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Everything posted by waerth

  1. Hadnt thought of that. But you should change the text of the contract then as it is very confusing now. It says an orbit of "at least" which implies everything over that will be fine! Should be "precisely" instead of at least. W
  2. Hi I am having issues with the orbits. It says I have to attain an apoapsis and periapsis of at least 2868000 .... I currently have periapsis at 2869000 and apoapsis of 2872000 but it wont recognize it . It simply doesnt fire. Inclination is .313 degrees and eccentricity is .0004 orbital period is one day 40 seconds. The navcore is correct correct frequency all else is correct but it never seems to want to put the orbit parameters in the green. At most I get one in the green but only temporarily EDIT: Well I solved it. For some reason Apoapsis has to be exactly 2868... and Periapsis 2867... no margin for error it seems. Took a lot of burns to get it that precise
  3. Well finally after years of playing KSP on and off I have managed a lot of firsts in a game of KSP. It is all done in the past 3 days in my current career mode game. 32 bit version RAM usage at start up 3.0gb Following mods especially the contractpacks work nicely as I need funds for my missions, I barely manage to stay in the black :/ : * KerbolPlusv230 * Outer_Planets_Mod-1.7_Beta_2 * Trans-Keptunian KT v0.4 * Advanced_Progression_Contracts-4.5 * Agencies Plus * Aviation Lights 3.7 * BoxSat vA.02e * Chatterer 0.9.5 * Contract_Window-5.2 * ContractConfigurator_1.4.2 * ContractPack-AnomalySurveyor_1.2.2 * ContractPack-FieldResearch_1.0.5 * ContractPack-RemoteTech_1.1.4 * Contract_Pack_Unmanned_Contracts-0.3.10 * Corvus_-1.25m_Two_Kerbal_Pod-1.1.1 * Corvus Extras (May 26) * DMagic Orbital Science 1.0.3 * Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 0.8.3-1361 * HaystackContinued- * HGR_V1.3.0 * HistoricMissionsPackv122 * Kerbal Alarm Clock * Kerbal Attachment System KAS 0.5.2 * Kerbal Construction Time 1.1.7 * Kerbal_Joint_Reinforcement-v3.1.3 * KAS_Portable_Science_Container-1.3.0 * KIS (Kerbal Inventory System) v1.1.5 * Mission Controller 2 v1.21 * Mkerb_Inc._Science_Instruments-0.6a * ModularRocketSystem-1.7 * Munar_Surfaces_Experiment_package-4.0 * NearFutureSolar0_5_2 * OMSK_Space_Products-3.7 * Procedural_Fairings-3.14 * ProceduralParts-1.1.3 * ProtractorContinued-v2.5.1 * RemoteTech-1.6.4-XF - RT pack that lets you switch on of antennas etc. * SAS.Tuning.Fix.v1.0 * SaturnNovaTexturePack part of procedural parts. * SCANsat-12.1 * SmartParts-1.6.5 * Solar_Science-v1.03 * TacLifeSupport * Tantares_-_Stockalike_Soyuz__More-28.2 * Tantares_LV_-_Stockalike_Proton__More-12.1 * Tarsier Space Technology with Galaxies V5.3 (caretaker release) * Thermometer-1.0.7 * Trajectories-v1.3.0a * Universal Storage * USI SoundingRockets 0.2.1 * USI Survivability Pack SrvPack 0.3.1 * VNG-Parachute_1.2 * VNG-Plugin_0.7.2 * VOID 0.18.3a * Waypoint Manager 2.3.2 I played KSP for about 2 years now and only in the past few days I managed to: * Managed to land multiple Kerbals on Kerbin skydiving from orbit. They lost touch with the craft after going on EVA (happens often ) And I can never get the Kerbals back on the craft, I have difficulty with orienting them without navball etc. * Orbit and land unmanned probe on the mun, sorta, probe lost some parts during landing bit it is working (Remote Tech). * Orbit and crash unmanned probe on minmus (Remote Tech). * Build a 4 satellite constellation orbiting on 0/45/90/135 degrees orbits around kerbin at an altitude of 60Mm (outside minmus orbit, Remote Tech) capable of communicating with probes up to 50 Gm away. * Do a controlled launch to another planet! Duna for a flyby mission. The ship has more than 2000m/s left which is enough for a burn to Valit (Kerbolplus) after passing Duna soi while still ending with 1200m/s and in range of my comnetwork . * Build a plane that actually flies in a controllable matter. * Flew the plane to the island airfield, landed but overshot the runway, managed to fulfill the airfield contract. * As a bonus I managed to return with the plane to KSP and land it in one piece! Just not on the runway though. Have to work on my targeting although I parked it in front of the rocket launch site * Flew the plane to the pyramids and landed on an uphill slope. When I released the brakes (stupid me) again after standstill it rolled back though and crashed anyway, Kerbal was alive! *Kill only 3 Kerbals sofar and 2 tourists. Normally deaths would be 10-20 by now. And!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * I launched a Kerbal to the Mun and landed the craft flawlessly on first ever try (manned craft, unmanned tried before but never 100%)! Then had an EVA. Did science. Planted my 1st flag anywhere ever! Then I managed to return the Kerbal and craft to Kerbin. First entered orbit even and unintentionally landed at 1km from the pyramids with 600 m/s. With 54,000 funds my most expensive construct ever! I am not spamming science btw. So I am relatively low tech. Only a few 90 science nodes unlocked and 2 beyond for antenna's for long range capability. Future first tries will be docking, re-entering craft after loosing contact (kerbal on EVA), flyby of Eve and Moho. landing probe on other planet. All in all I am very very excited. And I will not download 1.03 as I am afraid it will break this brilliant save! LOL
  4. Seems to work. Am happy for that. As I am on the brink of launching my first ever KSP flight to another planet (after playing since .18 ). For a passing of Duna (I hope). I shot many probes away blindly before (all the way past Jool), but never managed to accidentally hit another planets orbit before. This time I am all geared up. With tons of delta v. Mass batteries and solar panels. And dishes for remote tech with 50gm range. After this I have already planned some more munar and minmus landing attempts. Also never managed to do. But will succeed this time! W
  5. So if I install this and contract config update it will not break an existing savegame?
  6. Looks very interesting unfortunately I am in the middle of a career game so will have to wait for now. Does it play well with RT?
