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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 7 hours ago, Draconiator said:

    Today, my fairing turned into a bird.


    “Hello, world! Crap... crap... oh crap! Stuff’s on fire, yo! Crap! Crap! Crap! Fire! Fire! Little help here? Fire! Crap, stuff’s on fire! Anybody got a bucket or something? Fire! Crap! Aight, screw this, I’m out! Y’all can clean this mess up! Later. Bye. So done with this crap.”

    —that fairing, probably. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, cubinator said:

    I'm willing to bet there's going to be at least one post here for every second of the terminal count on Tuesday.

    I’m not liking anything starting at 10:30 my time tomorrow so I’ll have plenty saved up. :D


    1 hour ago, CSE said:

    Also, the F9 first stage has to stop the engine in order to separate, because the second stage isn't firing - effectively, matching the accelerations of the two stages. But since the core will still be firing when the boosters separate, will it actually be necessary to cut off all the booster engines? Or can a booster transition from straight firing at low throttle to match the core acceleration, into firing at low throttle for the boostback?

    Someone could probably math this, there are some decent numbers available for thrust from a throttled down single Merlin in an almost empty booster vs all 9 on a nearly full stack, right?

    I wonder how “aware” the boosters are of each other? Might they have some kind of avoidance software?

  3. Sooooo....

    As I sit here ignoring the game and waiting for the commercials, I’m reminded that, oddly enough, this is how it all began. It all started here three years ago. Edgas, the Kraken, and eventually this whole oddball universe all grew out of a bad Super Bowl joke, which itself has been lost to the Second Great Forum Derp.

    If the Seahawks had won in 2015, no one would be reading this right now. :confused:

    #ThisIsDeep :rolleyes:

  4. 1 hour ago, zolotiyeruki said:

    Any particular twitter accounts I should follow?  I don't think I even have a Twitter account (I mighta made one a couple years ago?).

    Like @tater said, Chris_G is a great source of all-around info. Also SpaceX, ElonMusk, NasaSpaceFlight, NextLaunch. I'm probably getting the names wrong but you can search them, and the app will give you suggestions, too. I finally broke down and got an account myself, it's been great for keeping up to date on spacey stuff.

    Now if I can just resist the urge to broadcast stupid, un-thought-out remarks to the entire world... :rolleyes:

  5. 5 hours ago, zolotiyeruki said:

    I asked this several pages ago, but I didn't see an answer.  We're planning to trek out there to watch on Tuesday, and I want to be able to find out ASAP if it gets scrubbed, so we can fall back to Plan B.  What's the best way to get real-time updates on the launch status for FH? 

    Twitter’s been working great for me. If anything changes you’ll get besieged by half a dozen tweets in about 3 seconds informing you of it. :D

    23 minutes ago, IncongruousGoat said:

    With all the Falcon Heavy hype, it's easy to forget that the next F9 launch will be carrying the first two Starlink test satellites. This seems like it's going to be a very good month for SpaceX.

    *fingers crossed*

    I’m very curious to see how that Starlink thing goes. I’d love to ditch the stupid cable company and be an early adopter. 

  6. 2 hours ago, sevenperforce said:

    As far as we know, sep will take place post-MECO-1, so the engines on the boosters will not aid in separation.

    I remember hearing a while back that they would keep one engine running on the boosters, specifically to “fly” away under control, presumably with help from the pushers for the initial oomph. Whether this is still the plan, I have no idea. They can’t give them too much of a rotational shove or they’ll tumble out of control. 

    Intereting aside on the Energia boosters, do you have a source for pics of that?

  7. 22 minutes ago, cubinator said:

    I realized a couple days ago while thinking about how I'm going to write the launch theme that we could see both a successful mission and a spectacular explosion if there's an issue with a booster after separation.

    Speaking of boosters, has a controlled separation like they’re planning ever even been done before?

  8. 9 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    Naaa... he's been in a pretty good mood lately...

    Then again... maybe too good???  :huh:

    Or perhaps deliberate misdirection from the author cuz it hits too close to the truth! :sticktongue: Thompberry is a flarping genius, after all, what with his hover... thingies and EMP’s. I’m sure he could figure out how to purée and electronically analyze tacos! He’s probably seen Robocop, after all. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Patupi said:

    EDIT: Just a horrible thought! What if it's the Century of the Flying Ratsquirrelfish! Oh the HORRORS!

    That is... terrifying... :0.0:  might have to steal it 

    Like Piranha 2 But with fur. 

    Also, @Vaporo, I haven’t overlooked your awesome asset there. :D I’ve got the link pulled up at home but haven’t had a chance to play with it yet. Sounds like full pages of Ussari are back on the menu!:wink:

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