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Everything posted by Sordid

  1. I\'ve got a brand new combine harvester...
  2. People died before and during WW2, that didn\'t stop Chaplin from making fun of it in The Great Dictator. Does that make him evil?
  3. I don\'t know, dictators seem to have a peculiar taste in guns. Saddam Hussein had gold-plated AK47s, and that\'s about as mundane, cheap, and plebeian as guns get. Taking an ordinary gun like that and then trying to make it flashy by garnishing it with some gold plating seems very much like taking a crummy car like a ten year old 1.2 Honda Civic and then putting a fake ram air scoop on the bonnet and welding a piece of chimney pipe on the exhaust. It\'s still the same old piece of crap, only now you\'ve made it tasteless as well. I just don\'t get it.
  4. [mod]Please stop cluttering up the forums with this garbage. Off-topic is not the same thing as /b/.[/mod]
  5. Well let\'s see what that article says: United Kingdom: That\'s the 'one other country' that I was referring to. Canada: 'In 1973 the metric system and SI units were introduced in Canada to replace the imperial system. Within the government, efforts to implement the metric system were extensive; almost any agency, institution, or function provided by the government uses SI units exclusively. The law requires that measured products (such as fuel and meat) be priced in metric units.' In other words officially metric, with imperial in everyday use due to simple cultural inertia. Australia: 'imperial measurements are still encountered peripherally' So pretty much the same as Canada. Republic of Ireland: 'The Republic of Ireland has officially changed over to the metric system since entering the European Union. The imperial system remains in limited use - for sales of beer in pubs (traditionally sold by the pint). All other goods are required by law to be sold in metric units' That made me chuckle. Other countries: 'Some imperial measurements remain in limited use in India, Malaysia and Hong Kong.' 'Petrol is still sold by the imperial gallon in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Burma, the Cayman Islands, Ecuador, Grenada, Guyana, Sierra Leone and the United Arab Emirates.' So my reading of that is that basically imperial units are surviving in limited and peripheral use largely due to the fact that, to put it bluntly, the older generation that\'s used to them hadn\'t had the time to die off yet. Agreed.
  6. That is true, technically. There is one other country besides the USA that uses it. The other 200 or so use metric. Other than that, yeah. Lighten up. Or else.
  7. Good god, that is just such an amazing idea. Plugging a 60 gig iPod into a ZX Spectrum that has a mere 48 kB of RAM and a CPU hundreds of times slower... I really love kludging cutting edge tech with old stuff like this. Kudos to your dad\'s mate. Though if I wanted to play some of them again, I\'d just download an emulator.
  8. About a year, though it was pretty much top of the line at the time, so still able to run almost anything at max details. I do keep my old ZX Spectrum around, though. Not much point, though - I\'m fairly sure the tapes will be unusable after what, twenty years of just sitting there?
  9. I\'m reasonably sure it\'s not him, unless he moved to another continent in order to get back in here. I would also recommend that you lot take Skunky\'s advice to simmer down to heart. Just sayin\'.
  10. I think he\'s just a kid. I\'m keeping an eye on him. @Lolnewb: You should think about what you\'re posting a little more carefully. People here aren\'t very tolerant of pointless posts. Especially when they have scrolling leet text referencing memes that are several years out of fashion. You may also want to stick to just one account.
  11. When I run for president and need a spin doctor, I\'ll definitely give you a call.
  12. Only because you whore your post count in the Welcome Aboard section.
  13. Except that a kilometer is 1000 meters but a kilobyte is 1024 bytes.
  14. I think he\'s referring to join date. Good thing us mods can edit ours to whatever we like. I joined in 1955, dontcha know.
  15. Oh, oh! There absolutely MUST be a rock arch on the moon. Challenge: Orbit through the rock arch! I\'m so going to pester Harvester with this idea. ;P
  16. I am of course talking about this: And yeah, that\'s an early official image. There are a couple things about it that absolutely floor me. Firstly, how on earth do you miss that? And I don\'t mean just the artist who made that, what about the guy who was putting the website together? Did he not at any point take one look at what he was doing and go 'hold on a minute...'? Secondly, and this is even better, what did they do once they discovered this? Did they fix it? Well no, they just moved the characters around to cover Twi up. Why not just draw the damn legs? It\'d have been actually easier.
  17. Good god, that is creepy. Is that Twi\'s original design? Y\'know, as a pony amputee?
  18. Alternatively, use lander legs on radial decouplers. They\'ll hold your engine off the ground so it doesn\'t get crushed and you can jettison them as soon as you lift off.
  19. Flying saucers, eh? -> http://www.luft46.com/misc/sackas6.html
  20. Well yeah, I wanted to differentiate them a little.
  21. I was going to post that Despair Inc. demotivator in response to that, but I\'m told I shouldn\'t be mean to people. For some reason.
  22. In the same way that playing Hitman is the entry level into becoming a professional assassin.
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