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Everything posted by cxg2827

  1. The ETS modules will just be externals only, so they are not too complex to create. The textures are bases of US and JAXA components, so the texturing will mostly be re-used from my existing maps. I have those shown in the next update , though depending on how much time I am devoting to them, they might actually get pushed to later releases, so its a soft deadline/target. Part of breaking the truss releases into multiple segments is so I don't have a large amount of parts hanging over my head at one time, and makes it feel more manageable. I also planned the release sequence similar the actual construction sequence of the ISS. This way it gives the option to start building an ISS-like station with the current parts available, and then pick up the construction every few weeks or so as the next set of parts become released.
  2. Try removing the mm config folders from the CX pack. I recall a user having issues due to the remotetech configs at one point.
  3. Another thing to note is that parts in the Unity Scene are usually a lot more shiny than in KSP, so the shininess in-game will most likely be toned downed a fair bit. This has happened with some of my parts I've created. super shiny in the Unity scene, but when I export into KSP, it looks much better.
  4. @TheAceOfHearts here you go. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvywa5eb3jvoo97/Soyuz-Zvezda-Zarya.craft?dl=0
  5. @TheAceOfHearts, I built them myself. I'll post the craft file for you tonight. They exclusively use Tantares parts and stock.
  6. @AndrewHere, are you referring to the new RTAS ones? I'm making a a guide for that tonight. Typical troubleshooting, make sure you are docking active-passive. The acquire force is pretty small for these, so it gives you some more time during magnetism to properly align the alignment pins into the passive capture cups. These ports are pretty unforgiving, so you might have to use RCS to back us a smidge for re-alignment if you miss.
  7. @Jasseji, I just checked SpacePort, and you are correct. There should be a "SolarNRad" folder under "Parts", but it looks like I didn't properly package the files. Half res textures are there for them, but no parts. whoops. I'll get the download fixed after i get home from work today, sorry folks.
  8. Version 1.3 is now up. New Solar, Radiator (forgot to include, fixing release after work), and Truss parts to play with. I'll update the OP tomorrow evening with new pictures and some additional information on the Rectangular Truss Attachment System (RTAS) docking ports, as they can be a little tricky to use. Download v1.3 on SpaceDock Change Log:
  9. Don't dragons have passive berthing mechanisms though, and require the use of the canadarm for berthing?
  10. Thanks for sharing. Same here. Using multi-edit after parenting parts together for an animation really messes things up, so it has forced me to do all UV unwrapping before duplicating objects and making the animation.
  11. So, I decided to just merge the cells and do a scaling animation. It actually turned out OK, when using X and Z scaling. so I'll consider it solved. One day I'll figure out how to use armatures and I'm sure that will solve my original question. Another observation is with having each cell its own object as part of the animation, the .MU file ended up being about 13Mb. But with merging each wing section, it reduced it to 2.5Mb.
  12. I would not know this. Maybe someone else who subs to this thread might be able to answer you. KSP uses transforms defined in the blend file to define the docking port. Off the top of my head, The CFG files for the Active APAS can be modified to have the snapOffset value changed from 60 to 30. With a 30 degree snap offset, you can dock Active-Active, and still do Active-Passive. though only make this change for the CXA_APAS_A.cfg file.
  13. More Solar Array Wing progress. Greeble'd up, and mostly textured. Still have some coloring to play with, as well as the scruff/scrape/smudges, normals and speculars.
  14. Hi all, So I've been having issues trying to rig up a solar array wing so the animation plays fine. My issue is with the expanding/retracting of the solar cells inside the bounds of the endpoint arms. Picture below. With parenting I have it set us as followed: The endcap (B) is parented to (A). The solar arm (C) is parented to the endcap (B) and then the rightmost solar cell (D) is parented to the arm (C). and then the next adjacent solar cell is parented to the solar cell on the right. and so it goes all the way down the line (for 84 cells). So the animation, I have the endcap (B) keyframed to change location and expand outward from the truss can (A). as the endcap extends outward, the solar cells rotate and expand towards the right since they are parented to the arm (C). Because the encap animation (B) is a distance change while the solar cell animations (D) are angle-based, I am not able to get them to animate in a manner that the solar cells expand/retract properly (due to the angle based animation converts to a sine wave-based movement in the linear direction). Is there some way that i can parent the solar array so that it is bound by the left/right limits, and are driven by the animation of the boom/endcap deployment? I think a last resort is to merge all the cells into a single object and just have the animation be a change in scale, though i dont think it will look right, and would like to avoid this solution.
  15. @Jasseji, not sure yet. I'll do a comparison of file size when i get closer to finalizing the part, but I dont believe it will be much since the alpha channel is still used for either case. Transparency is just defined by selecting a different KSP shader in Unity. Another test shot, larger/fewer cells and more spacing between them for more let-through:
  16. Here is a comparison. Its pretty minor, and I might need to play with the size and count of the individual cells to get rid of the artifacting. Partially transparent backing (check the album to see it a bit better than the resized ones below) http://imgur.com/a/3sTZP And normal opaque (more to show off the direction the texturing is going)
  17. In hindsight, I probably should have waited to post this after work. I'll get pics up later tonight. (I'm not a smart man)
  18. So I'm playing around with the Solar cell segment texturing. One idea is to have the orange backing partially transparent, while the rest of the texture such as the individual cells, hinges, circuit tracing opaque. Yay or nay? I tried it in game, but you don't get the cool orange glowing effect when its obstructing the sun. But you can still see the outline of the station and some details passing through when the solar wing is blocking the craft it is attached to. Otherwise I'd stick with opaque and have the solar panels mostly orange similar to Habtech.
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