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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. All working fine in OS X El Capitan. The only thing i need to do when i first launch it, is change the save directory, that in OS X it tend to be inside KSP.app/contents. Not a visible place for everyone. Not a problem.
  2. Every time i call for something, no one is interested. All of this is useful for everyone or almost that. So, what's the problem?
  3. This call are for the ones that can't see a wall and go to find a way to pass it. I need a crazy guy that are tenacious enough to dig a way so we can have a plugin or something that make negative spaces in objects. Why i ask this? Imagine you have a part that need a hole in where it will be put, like landing gears, or docking ports. So, this plugin/mod would make that possible. It will work on VAB/SPH, when you attach two or more parts, one of this parts would have this sub-object created in 3D and interpreted in Unity, or the plugin as a negative space, then, when you attach it, a hole will be made on the part it is attached. Simple as that. Any one?
  4. Novas partículas especialmente feitas para o Omicron vtol engines, na próxima release.
  5. New Omicron own made particles for vtol on next release.
  6. New Omicron own made particles for vtol on next release.
  7. Aqui algumas das antigas, mostrando meu veículo lançador de bases em ação. [/url
  8. Here it change a lot the visual for particles, getting white burst and what on 2.7.0 was perfectly only red/yellow flame, now is blue on low power and red/yellow on high power, put all of then so much brighter. Got back to 2.7.0
  9. Hey Thiago, that workaround will solve your problem, but it will remove the sound fx and will bug the animations when more then one is used each time, by part. That is another stock anim module bug, for parts with more then one animation. So, i was talking with Linuxgurugamer, one of the dev from firespiter, he told me it was a old version bug and is already fixed in the new version. Firespiter is on 7.5.1, the version i use here. Check if there isn't other copies of this plugin on other subfolders, from the mods you have installed, making conflict. If there is not, i can't say what more you could do to solve that. In the future i may implement a self animation modules to keep all in house, but for now, i'm dependent from it. here the link for the latest Firespiter. https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases Sorry.
  10. Hello Thiago. Glad that you like it. So, some people are having those glitches with animations after i update it to use Firespiter modules, but is a way to contour that. Look in this post, some pages before. For the other part, i believe you need to do a dependencies check, there is a list in first post, and in the root dir of installation folder too. For Vtol to show i believe you need to install Firespiter as well, download from github, there are a fix for 1.2.2 there, not oficial if i believe. https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases The vtols use Firespiter to control de rotation of engines, and use a mirror mod, from Lo-Fi, this one are included in Omicron mod. Not sure why it ins't showing for you. Check the dependencies, and download the new version i'm putting in minutes, then, if that won't work talk to me again.
  11. Se não me engano, teve uma época que ele vinha desligado e tu que precisava ligar, era opcional. Mas tem sim. Fica doido de jogar com isso. E funcionava com o MechJEb.
  12. Update: Back_ramp almost there. Then if I don't do the legs for rocket launch, will prepare to release the update between today and tomorrow.
  13. Update: Back_ramp almost there. Then if I don't do the legs for rocket launch, will prepare to release the update between today and tomorrow.
  14. Update: Back_ramp quase lá. Depois se não fizer mais as pernas do modo rocket launch, já preparo para lançamento do update. Entre hoje e amanhã. O Kerbalism vai ficar mais para frente...
  15. Eu vi. Terei que estudar com calma essa integração com o Kerbalism, pois ele não gera o Waste e o Waste Water que o TAC LS gera, usado para o Mr. Fusion. Terei que pensar numa alternativa que tenha uma certa lógica para usar no lugar. Ainda não achei. Quando a pessoa não tem o TACLS instalado, o Mr. Fusion faz um fake com o Oxidizer, que acaba sobrando quando se usa o motor das duas formas, oxi/air. Mas ainda não gosto muito dessa saída. E deixar geração infinita também não me agrada, mas talvez acabe ficando assim para sem mods do gênero. Quanto a com Kerbalism, tem outros detalhes também, como fazer o mod considerar com atmosfera, pressão quando cockpits fechados, computar os acentos para conforto, radiação, etc... Esse vai ser complicadinho de integrar como se deve, sem falar que vou precisar de um suporte do autor para os quesitos dos espaços internos serem de maneira diferente que o stock. Mas enfim, vamos negociando...
  16. Edit 2: Tirei o Remotetech, o TAC LS e pus o Kerbalism, a primeira instancia, gostei, tem um detalhe que me incomodou, ele desliga o settings do com relay stock do ksp, e não mostra os menus para eu poder desligar ou ligar as linhas verdes, isso incomoda bastante, tentei depois ligar, consegui, mas assim que entrei, ele desligou de novo, e foi só depois de por o Kerbalism, ou seja, é ele que fez isso. Mas enfim, gostei que ele faz relay, mas tem que ativar, e não são todas as antenas que tem relay. Ainda estou estudando, terei que adicionar alguns filtros de Module Manager para ter ele redondo com as partes do Omicron, principalmente dos resources e do conforto (Omicron tem bastante conforto né). A parte de antena já integrei com o Kerbalism. Vou continuar a estudar...
  17. Your site (ksp.kingtiger.co.uk) appears to me to be offline. Is it? So, i see your parts already are compatible with Kerbalism. Great, gonna switch from Tac LS to Kerbalism today! Many thanks, love your mod a long time. And i put special connections on side of the cargo bay parts from my mod specially to use for US. Cheers commander.
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