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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 37 minutes ago, tater said:

    Based on the data available, our team did not identify any information that would change SpaceX's Falcon 9 certification status," Lieutenant General John Thompson, commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center, told Bloomberg News."

    $30,000 for a hammer, $40,000 for a toilet seat... $1 billion for a “misplaced” satellite... <_<

    I hope the aliens at Area 51 at least Get decent cable after this. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Patupi said:

    Or I just say Flarp it and keep on typing whatever junk comes into my head and hope something ends up funny. *Shrugs*

    Well, that approach has been working pretty good for me. :D Like:

    9 minutes ago, Patupi said:

    EDIT: I should say I had almost the same reaction to that... *shudder* post about the Scott Manley Heads... That seriously deserves a 'DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNN!' And possibly a barrel of bleach - Brain cleaning brand.

    Mind clogged? Neural synapses caked with things you can’t unsee? Loosen stubborn buildup and leave mnemonic pathways squeaky clean with new Brain-O™️ brand brain cleaner! From Layland Wutani, the makers of TastyMush.™️

    *Use only as directed. Do not use at all. May cause vomiting, seizures, uncontrolled flarping, visions of Krakens, and suspicious chickens. Layland Wutani and it’s subsidiaries will not be held responsible for any use or misuse of this product. Batteries not included. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

    IIRC SpaceX was already rejiggering their COPV's following Amos-6 and they should be safer

    So, assuming the word from NASA is correct, I wonder how many successful flights are needed for the COPV’s to be “safe enough?” How much does SpaceX need to demonstrate their understanding of the deep cryo fueling process? There’s still the hubbub about fueling with the crew on board, after all. Would a successful Falcon Heavy flight count as one or three?

    Meanwhile, NASA is perfectly fine putting people on an untested configuration of the SLS then sending them to the moon in a craft flown only once before, and not complete even then... :huh:  

  4. 13 hours ago, NCommander said:

    As a follow up to this, I was skimming the Kerbalism thread, and it looks like it may track debris. You might want to go through the flight center and clean out the kesslar syndrome. It might get your active vessel count up. I also wonder if it's having a bad interaction with the 6.4x scaled planets.

    I've currently got about 15 active flights in my playthrough and I'm not hitting unusual lag, but my gaming rig is beefy (abiet slightly dated at this point)

    Funny you should mention that, I was going to try renaming old things to debris to see if I could keep them around as relays without killing the game. :/ I don’t get lag, per se, the game just refuses to load if I have more than a couple dozen active flights. I’ve got so many mods at this point I’m continually amazed it works at all (y’all may notice a pattern with this phrase in this thread... <_<), so probably no way to chase it down. I’ll have to take a look at debris, tho, I thought I’d pretty much turned it off.

    6 hours ago, Patupi said:

    Vlad the Impala

    I laughed way too hard at this. People stared, it was awkward... :D

  5. 6 hours ago, insert_name said:

    ah that would do it,  at first I thought that the fuel tank was what provided the shielding

    Kerbalism is a cruel mistress. :D Basically doubled the mass of the lightest 3-kerb pod I had. Which led to other issues, like...

    5 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

    That's the way I'd have built it, too.  A bunch of gratuitous explosions that  actually served a useful purpose as insulation.  Bravo for doing it so well :)


    but there go my plans for using the design as a fully reusable Rald Shuttle. That engine was bugging me, anyway. No gimbal (hence the verniers), and MechJeb makes it wobble all over the place. But I have something else in mind... eventually. 

    5 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

    suppose "Triti" is now an honorific.  And probably the head of a clan....


    ... :blush:

    oh, for flarp’s sake...

    tho I may have to steal that..l

  6. 10 hours ago, KSK said:

    The wee lad has arrived safely, with all fingers and toes present and correct. Mother and baby doing well. He was asleep for pretty much the whole time when I went round to visit yesterday but given that he was only at T+60 hours or thereabouts, that's to be expected.

    You’re getting him a Planet mobile right? Every aspiring young Spacelad needs a planet mobile. And other spacey things. Especially noisy ones that will drive his parents bonkers. :D

    And, as always, looking forward to the next chapters too!

  7. 3 hours ago, Just Jim said:


    The plot thickens. :D

    You’re far braver than I to trust the forum with something that size. :o

    So, Emiko’s been going for over two years now (congrats :cool:), are you still on the original save? How have you managed to keep the game upgraded without unleashing a veritable storm of Krakens?

  8. Year 8, Day 78...

    The time has finally come. After a few hours floating in the water and mumbling to themselves, Triti, Lodvin, Haylotte and Jencine claim to feel much better. Stinky has been hiding since this whole mess began and still has no idea what the flarp just happened. A few final preparations remain.

    While the others towel off and toss out the last of their, er, pirate gear, Jencine sets about trimming down the Raldbase. It's time to put away silly things.


    ...that we sent there in the first place.


    This will cut some weight, and restore some much-needed frames.




    Like Atlas, a quick shove sends the last of this nonsense off...



    Is this really our legacy for this place? Litter and debris scattered over the face of a once-pristine planet, even the bottom of the sea? Could we have brought these four Kerbals to the very edge of insanity, all in our insatiable quest for science? Are we out of touch?


