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Everything posted by Simplicity

  1. Thank you, I thinks I will look into this - having the whole lazpr mod installed just to get the camera is a bit a a waste to me
  2. It is?? - does it mean having to have lazor mod installed?? - if not care to share how to have docking cam so I can use it with mechjeb
  3. Great Picture you took there - Not been to Duna yet (only ever been to the Mun so far) - so your picture makes me want to go there even more one day..
  4. Many thanks, will try it out - for some reason the parts I am taking up seem to be at different roll angles than 0 lol - gonna make things interesting to say the least... Update: Well I gave it a quick try, but alas you seem to be missing the one thing I really use in mechjeb (the Rendezvous autopilot) - either it been hidden in your version or been taken out, either way it not there
  5. Hmmm, sooo what you are saying is, that like for my last ship which was at 0, and I had to roll to 90° I would end up having Mechjeb doing strange maneuvers... hehehe might be interesting to see what it does LOL I presume your version is based off build #56?
  6. Yes at present the ASCENT window that has auto stage in it is a GLOBAL button, so if you do not want other windows to auto stage, make sure that you turn off the auto stage in the ASCENT window.. - What I do is auto stage during ascent, and just before I close the window after reaching orbit I untick the auto stage button, that way usually nothing bad happens when I use other windows.. But as I said above, the developer is aware of this and has mentioned he is thinking of alternatives
  7. Thank you, I never tried it that way before, I just finished docking 2 parts onto my new station doing it that way and it was easy.. (except when mechjeb stopped short of the station and just sat there until I exited to tracking station, went back set things up again and it finished things off ) One thing I have been thinking of, maybe the developer could add an extra box to the docking window that lets you type in a degree for rotation, so say you knew your station was at 90, you could type 90 into the box and then mechjeb would rotate your ship to the 90 thereby lining you up.. - I thought of this when I went to dock my second ship, I found I was going to be upside down, so had to quickly hammer the Q and E keys to rotate the ship around LOL.
  8. This problem is a known fact to the developer.. - He mentioned in the mechjeb thread a while back he is thinking of alternatives
  9. Ummm, hows about an RCS thruster under the seat (sorta like an ejector seat) - link it to a hotkey whereas if pressed it (1) rips the roof off the ute, (2) fires the RCS thruster under the seat thereby (3) ejecting seat and kerbal up into the air
  10. YES please - judging by what I been reading in the other threads this type of mod is very popular now
  11. Many thanks for that, will have to keep an eye on your things
  12. Any chance we could beg the craft files from you please :)
  13. Which mechjeb are you using?? = if you are using the latest (2.0.8) I think you will find it will only work in ksp 0.2 (although I could be wrong) Yes, but another downside to orda I have found since 0.2 is that orda once placed on the ship cannot seem to be taken off it again - so when placing orda you have to make sure it's exactly where you want it.
  14. Well I installed the latest dev build from yesterday and gave it a little bit of a play... (Mainly only tried the Rendezvous autopilot and the docking autopilot.. Rendezvous autopilot - 10/10 - perfect, first run I told it to get no closer than 200m, and it stopped at 198.8m, second time I told it to stop at 100m, it stopped at 90m. I put the first part of my station in orbit at 300m, and then my second ship I put at 100m then told mech jeb to do it's thing.. - it didn't try to do a new orbit or anything, just set itself up and away it went. docking autopilot - 9/10 - nearly perfect. - Docked first time, no problems at all, the reason for the 9/10, is that even tho the docking goes without a hitch, it is miss-aligned once it is docked. (While this may not be a big deal for some, for those of us who like everything lined up this is a big deal.) Anyway, overall, a great job guys :)..
  15. If you need a mirror for the files when you get going, give me a yell, I have my own servers here at home with a reasonable connection
  16. Oooo, I really liked this one, so I went and altered it (hope you don't mind) and put it superimposed on top of my dragon flag
  17. Thinks spaceport gonna be busy today Many thanks for this update, I love my little alarm clock cause my kerbals have a habit of missing important things happening
  18. oooo rushes off to spaceport to download.. Thank you very much for the update, my kerbals love chattering away when I am sending them into unknown space
  19. Now that is a good idea :) One little thing I noticed tonight when I was starting out with a new ship, is that you cannot attach struts to the THSS-033-H and the THSS-033H Tipped... Is this by design?? - it making it real hard to stop things from exploding with not being able to strut this part (I have a 14,000L fuel tank attached below the THSS-033H with a JoolV main engine below that, and when this baby powers up if something is not strutted then things fail very spectacularly.)
  20. yes, looks like as the above poster said, the parts already have been edited... All I can suggest is to delete the 3rd and 4th lines - also check the last line as it may have an extra } in it - should be 2 at the bottom, you will prob find you have 3 Also, nothing against mod managers, but be careful, I am not sure if the mod managers are capable of reading files that are not in the correct directory structure, I have seen comments on people that use them having problems sometimes cause the manager doesn't put things where they are supposed to go.
  21. Grabs the popcorn, loads KSP and plays with trying to build a new ship while keeping half an eye open on this thread
  22. Can you take a screenshot so we can see what you mean?
  23. Yea, I know what you mean, I think I will just add them back in but put them in a separate folder inside damedata so I do not lose them in future updates.
  24. Thank you for that, but I already know how to do that, I made up a temp THSS for people to download while waiting for the author to update What I was pointing out, is that the above parts seem to be MISSING from the new release, they do not seem to exist any more.
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