  7. Yep that was exactly what I meant Maybe I worded it poorly .
  8. Remote tech has a patch for Sounding rockets included that works great. No issues with Remote Tech 2 at all here. Some other mods have issues and I patched them myself. I am planning on releasing my patches (including a small change in the techtree once I figure out how to use MM for the techtree, for now I have an editted techtree itself). Can I also include my Sounding Rockets parts (resizing yours) under the same license? W
  9. Thx been waiting for this. Maybe test it with Kerbal Construction Time mod?
  10. I understand. but with me redoing the tech tree for myself I seem in need of one ... hmmmmm ... I will try rescaling your smaller engine W
  11. If you need some inspiration a .625 engine for that liquid fuel booster would be great Also more science instruments (I dont mind if you repack the same ones in more different colours ) ps I send you a pm
  12. Hi are these tips somewhere public? As I am on a private venture to redo the start of my techtree based on the mods I use. It would be great to use module manager instead of editing the stock one. W
  13. Ah so I am not the only one having that problem I am launching from girders with decouplers atm to work around that But it means 2 extra parts on a 30 part limit
  14. I believe he forgot to add kopernicus which I already courtesy of Outer Planets Mod.
  15. Great. After years of playing I am now modding my own install. With Sounding Rockets, the V-2 in Tantares, redstone in OMSK, remote tech2, and a number of your parts combined I am making an early start to my Techtree without the KSP parts. As this is a limited scope it doesnt seem to difficult, I have mastered all the .cfg skills. The rest of the techtree I will leave untouched so all parts go as intended. I will also release a first version this week (with only sounding rockets v2 and redstone). I just found your mod today so have to get my head around where what would fit in! W ps apart from editing techtree.cfg I am using MM to apply patches ... works great!
  16. Hi just installed the KAP mod. I tried using the generator with the petroltank. But both start out empty. I checked the config files. In the folders and it seems you have not defined, resource = petrol. Waerth
  17. LoL I found out the same when I downloaded this mod and have been writing my own RT batch (.cfg)file
  18. Hello guys, Awesome mod. When installing a bunch of new mods today one of them broke remote tech in my sounding rocket probes. I have not figured which one yet. I am now loading the new mods one by one to find out whom the culprit is. While doing this I noticed that mods "tagged" as being up to date for remote tech. Are not working with it. As I went through their part config files they had remote tech attributes attached to their parts but it did not work. So I decided to make my own, seperate config files. And it works. Here is the first one, just to ask if anyone sees anything wrong with it? (yes I copied the soundingrockets config and adjusted it based on other configs also .. further questions below) // RTSoundingRockets // This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. // All the code from RemoteTech is in GPLv2 @PART[NBprobeCone1m]:AFTER[ModRocketSys]:NEEDS[RemoteTech,ModRocketSys] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = start %OmniRange = 5000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } Now this works, but it brings up a number of questions: For now I placed the .cfg in the remote tech folder. Does it make any difference where I put these files? Or should they be loaded as the last folder preferably? What order does KSP load things in? Is everything this easily moddifiable? If so again should I make a ZZZ directory with all configs that I want to overwrite? I guess this is Modulemanager right? If so need to keep the latest MM dll installed right? Hope I am in the right thread
  19. Will do. I have not found the mod that breaks things yet am halfway now. Got delayed because a mod that advertises as being remote tech compatible is not. Just wrote a .cfg file to override the settings. Luckily I know a little bit about programming with Python so I had it figured out easily. First time I did some on the spot KSP modding. Much easier than I thought it would be. Though it will be tedious to do for all probes and antennas. For now I placed the .cfg in the remote tech folder. Does it make any difference where we put these files? Or should they be loaded as the last folder preferably? What order does KSP load things in? W
  20. Including a lot of mods my computer is now starting up at 2,7gb memory usage. I like challenging environments. In all my years of playing KSP I have never been beyond Minmus though. Although technically I did launch a couple of probes that made it into Kerbol orbit (I play with remote tech so it was blind shooting) I do have a problem in that after installing new kerbolplus and a couple of other mods, the remotetech functionality on a lot of probes stopped working. All of the build in antennas do not react anymore :/ I now have to figure out what it is. W edit: Well it is not Kerbolplus that is the mod that breaks it - currently re-installing all newly installed mods one by one ... will be an hour or so of "work"
  21. Ermmm I do not see any changelog anywhere. Anyway the package is smaller so I guess the textrures were shrinked. Currently I am running: Outer Planet Mods (OPM) Kerbolplus and Trans Keptunian for an immensly crowded system! Edit: WOW this Kerbolplus release made me save 400mb of Ram (memory). Down from 2.85 to 2.55GB. Very nicely done That means I can contemplate some part mods for a change
  22. I had the same problem. Reading this thread now to see if there was an answer and there is. Great great great pack this! It adds a lot of reason for my space program to exist LOL. I had hope on some more between V-2 and Sputnik And also Sputniks 2 and 3 Anyone know of a part pack with V-2 parts and redstone etc? W
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