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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. Lack's Stock Extension includes hexagonal solar panels. I haven't played them so I don't know how they're like, but they should be what you're looking for.
  2. just get a EAS-1 External Command Seat and strap it to the side
  3. Assuming that you used the latest version of KSP (1.0.5), Lazor guided weapons are outdated. BD Armory and skillful should be working, did you install all the required dependencies? (module manager etc)
  4. Are you sure that all of your mods are compatible with 1.0.5? It was a relatively big update that broke many mods.
  5. Picture of the craft? Usually that's very helpful.
  6. What....the.... even... heck...did I just see.....
  7. Hi groosum8, if you need support, please start a new thread, not necro an old thread with the same topic. The mods and the game itself have been updated since then, so what worked before might no longer work.
  8. Hey, can you make one page with downloads of all the different DEMV rovers like the original Bobcat Inc page? Thanks for doing this by the way, I really liked the Bobcat rovers back before there were rovers in the stock game.
  9. You have to download lazor system and lazor guided weapons. And no, hyperedit most likely will not mess this.
  10. And you have to run ksp.exe as administrator for any of the parts to load, modded or otherwise.
  11. some where on the kethane thread, there is an unofficial fix for ksp v0.90.0
  12. Is there a way to fix it without disabling Virgin Kalatic?
  13. I have this problem too and don't know how to fix it. Also, Virgin Kalactic is the plugin that allows you to disable/enable attachment nodes.
  14. Do you have \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9 or\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9\GameData\B9? The second way doesn't work, same for KW Rocketry.
  15. Do you have Active Texture Manager installed? If you don't, your game will run out of memory and crash.
  16. What does the flight log say? If it says that connection between *insert part name* and *insert part name* failed due to atmospheric pressure, it means that you some how over-g'ed your aircraft.
  17. To disable the ElectricCharge output for the engine just remove the ModuleAlternator in the cfg file with a text editor (notepad works fine).
  18. Pictures would be nice, so that we know where your rcs blocks are.
  19. Hey B9 dev team, I have an idea that is either great or completely stupid: you can probably add a right-click option in the sph/vab that let you make the parts out of different materials such as aluminum, steel, or carbon fiber, and each material would have different prices, masses, and crash tolerances.
  20. Am I crazy or is Cape Canaveral supposed to spawn in a crater surrounded by 6000m high mountains?
  21. A long time ago one of my space probes exploded and the mechjeb module went on to a solar escape orbit. I suspect Karken.
  22. I abandon this because someone else did it.
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