrillmaster does not have pubes for hair. Get these impostors off my forum.
  18. Yeah... this was initially sort of KSP-related but it really isn\'t anymore, is it.
  19. 'When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.' - C.S. Lewis
  20. I\'m this close to putting that in my sig.
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