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Everything posted by cxg2827

  1. My thought would be, if the module has windows, it should allow crew reports. I'll definitely consider updating some of the modules that are missing this (KHM 3-1, eX-R-S, JEM) Post the suggestions here. I'm always open for discussion and input. Laziness, never looked into what this is for. Assuming the temperature scale in KSP is Celsius, I added this limit to restrict lithobraking. If there is a good reason to increase the temperate, I'm open to it. will fix is the KeepFitPartModule new? I'll check it out. I'll probably change Node1 and ELM to Normal. JEM has a lot of usable internal living volume, so I would consider that to still be comfy. Future temporary sleep station IVA prop will halp justify it as well. I was given that patch by another user. I don't use tweakscale at present, so I don't have an optinion/preference of the usable limits. I havent played the game in over a year, so I dont make patches for mods I dont use :P. After the next release I'll start my first career playthrough in ages so I might add some new patches based on what i play with. Ooooo, this parameter looks new and interesting Thanks for posting this information. I obviously overlooked some new 1.2 features and have some non-ideal CFG parameters for some parts. I'll include some/most of the changes for the next release.
  2. Top is solid color Bottom has textured wear/grime buildup, manufacturing smudging/marks, and manually added which do you think looks better? have you ever taken a close look at aircraft?
  3. JAXA texture revamp just about finished (pictured with surface attached Trunnions). Added some extra greeble to the modules while I was at it.
  4. do you understand how to create sheet metal parts and then have those features flattened for cutting? Any decent ksp mod is not just solid color paint and stickers. Those which are usually are not very good looking because of that. as an experiment, you should try it out in the game and see how it looks. There is a reason no one does this. At this point it would just be a visual thing. KSP doesnt care if you use a clark Y or NACA 0012, all that matters is how thwe CFG is setup for generating lift. did you even read my response? Use the parametric software you are comfortable with, model in a faceted manner so your exports wouldn't be in the millions of triangles, export as STL, and then you just need to learn the basics of Blender, as well as how to texture a part. What do engineers do? they solve problems which have specific design requirements. Approach ksp modding in a similar fashion.
  5. thanks for the suggestion. For some reason i thought i updated them all to be 0.9999 at some point, but looks like that isnt the case. 0.999 should be ok for the APAS and CBMs, but i might need to stick with 0.9999 for the RTAS since that one would require the precision. I'll note that on my roadmap so i dont forget.
  6. you will still need a middle program to uv unwrap and do final tweaking of exported STLs to bring it in game. Modeling in solidworks, catea, proe, etc would be best to do in a manner that the exported parts will be faceted to be easy to unwrap and not be excessive in polygons.
  7. i use the default settings in xnormal and am happy with the results, so thats my experience. not sure if there is some specific feature you are looking for in a program.
  8. yup, I can confirm this really shouldnt be hard, the alignment colliders should help auto-align it. I'll have some edited configs for the next release if i can find a way to make it easier. if you read farther into the FAQ in the first post, i have a CFG edit that you can try. You will still need to align based on the guide fin colliders And for those visual learners who want to see how the colliders are set up for the CBMs
  9. @GERULA, cant tell from the screenshot but it almost looks like you dont have it aligned, so the guide fin colliders will not allow you to dock. check the OP, since i have a picture showing how it needs to be aligned. Here is me docking, before contact, and then the auto refocus.
  10. @Pappystein I was ready to PM you for your paypal, but the rabbit ear antenna part got me questioning that so I did some searching. I managed to use the right keywords to get some better information on the trusses. It seems like the longerons are not telescoping, but hinged per the following document: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20120008187.pdf The helix part seems correct, but the deployment is a bit simpler based on this photo of another FAST truss: It appears that if the truss were to be constrained to vertical deployment, and the base were rotated like a turn table, the longerons would rotate at the elbows, and translate the truss portion vertically until they snap in place. The PDF goes into more depth if you can look past the ANSYS finite analysis. Though if you can get some pictures showing your description correct, I'll still spot you for a beer
  11. The SAW truss will probably be the biggest mystery of my life . I would legit buy a beer for anyone who can actually explain the operation of how the truss compacts and then deploys from the can.
  12. My guess would be that the exterior is shaped to 5M radius, but the internal is designed with flat floors, or curved for 25M radius (though might lose some usable space to accommodate this). As cool as this idea is, My question is how ~20m worth of crew tunnel/trussing for 4 of those would fit inside that 2.5M hub when stowed? Assuming the tunnel is inflatable, and wall thickness enough to be considered durable enough for deep space. I wouldn't think that kind of material would fold up very easily, or have a sharp bending radius.
  13. Looks great! Other truss segments are in the works after the JAXA modules get their texture revamp completed. Also, you should consider trying out Tantares for the Russian segments
  14. @KBluey RescaleZ is just a bunch of cfg files for use with Kopernicus, this should still work fine unless there were some backend changes that require cfg tweaks to work with the 1.2 Kopernicus.
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