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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. Good job!But the download is missing the plugindata file for the romfarer laser mod.
  2. SRBs!!!!!!!! missiles or bombs?
  3. You own entry? You know there is a challenge submission guideline right?
  4. Is it 100 meters above sea level or 100 meters above the ground?
  5. That is exactly what I was thinking. I'm going to do it over the weekend.
  6. 500 parts?!! My computer is going to die with that much parts. Good job building it.
  7. does the probe core on the bomb have to survive?
  8. Also, to come down right at the KSC, put your Periapsis about 30km above the Korea-like peninsula (the continent across the ocean eastward of KSC).
  9. Thanks guys, I finally made a plane that can take off (almost no stock parts:P).
  10. You can set Mun as target then the distance would show up when you mouse over it.
  11. The same thing happened to me once, I found out that you have to name the servo group differently.
  12. Is there a way to find out how much wing surface/lift is needed?
  13. Thanks, I might try to increase my angle of attack.
  14. How do you build a plane in ksp? My plane either flip over and crash on the runway or crash into the ground or ocean at the end of the runway:mad:.
  15. Is there a problem with the landing guidance or it was me? It sent my space craft(with Jeb and Bill) on a escape trajectory to the sun when I was trying to land on mun.
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