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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. No, you must download those separate hence the link in the OP.
  2. No need for output logs. lofi gave me enough to go on. I made a huge newbie mistake and left a debug.log statement on the loose. I'm fixing it and will upload as soon as possible.
  3. must.see.output_log.txt Talking about it isn't giving me any help.
  4. Would guiActive or guiActiveEditor provide that?
  5. I forgot, it's currently set at 45 degrees as the original version. Any preference of making it be in 15 degree increments for the placement rotation during editing?
  6. Alright Pliuple, I fixed the rotating the POSITION (someone is going to misread this) of the parts via the editor GUI. I'll see about uploading this including another bug fix later.
  7. Never mind, I know what it is supposed to do. Let me see if I can fix it without the wife hounding me.
  8. I haven't addressed it so it's probably bugged. I meant to remove it completely until I remedied the situation. At least now I know I forgot something. - - - Updated - - - In fact, if I knew what it actually was _supposed_ to do I would look into it. I will be honest that I've never used it. Examples with pictures would be nice.
  9. I saw this in someone's video and was planning on researching it and implement this in the next release!
  10. as I've said in my OP. I need to see an output_log.txt file. Something is probably spamming the error log and would help.
  11. Thanks. That did the trick. I'll work on fixing it. I knew I saw it but I couldn't figure out how. Thank you again.
  12. I'm loving these parts. These along with KAS just make this so much fun to use.
  13. This is what I'm interested in. I want to get Infernal Robotics working again. I had limited success with the original plugin but now that I have the plugin for IR rewritten it should be easier for me to implement.
  14. I was curious if the RegisterkOSExternalFunction would be implemented so I could see if I could resume work on getting Infernal Robotics working again with kOS. I did have success in using it except I didn't tackle specific groups or call individual robotic parts yet.
  15. I've seen that bug periodically and I'm still trying to catch that one. Thanks for reminding me. - - - Updated - - - Yeah what ObsessedWithKSP said. You honestly need to read the entire OP whenever an update is performed.
  16. I spoke to Mihara on getting that functionality into Infernal Robotics. I need that to the Todo list on the OP. Thanks for reminding me.
  17. My job had me working after hours to get a system ready to go live. Loads of fun.
  18. Ok. 0.15 is release. Give it a try. Please read the OP.
  19. Dromoman's (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37680-DROMOMAN-modular-arm-parts-for-Damned-Infernal-Robotics) parts require CFG edits in order for them to work. Note the two "}" at the end. Those are required. Edit the three parts that have name = MuMechServo in the CFG and you will be good to go (hint. it's arm_linrothub, arm_radrothub, arm_rotact)
  20. All is good. There is a bug with the Industrial Hinge since the change to the new code. I'm leaving the part in the update so people's crafts will load and will be looking at it after this release comes out. working on uploading it now.
  21. Yup, you are certainly being a pain. It's 9:35PM where I'm at _and_ I'm currently dealing with a work issue and the day isn't over yet.
  22. Be careful not to dock two crafts that have extendable docking ports when utilizing the Infernal Robotics plugin. One of the "extensions" will break due to parenting and will cause you grief. If you dock with just one using this method you should be fine.
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