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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. That mod is now defunct. It worked by compressing the textures to a different format, which is now the default texture format in 1.2.2, so there's no need for it anymore.
  2. From what I've heard other people say, you need real chutes if you are using FAR.
  3. Logs? Mod list? I'm guessing that you modded ksp and broke it.
  4. Maybe try make a non-transferable resource (like solid fuel) that you can convert to electric charge? That's kinda cheaty but should work.
  5. I feel like this sounds like a different game, where the focus is more on the economy and society aspects rather than rocket science.
  6. Ah I didn't that was an issue with large ships in general, I thought it was caused by the clipping.
  7. Welding mod didn't work as well? as in unsatisfactory results, or the mod doesn't work?
  8. I'm assuming it would, from my experience on the forums and youtube. You could always test it, maybe not with full-size ship but with small test crafts.
  9. I usually just name the launchers by how much mass it can put into a 100x100 km LKO orbit. This way I know how it flies with my flying style.
  10. I'm guessing that there is a lot of clipping inside the ships. The physics probably doesn't like it when that many parts interact with each other and the terrain at the same time. A suggestion I have is to use the welding mod to make larger structural plates and even hull pieces to lower part count and clipping,
  11. You can move planets around with hyperedit. Be careful though, it's really easy to break the game that way.
  12. If you are using the CKAN Gui, you can uninstall a mod by unchecking its box.
  13. The amount of mods a PC can handle varies greatly, depending on the specs of the PC. And the only real way to ease the load on the PC is to remove mods.
  14. Whoa @BobCat you're alive!!! I really liked the rovers you made back in the day.
  15. Use CKAN to download mods would ensure the latest versions, but CKAN has its own problems.
  16. Also it looks like there's a large amount of clipping, with the launch stabilizers inside the boosters. Try putting the stabilizers on the boosters instead.
  17. This thread was started in 2013 for a modded PC game, whatever problems you're having on console would not have the same cause. You should start a new thread in the console support section.
  18. What mods do you have installed? It looks like you have principia, which I would think is capable of breaking a universe.
  19. If you're using 1.2.9, that's a prerelease and modders might choose to not support it.
  20. The patcher isn't supported anymore the last time I checked, so to update your game you have to download it from the store where you bought the game.
  21. You are supposed to copy the contents of the gamedata folder in the mod you downloaded and paste them in the ksp gamedata folder, so that you don't have Ksp folder\gamedata\gamedata. also for installing CKAN, you just download the ckan.exe from github and drop it in the folder where your ksp.exe is.
  22. Can you add more information? We're not mind readers here.
  23. Can you send a screenshot of your Game data folder? My guess is that you forgot to extract the zip file.
  24. are you sure you have the latest version from here? https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases
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