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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. I don't know what causes the problem, but this is what it reminded me of.
  2. What I've done in the past is I used quantum struts to hold the moving parts in place when they aren't moving.
  3. The post says that it's a test bed for a proposed feature for RT. That type of contracts would be interesting. Maybe require a specific type of antenna and a geosynchronous orbit.
  4. I'm pretty sure I saw a mod that does that not too long ago. Can't remember what it's called, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Remote Tech. Found it:
  5. Screenshots would be really helpful. I remember a problem similar to this not too long ago and that was caused by the horizontal stabilizers blocking thrust
  6. After looking through the thread, I get the impression that the governments value certain types of crafts/missions and that all contracts are removed. I think what I'm thinking of is State Funding with contracts mixed in. Maybe in the form of contracts that are urgent and have a large impact on SC/PO such as (for a military oriented government): x country just launched a spy satellite in low Kerbin orbit. destroy it before they reveal our secrets. Deadline 3 days. and has large (maybe temporary) impact on state confidence. That's just a suggestion though, I know you have a lot on your hands, with more mods under your belt than years I've been alive.
  7. I have an idea for a mod. Basically, there are different governments. At the start of a career game, the player chooses a government from a selection of a few. Each one would offer a different contract tree with different focuses (military/science/tourist/colonize/reuse). There would also be competition against other agencies of other governments, such as getting milestones before others or deorbit/capture satellite/kerbal of another agency. A player would also be able to switch governments. This would change the contract tree, reset reputation, but have to watch out for attacks by your previous government on your spacecraft. But the last bit could be annoying. Another cool concept is that as time progresses, or as tech tree progresses, new governments are unlocked. Example: beginning govt have emphasis on military or science, then later focus more on tourism or colonization.
  8. That might have came from the old community ISS Project. It's really old though so I'm not sure.
  9. well, I think you should ask moderator to sticky it, because its a helpful post, but if not stickied it would just be buried in all the questions.
  10. I don't think this is the right sub forum for this post. Technical support is for asking questions about bugs/problems.
  11. The mod filter is a feature of Janitor's Closet. Can you post a screenshot of your GameData Folder?
  12. Did you accidentally delete the folder? In your GameData folder there should be a folder called Squad. If it is gone, you can simply copy paste it from your un-modded version.
  13. Can you send a picture of your plane? My guess is that the horizontal stabilizer is blocking the thrust from the engines, and once it exploded from overheating, the thrust is no longer blocked, resulting in the sudden acceleration. I would suggest off setting the horizontal stabilizers so that they're not right behind the engine
  14. It's a mainly parts mod so it should work, but there are some parts like the canadarm that depend on lazor or lionhead aerospace.
  15. Well, the Community ISS was made a couple years ago. And it's dependencies such as LAZOR system and Lionhead Aerospace are also out of date. @BobCat, @Romfarer, and @Yogui87 all have long since disappeared, their last visits were in 2016.
  16. Give Aircraft a Purpose doesn't work with Galileo Planet Pack. When GPP is installed, GAP doesn't show up at all in mission control, but the flags still do. Is there any way to make GAP work with GPP? such as with a MM patch? http://imgur.com/a/QMd71 The two screenshots are from the same install of KSP 1.2.2, one with GPP and the other without. GAP and all dependencies were installed through CKAN, GPP and all dependencies were manually installed.
  17. The closest thing I can think of off the top of my head is NavHud, which projects the nav ball onto the world.
  18. Even better than a mod like Infernal Robotics, here's Infernal Robotics itself. It's a dev/beta version and isn't on CKAN for this reason. It has worked fine for me, but keep in mind it's beta and don't yell at the modders for fixes.
  19. Dude, just scroll up a bit. The mod creator regex has stopped modding, so someone else made an updated version, which is two posts above yours.
  20. I know that BD armory lets you increase the size of the physics bubble, but I don't think making it load all of kerbin is a good idea.
  21. I have a question/suggestion: Is there a way to install a mod through CKAN that doesn't officially support the version of KSP that is installed? Like for example I want to install the Near Future mods which are marked as 1.2.1 compatible on KSP 1.2.2. If there isn't can that be added? With warning about the potential bugs and kraken caused by having a mod that is not compatible. Thanks
  22. Please read this. Your post doesn't give any useful information, except for that KSP crashed.
  23. There is a setting within BD armory to change physics load range. Should be in the settings menu of the weapon manager.
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