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Everything posted by Sordid

  1. Same as with any other version. Build a rocket, launch a rocket, laugh maniacally as the rocket explodes in a big ball of fiery death.
  2. That\'s what I was going to suggest. Make it so big that the launch pad and launch tower actually seem like motes of dust in its vast shadow.
  3. Well if they found any in his warehouses they weren\'t just going to leave them lying around, now were they? Edit: Dammit, ninja\'d!
  4. Sordid


    The latest episode of the Skeptic\'s Guide to the Universe podcast even mentions the most likely cause for that mistake. I forgot what exactly it is, but it produces an effect that matches the anomaly perfectly. So yeah, turns out the laws of physics aren\'t overturned after all.
  5. Yeah, I know. But we\'ve got thousands of the damn things. It\'s going to take them a while to get rid of them. Gosh, a popular news site has deceived me with false information. How shocking. I doubt anyone\'s ever going to find out.
  6. Blue. That\'s all I can say about it, I can\'t tell what it actually is.
  7. Not quite. I happen to know for a fact that my country still uses these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sa_vz._58 That may look like an AK, but it\'s actually completely different on the inside. We also have the Dragunov sniper rifle, which is based on the AK. I would imagine other NATO countries from the former Eastern Bloc haven\'t discarded their old 7.62 weapons just yet either.
  8. Black square as a background is uncool.
  9. Sordid


    That joke makes no sense. Neutrinos aren\'t tachyons.
  10. Sordid


    A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The barkeep says: 'Um, you do know you have a steering wheel in your pants, right?' And the pirate replies: 'Arr, it\'s drivin\' me nuts.'
  11. So giving the pony mild indigestion is worth getting all chewed up, digested, and then defecated?
  12. Yes they do, there is no such thing as a reactionless drive. They use so little of it that their supply lasts them a long time, though.
  13. I don\'t think that\'s a problem. Any system has numbers that can\'t be properly represented in it. Just write it into your equations as 1/3 and then have the computer calculate that to the required precision when doing an actual practical application. Okay, so what should we move to?
  14. Well damn. Removing the tumor hasn\'t stopped it growing, and now it\'s metastasized. We\'re doomed.
  15. That\'s not such a huge problem, with proper maintenance any car can be kept going for decades. But my point was that if you want something flashy and gaudy, why not buy something that is flashy and gaudy in the first place? Why buy something ordinary and then try to tart it up? That\'s still not going to impress anybody, because it\'ll still be very obviously something ordinary with a bit of garnish on top.
  16. Hello, and welcome to the KSP forums. Happy launching!
  17. They\'re alright, but they\'re hardly hardcore street racers. Ram air scoops, racing stripes, and huge exhaust nozzles just look ridiculous on them. And as Jeremy Clarkson put it, the disadvantage is that if you buy a Honda, you end up with a Honda.
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