    No, it's the children crew who are wrong. Any last science we can grab?

    With the reconfiguring complete, the Raldbase turns around, and heads for the return ship.



    ...which is a surprisingly short distance away. I think we came mighty close to that whole "shivering of timbers" thing...



    And finally, we are here. Or they are. The crew is oddly muted with the prospect of going home finally within reach.



    Once more, Jencine has work to do. It seems in their haste to start shivering, the crew neglected to extend the solar panels after landing the return ship on remote, and now the batteries are dead.



    The RCS system it didn't even have fuel for apparently needs a fix, too.



    The RaldBase has managed to refine a few drops of fuel and oxidizer. It's not much, but every little bit helps, and the experience in doing so will no doubt prove valuable down the road.



    ...and Jencine pauses for a quick nap in the squishy green mush covering the surface.



    Lodvin's gone back to mumbling about sand again. It seems he snuck board the return ship before anything could be documented.

    Haylotte takes a moment to do a last reset on the base's science equipment. The saga of the RaldBase is likely far from over, and it may yet be needed.



    Then it's Haylotte's turn up the ladder...



    ...and down into the heavily-shielded crew pod.



    Jencine has one final task. The RaldBase will be losing even more superfluous, trying to restore more of its former speed. And framerate.



    But those water engines did prove useful...



    These empty fuel tanks, too. Could use a bit more protection, though...



    Jencine takes one last, long gaze at her reluctant magnum opus...



    ...then heads up the ladder...



    And finally, it's Triti's turn. Who actually volunteered to come here, clinging to the side of a spaceship. We'll have to update her BadS credential.


    ...and hope she's forgotten about the year and a half of threat's she made. That cake is long gone, now. It was starting to grow hair anyway, but that's never shied Vlad away from food...


    Looking much more svelte, the RaldBase proceeds off on autopilot to a safe distance.



    The final checks are made. There's no profound parting words or catchy one-liners. 

    3... 2... 1... ignition!



    Up at 30... drop tanks clear...



    With a final burst, the return ship makes a stable orbit. The crew spare bittersweet gazes toward their home for the last few months...


    or, well, Triti does, since she's the only one with a window.


    The remaining fuel is burned for the transfer. It will be another dicey passage through both world's radiation belts with an already highly irradiated crew, but the heavy shielding should stem the damage.



    After a long, long time, they've done it. They've persevered. They're home.


    Almost. There's still...

    The ROMBUS plug aerospike heats up fast. It was hastily constructed for the much slower entry speed at Rald, there's no telling if--



    Um... that's supposed to happen...



    ...that, too...



    ...perfectly normal, nothing to see here...




    We... um... we knew that was going to happen...


    aye, yai yai...


    See? They're perfectly fine...



    The engineering team absolutely designed the return ship to disintegrate around the recovery pod, completely expected...



    Um... look at the pretty light show! Oooh, ahh! Oooh, ahh!.



    Medium-rare but unharmed after burning through their own ablator supply as well, the crew plummets home.



    Aaaand... we're on the mains, checks are good!






    And now, no doubt tired and possibly battered and weary after their long ordeal, the crew awaits retrieval. 


    Which may take a while, since they ended up coming down on the far side of Gael. We've sent Vlad in a rowboat, but he's still trying to drag it down to the beach. Maybe we should help him.

    We stowed a pack of cards or something in the capsule, right? Old magazines? Air freshener with a long label? Oh... darn...


  9. On 1/14/2018 at 9:40 PM, Geschosskopf said:

    Well, after all the work getting that ship to Rald, it does seem anticlimactic that she only lasted a few frames.

    And then I had to promptly delete her to keep from exceeding my active vessel limit. :(

    On 1/20/2018 at 4:06 AM, NCommander said:

    I utterly lost it with the space-ship. Here I was thinking batexcrements insane builds only happened when the planets were tiny. Then again, you retrofitted your base into a rove,r into a ship and god knows what else. I'm not sure how 6.4x GPP compares to RSS but if they're remotely similar, serious props for sending that thing to Rald without engineer readouts. 

    6.4x is about 7.5km/s to low Kerbin Gael orbit, I think RSS is like 9.5. Typical transfer to Rald is 1800m/s, 500-700 to capture & circularize. I'm still shocked it worked as perfectly well as it did. Perhaps it begets a new idiom:

    Spaceman, know thy launcher. :rolleyes:

  10. 1 minute ago, tater said:

    When they pass a continuing resolution.

    It doesn’t affect anyone except for stuff like this. If I wasn’t interested in FH, like most people they could shutdown forever, and I’d not notice. 

    Thisnis a good argument for Boca Chica.

    Was just gonna ask this. Once BC is running, will SpaceX essentially be running their own range there, or will they still be reliant on the USAF somehow?

  11. On 1/14/2018 at 7:08 PM, Just Jim said:



    That T-Rex looks like it came from Saturn... :wink:

    Best not say it’s name too many times.

    ETA: oh snap!

    Just shutting the light off as fridge logic kicked in. I hope Sanny - the Not-so-recently-deceased - didn’t go off to hire herself a bio-exorcist...

    ...that would be... strange and unusual... <_<

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