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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I want to say how awesome it is that you added other variables within a module!! to be scaled with this plugin. Thanks again for your work.
  2. I haven't figured out how to eliminate flexing yet. :/
  3. I wished they would have kept a readonly version of the site live for a while. Things like this are painful.
  4. I could see about putting a toggle in the tweak menu. I don't want to bloat the window too much.
  5. No because the "forked" version of kOS after nivekk left doesn't have the original external module registration so until they add something to it I can't do a thing. I'll work on RPM integration next in the meantime.
  6. Kudos to you electronicfox for releasing everything out into the wild. I've thoroughly enjoyed your parts. Without your work I couldn't have built this:
  7. In fact, here is a video showcasing what I mean. When you remove a part from a craft, the part gets removed from the Servo Group editor.
  8. I'm interested in seeing what translation parts ZodiusInfuser comes up with. I think once that occurs I'll be happy to retire all my parts.
  9. When I say ghost I mean they are atill present in the servo group editor while in the editor.
  10. Hate to break it to you but 0.16 isn't going to make things better. What version were you using? 0.14? I have a method that you can use to fix your parts INGAME. That Should work. PM me.
  11. Already been done and released. Where have you been? you will need to reinstall everything as the CFG has changed on all the parts.
  12. I'm necroing my own thread to state that after I release 0.16 of Infernal Robotics I will be resuming work on the Dynasoar. I really want to see this puppy fly and it's such a crazy craft.
  13. I just posted a link in the Modelling and Texturing Discussion on how to make your own custom robotic parts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81568-Tutorial-How-to-make-robotic-parts-for-the-Infernal-Robotics-plugin
  14. I'm going to show just how easy it is to make a custom robotic part that is powered with Infernal Robotics. To make things simple in this, you have 2 choices. Things that slide in a direction: AdjustableRail from the Infernal Robotics pack for example. Things that rotate: Rotatrons from the Infernal Robotics pack for example. Let's start with things that slide. Here's an image of the AdjustableRail. It's comprised of 2 meshes. A mesh that will NOT move. This is the fixedMesh. Second mesh(or meshes) are the ones that will move. In this picture, you will see I have two meshes. One called Base and the other called Cylinder (yeah, real original on that part). The mesh called Base, which is the one that we want to move is highlighted in this image: The other mesh now highlighted is called Cylinder. We want this particular mesh to stay put. Skinning, importing into unity, all that stays the absolute same as you would with a normal part. Now for the config part! Remember that mesh that we want to stay still? In the config, you want the plugin to know which will be your fixed mesh. There's even a line called fixedMesh! Notice how it says "Cylinder" for the fixedMesh? You'll also need to specify which direction you want the moving mesh to go. That's where translateAxis comes into play. I can never remember which axis does what so I experiment with this part but "Y" in this case is the middle value so that's why it's 0,1,0. Now, as you can guess it, rotatrons are the same way. One mesh you want to designate as your fixedMesh, the others can rotate. Instead of translateAxis, you would use rotateAxis instead. Feel free to download my parts pack and plugin at: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-23-5-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-15d To look at how the parts are made, I highly suggest using Taniwha's .mu importer for blender. You will get to see the meshes and how they are arranged by name and then compare them to the CFG settings. I like to keep my parts arranged in the origin as it makes handling things easier especially with rotatrons. I put the center of the part in the absolute center in the editor as shown here: That's really it. It's really that simple, I explained it to ZodiusInfuser in a PM just telling him that it's essentially 2 meshes. One that moves, one that doesn't. Specific that one that doesn't move and the rest is easy. Now go make some awesome parts!
  15. No need to add that to the plugin. It's not a big deal and there is already a plugin that allows you to trip symmetry within parts that solves this problem.
  16. You do know you can just use this code and you can then you can activate the landing legs using the "G" key right? I just tested it and it works.
  17. I sent a few people a link to a prerelease version of 0.16 to test. This doesn't contain the Min/Max text boxes for the editor but the TweakScale plugin is now fully supported. It will not just scale size but also the speed of the part. This is crucial for the AdjustableRail for example. I'll be writing up a quick tutorial tonight on how to make your own robotic parts. We need more variety and I would like to make my parts die quietly and adopt ZodiusInfuser's work into the plugin Parts Pack.
  18. You mean this thing? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-4-demv-mk-4-rat/
  19. No worries. I also realized I wasn't adding versions to the actual dll so that will at least help me out a little bit too. glad you got it resolved.
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