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Everything posted by Fyrem

  1. thank you for this, the only reason I am not downloading RIGHT NOW is because I am at work!
  2. I finally finished building in LKO, a proper station, with two cyclotrons, lab, etc.. and ran a full run of experiments, and returned them to the surface. Now that I have a experiment delivery and return system, I (GENTLY) pushed my station up orbit to high orbit, and ran though another full set of experiments. Finally, after a LOT of fuel deliveries, I pushed the station all the way to Minmus.... is "Near Minmus orbit" or "high Minmus" orbit the better place to run the station? which gives more SCIENCE! ?
  3. if you move the arm slowly enough (AND by that I mean that you have Fine controll turned on, CAPSLOCK so that the pointers are BLUE)... it will never shake itself apart. Q: But my shuttle DID shake itself apart, and I did everything you just said! A: if you move the arm slowly enough ... SLOWLY
  4. I would suggest waiting on "experiment racks" .. due to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/27587-WIP-FLEXrack-(formerly-known-as-KASPAR)-Portable-Payload-Racks waiting on .23 ... once that hits, and FLEXrack is updated, it should completely change the idea for how to implement the external racks.
  5. can anyone comment on the "average" length of previous Experimental phases?
  6. I presume I can have multiple Science stations all functioning at the same time: one in low (less than 250km kerbin orbit one in High (greater than 250km kerbin orbit) one in Mun orbit.. one in Minmus orbit.. etc....? Or do all the experiments run off the same pool of Science earned for the diminishing returns? (Should I just do the experiments on the Furthest out station I can build, and ignore all the rest? As long as I keep shipping up and back to Kerbin the Experiment moduels.. I am fine? or am I wasting my time with all of them?
  7. I now have a full station in Kerbin orbit.. bulding a second one to send to Jool now. Thanks for the Science!
  8. YES, you CAN see the modded parts on someone else's ship. NO, you do not have to have the same mods that the other person has. HOW? because all you see is screencapture pics.
  9. not letting me download.... are you updating it? edit : nevermind, I finally got it.
  10. the reactor comes equipped with 5000 fuel, you wont need more.
  11. YES! now I will put this to GREAT use, this and HOME2! on the same weekend! .... "sorry dear, I have to cancel all our plans for the weekend"
  12. I cant imagine being away from a computer for a month..... <shiver> welcome back!
  13. Server status page : http://klf-info.general-physics.de/ : does not seem to work (all I get is a blank page).
  14. <insert smartass remark> umm.. yeah.. well.. enjoy your vacation!
  15. Mr Shifty, no launchers are not 'directly' a part of this pack, but, you can find perfect launchers in Bobcats Soviet pack, and Yogui87's ESA European Historical Pack. if you want to sign up, just take a look at the First Post, find something that someone isn't doing yet, see what you want to do, and then post here that you want to sign up and for which parts.
  16. ok, that is just Perfectly Kerbal. I am impatiently waiting for v3!
  17. everything worked fine. I did have to remove the MIR ASAS part from my ships, and resave them. same with my saved ships that used the Mir Probe part. with that, I was able to rebuild the launch systems for each major part, and get everything lifted up. I still had the same problem in .21 as I always have had with the missing Z1-S0-Unity-Destiny. I hand built a Z1 part, placed it on Unity, moved S0 to sit on top of Destiny (like it should) added the Canadarm2 and then Hyperedited that assembly of 5 parts near by the Core/FGB. and connected it up. Every other part was launched and connected without hyperedit.
  18. Dexadrinne , it has been that way from the start... Bobcat knows, and will fix it eventually.
  19. thank you Bobcat... I hope you are enjoying your summer!
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