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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. I can't see the first pic and the second one looks fine to me. Can you clarify what is broken?
  2. Infernal Robotics works great, why do you want something else?
  3. How's the gravity going to work? cuz ksp doesn't simulate N-body physics.
  4. I have this problem too, in 1.2.2. I found that it only happened when the camera was in a certain position. What mods do you have installed?
  5. I'm thinking more along the lines of search and rescue type contracts tied in with this idea. Also, your incident with the mechjeb case reminds of when my spacecraft spontaneously disassembled and sent the mechjeb case into a solar escape orbit.
  6. Or seeing that you are using steam, back up your saves and use steam to reinstall.
  7. Yes, upload them to something like dropbox and paste the links here. Also I think screenshots would be helpful here.
  8. You might need toolbar mod for the icons, I can't remember exactly which mods needed it
  9. Parts that self destruct when there's no electric charge should be possible, but having them come back would be impossible.
  10. There's tweakscale, which lets you scale up and down parts. Not sure if that's what you're looking for but the closest I can think of.
  11. Are you talking about like replica helicopters? As far as I know there are only mods that add helicopter parts, like firespitter, Airplane Plus, and KAX.
  12. My guess is that the marker now takes into account the lift generated by non-wing parts, because before it only calculated for wings but not body lift, even though body lift was added to stock.
  13. Why is my first reaction to the picture let's make a crab probe....... Also cool idea now I don't have to strand a kerbal to get a surface sample.
  14. I think this would be good as a mod or a fan-works, but not as part of the stock game. This is a sandbox game and it doesn't need a story.
  15. This sounds like a cool idea, but I don't think the game would like parts changing inflight. But then again, modder have done amazing things, so might be possible.
  16. I can't see the picture, I think you have to change the sharing settings in google drive. Also seeing that you installed through CKAN you probably won't have too bad of an incompatibility problem. A way to test is to uninstall half of your mods, see if the game load and then repeat until you narrow it down to the exact mod.
  17. Pictures? I want to see this 3000 ton rocket. I have a feeling that it's because the rocket is too heavy and more launch clamps are needed.
  18. What mods are you using? It's possible that some of the mods aren't updated to 1.3 yet and causing crashes.
  19. Upload the output_log.txt to a site like dropbox and share it here. Also, your problem is most likely caused by steam updating KSP to 1.3 and breaking all the mods.
  20. The inventory is part of a separate mod called kerbal inventory system (KIS) Found here:
  21. In my experience, I've had problems with mods loading when it doesn't run in admin mode. but i don't know if that's still a problem.
  22. That pic shows in space with full tanks.
  23. Try this. also no one likes when you necro an old thread.
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