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Everything posted by Sordid

  1. That sounds promising. Whaddya know, it might actually be doable. Keep us informed, FOR !!SCIENCE!!
  2. Wait, you actually used leather armor in previous versions? I never bothered.
  3. Old video is old, but yes, that is an incredibly good looking game. Hi-res version:
  4. Air-breathing engines are planned, but for the time being the rules of the challenge are what they are. Yes, I\'m aware it\'s quite impossible. That\'s why it\'s the ultimate challenge and all.
  5. Well Notch said he intends to make animals more persistent, so that they don\'t just spawn and despawn randomly. I think that would be fairly cool for endermen as well. Like for example if they spawned in cave openings. They could hide in the cave during the day and then come out during the night and build.
  6. It\'s not that at all, I don\'t have any problem securing my structures against Endermen (mostly because I build primarily underground, with only a small, easily repaired structure on the surface as an entry point). But when I\'m wandering through wilderness where I\'ve never been before and see trees hovering in the air because an enderman removed a portion of the trunk, that\'s just ridiculous. I\'ve played on a bunch of SMP servers and the rules pretty much always go: '1. Don\'t destroy other people\'s stuff. 2. Don\'t leave tree canopies floating in the air.' It\'s almost as if Notch made the endermen to troll people. You can\'t get away from the floating trees even in SSP now. Another important difference between creepers and endermen is that creepers only explode near you, and only when you\'re careless and let one get close. In other words, their destructive effect punishes you for being sloppy. But there\'s nothing you can do to stop endermen making a mess of the whole world no matter how hard you try. Yeah, sure, you can always rebuild and fix stuff. But what kind of argument is that? Do you find fixing randomly broken stuff fun? Imagine if Blizzard put a mechanic into one of their games (Diablo, WoW, whatever) whereby one of your items would randomly disappear once in a while. By your logic, that shouldn\'t make it any less fun. You can always find another one, right? Well no, I don\'t think people would stand for that, and with endermen it\'s exactly the same thing. I for one am very happy to see them nerfed considerably. Like I said, I think they\'d be much more interesting if they actually built stuff. Nothing complicated, just some simple, eerie structures. Like little altars in the forests, for example. Stone circles. That kind of thing.
  7. They\'ll be limited to only a handful of block types in 1.9. Personally I wish they either didn\'t pick up any at all, or did so with some kind of purpose. Like if they actually used the blocks to build something. But just randomly moving stuff around, that\'s not cool.
  8. That\'s how all of science works, the only thing different is that the mass media latched onto it because it\'s sexy and they can put the name Einstein in the headline. It\'s kinda like that diamond planet from a while back.
  9. Actually Notch copied the floating island idea from the Aether mod. Much like, say, the pistons, which unsurprisingly come from the piston mod. And while we\'re at it, you\'re maligning Minecraft for stealing an idea from Terraria? Seriously? ;P
  10. Better: http://gears.sariel.pl/ On a tangentially related note: http://www.ted.com/talks/arthur_ganson_makes_moving_sculpture.html (skip to 8:20 if you\'re not interested in various non-gear-related contraptions)
  11. Those Renaissance outfits are fabulous, aren\'t they? I\'ve made a custom one inspired by those.
  12. Yeah. The only thing that really bothers me is that Notch effed up the snow. There is no snow in 1.8, anywhere, ever.
  13. Well there is 1.8.1, which fixes a couple of crashes. Other than that, not much. I'm actually rather reluctant to even play the 1.8, since it's only half of the Adventure Update. It has villages but no NPCs in them, it has new terrain features but they just cut through each other indiscriminately, so you sometimes get a village that for no reason has a huge ravine in the middle with some lava in it. It feels very unfinished, which I guess is because it is.
  14. Really? I haven't noticed any drop in performance. Annoying lag spikes every few seconds are still there, but that's nothing new.
  15. Which is why I'm very keen for CR to give me the names of these supposed dozens of block-based games that are older and better than Minecraft. I know about Infiniminer of course, but that's just one game and come on! ...is supposed to be better than... Give me a break. Anyway, moving away from this sordid business and on to something hopefully a bit more agreeable, how are you finding the 1.8 update? Personally I've noticed a strange tendency for the map generator to either put me onto tiny treeless islands in the middle of the ocean or right next to sheer cliff faces and humongous rock arches. It seems it's almost impossible to generate a 'normal' map anymore.
  16. Then he'll just post again in the locked thread, because he can. And then I will.
  17. Well obviously, but KSP goes for the exaggerated and cartoony feel in both its physics and its artwork. I'd say some unrealistic but gorgeous scenery porn of this nature would fit right in. Needs HDR rendering to really shine, though.
  18. Oh wow.... Cities NOW. Also weather, with clouds, storms, and lightning.
  19. No names? Well I guess you were just flapping your gums, then. Oh well.
  20. You still haven't told me of any games like Minecraft but older and better.
  21. Really? Such as...? Nihil novum sub sole, my friend. Even KSP itself has been repeatedly described here on the forums by its players as 'the Spore spaceship maker done right'.
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