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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Started working on a separate project so I don't get too burned out on Infernal Robotics. It's the X-20 Dynasoar. The meshes are complete, I've chopped the parts into their respective peices (nose cone, cockpit, body, wing section, flaps, etc). Biggest hurdle for me right now are the textures because I'm a programmer first and an artist last. Here's a fit test using the transtage and the geminismall fuel pack from frizzank's amazing FASA pack.
  2. I'm working on the X-20 Dynasoar. Biggest hurdle right now is the texturing. It will go nicely with what frizzank has done.
  3. You can but some programming will be required since all the planets are currently hard coded. I do have an idea and will talk to Krag about it.
  4. That happens without the mod. I've seen it happen before.
  5. That usually happens when a stage has broken from the craft and you are currently active on the non crewable piece. Were you still able to control the craft?
  6. Will something like this help? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/21544-22-Protractor-Rendezvous-Plugin-v-2-4-3
  7. You can break the model into separate meshes which is useful if you hit that poly limit.
  8. Yes, default is showing up with the texture.
  9. I am incorrect. Removing them does not work.
  10. I believe you can delete a planet for your list by just removing the items relating to that planet from the directory.
  11. I made a dirt simple(no props) IVA for the escape pod. Since he made the glass transparent I merely placed one inside the real model.
  12. Are you keeping the pieces the way I saw them? I was thinking in a later release it would be neat to have a smooth cylinder piece so you can make the drone blimp as long as one wants for example: front cap, engine block, 3x smooth, engine block, end cap.
  13. I'm so far behind on playing this. Soon I tell ya! I should stop with the exterior and work on an IVA now with all these goodies.
  14. I would love to use it for the Infernal Robotics gui. That way one small icon could hide/show the UI.
  15. The only downside is they won't be able to extend as far but it can be done.
  16. The reason animating parts will not work is because nothing that you attach to it will move with the model. It just doesn't work that way hence chiming in. Just PM me any time and I can help you out.
  17. Couple of questions. Do you plan on attaching things to this? If so animating it will you nowhere _fast_. The only way, if you use Infernal Robotics, is to create individual parts (2 rings per part) like the Telescoping Pistons that ZodiusInfuser came up with. I could create this with no problem. I can make it extend and rotate at the same time. If you send me that model I can knock it out sometime this weekend.
  18. A little google fu will lead you to a mirror. I wouldn't say it's abandoned, I think Razchek is busy with real life. Not sure the caps are loud enough.
  19. BobCat you can use the .mu importer to recover your models for blender. I've used it to look your models before. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon
  20. Recalling from memory hopefully im right but it needs to go in its own directory in scripts/addons. Also make sure you download the zip instead of each file individually. Sometimes doing that injects some web code causing those files not to load.
  21. I haven't implemented career mode. Im currently looking at contributions because I don't play career mode. The next update will have career mode and I will have that done later this week.
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