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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. Hello. I made this call to see if there is a coder that could use your time to develop a way to use substance shaders in KSP (they already have support in Unity) so i could have a simple texture that will trigger oldness/age counting the number of flights it have, or hours of use, or reentering atmospheres and how much hot it takes. And then with that, trigger other states like resistance of the part for temperature, shield, etc. Substance shaders can drive age and other changes in textures using the baked texture in conjunction to normal maps and others. So, if anyone is interested in this journey, reply here. Thank you! examples:
  2. New size2 fuel tanks for rocket formation and long travels.
  3. Detail of the internal texture of the landing gear doors updated, also comes out in the next update.
  4. Detalhe da textura interna das portas do trem de pouso atualizadas, também sai no próximo update.
  5. No problem, if i can understand. I'm back, but before resuming the rear ramp, I made this tank with built-in decoupler for versions of Omicron with rocket lifter. This is the short version, we will have medium and long, and a rocket engine version to use as lifter (Group of them with the same power as the current Vtol, but not switchable)
  6. I'm back, but before resuming the rear ramp, I made this tank with built-in decoupler for versions of Omicron with rocket lifter. This is the short version, we will have medium and long, and a rocket engine version to use as lifter (Group of them with the same power as the current Vtol, but not switchable)
  7. Voltei, mas antes de retomar a rampa traseira, eu fiz esse tanque com decoupler embutido, para as versões do Omicron com lançamento de foguete. Esse é a versão short, teremos a medium e a long, além de uma versão só rocket dos motores para usar como lifter (grupo deles com a mesma potência do atual Vtol)
  8. Can't understand that. What language is that? You are asking about back door for the mod? i'm doing that.
  9. Just some more days and i get back the development...
  10. Yes, they fit there, you can use then. I already see some guys with nice designs on wheels.
  11. Yep, seen that way, you are almost right. It's like a car, you can put in garage, but instead of going around on floor, you fly. But i can put the power back to the wheels for sure on some coming update... For now you can only put low power on the jets in upper position.
  12. E essa aqui é a thread que deu origem ao sub fórum em português, que também poderia ser pinada pela força histórica, entrando na vibe pin everything.
  13. Embora o lance de ter um tópico de incríveis imagens "pinado" seja interessante, se alguma thread deveria estar aqui no lugar dessa, é a precursora Tópico de imagens que existe desde a época que eu consegui que tivéssemos o sub-fórum em português (detalhe, antes de eu conseguir essa em português, só tinha a em espanhol e outras línguas) Portanto, aqui fica meu protesto aos moderadores novatos.
  14. Pausa na execução um par de dias, para trabalhar no trabalho do mundo real. Volto logo!
  15. Pause on doing a couple of days, to work on real world job. Back soon!
  16. Pause on doing a couple of days, to work on real world job. Back soon!
  17. Yes, i am. Docking camera, IVA, functional control panels on cockpit...
  18. Hey Shadowmage. Loving your progress. So, i have a question, is this damage control for mesh already implemented? Am i doing it right? p.s: impact tolerance is 100, but i'm trying to crash it...
  19. This kerbals have to much smoke in the helmets, they can't even see through!
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