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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. There's an unofficial version on the forum thread.
  2. You really should learn how to use maneuver nodes, they'll make your life so much easier. If you search on youtube there are a number of tutorials. You can also look on the wiki page for detailed descriptions.
  3. Ah I knew it had to Janitor's closet or Editor extensions.
  4. Could be Editor Extensions
  5. I think you'll have better luck asking in the Space Engine forums.
  6. I guess it can be possible... but it has the potential to be really derpy. (imagining a ship going past you at 4000m/s in LKO because it's on a retrograde orbit)
  7. VR would work well for IVA, but not much else. For most of the game, you are a free floating camera looking at something that you rotate around. Like eddiew says, if you turn your head to the right in the VAB, or map, or external camera in flight, you would look away from the craft.
  8. Only 10 minutes? that's not enough mods my good sir.
  9. Try asking in modded technical support. There's instructions in the pinned threads for how to get support. BTW the 64 bit version is stable now.
  10. When you give up on scrolling through 15 pages to find the right sized tanks and just use procedural tanks for all occasions.
  11. Adjustable landing Gear has been rolled into Kerbal Foundries after KSP 1.1 changed the wheel physics. Adjustable Landing Gear supports KSP 1.0.5. So I would try load it up in the SPH in 1.0.5 and removing the landing gears. Quiztech Aero for 1.0.5 can be found here: https://spacedock.info/mod/378/QuizTech Aero Pack ALG for 1.0.5 can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/89874-105-adjustable-landing-gear-v120-masscost-scaling-tech-nodes-drag-may-30/ BDArmory for 1.0.5 can be found here: https://spacedock.info/mod/79/BDArmory (Click on changelog for older versions) Alternatively, it is possible that you could get away with using Kerbal Foundries in 1.3, but I don't know if the game recognize the older landing gears.
  12. That sounds more like a problem with the copying and pasting of files than a problem with KSP itself.
  13. This is stock, with the merge function in the craft load menu. I don't know how IFS works exactly, but I think it can be done with just MM patches.
  14. It's because you have FAR installed. It has always done this for as long as I can remember. I presume because FAR calculates aerodynamics based on voxels and would require an impractical amount of calculations for updating it before the part was placed down.
  15. CKAN is useful, but I recommend at least knowing how to install mods manually.
  16. Are you sure all your mods are compatible with KSP 1.3.0? KAX's thread says it's for 1.2.2. It also requires Firespitter.dll. HotRockets is listed as 1.0.4 on spacedock. Also, your logs say you have version 2.8.0 of MM. There's a newer version out that you can grab from here.
  17. From the video it seems that it has trouble going east, not south. This is shown by the 90 on the compass and the direction of the runway. From some testing, the problem seems to be caused by the Probodobodyne Rovemate being upside down. I created this test rover here and it turns by itself when the 90 is at the top of the nav ball, going forwards or backwards. It works fine when controlled from the docking port on the front. For the first 16 seconds or so I only touched W and S on the keyboard. Then I switched control to the docking port to show it working normally. An interesting thing I noticed is that due to the Rovemate's orientation, the 90 is at the top of the nav ball when the rover is facing west, as opposed to east in @Alshain's video.
  18. Did you follow the install directions exactly? My guess is that you forgot to download the textures.
  19. Does that happen with all mods? or just the ones from spacedock? Try it again, it might be because spacedock was down at the time.
  20. I have been lurking in these multiplayer discussion threads for a long time. My opinion is that large public servers are unrealistic due to lag, time warp and people being jerks. However collaborations with a few friends would be really fun. Time warp can be decided when the server is being made. For example if the focus is racing/combat then no time warp. If the focus is a joint space exploration then players can vote on time warp. As for ship control after docking, one person will take main control (maybe the person with the more massive ship pre docking) and the other person can have access to right click menus. The control can be handed off to the other person if need be.
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