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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. I say its an weird fail. I assume the outer metal casing is to protect the connector but its not supposed to come off. Is it an official cable?
  2. Why do you need an lens to count fly legs? they have 6 like all insects? Googled it an 4, and he was an trusted source for how long? This is so mindbogglingly stupid. Again the printing press, add in the scientific method of thinking. And yes starting an small cult for medical men somewhere. They used soap, alcohol and also boiled their tools to kill small demons. For some reason this works well, its an lie for children but one who stick then they help the Romans or you could put it farther back but you will get serious famines unless you buff farming hard.
  3. First cannons arrived pretty short time after gunpowder was known in Europe and was used in in the 12th century. Cannons back then was very hard to operate and was very dangerous but it made breaching walls much easier. Romans could make them, at least bronze guns who was safer and more reliable but more expensive. in 1453 the Ottomans used an 20 ton cannon with an 90 cm bore who is one of the largest bores ever made, mostly because later cannons prioritized projectile velocity more than the old stone ball throwers. Not much battlefield use but I guess some would come up the idea of using smaller ones shooting lots of balls at once who would be useful here. Steam engines however is much harder. These old cannons was not really made with precision in mind, you made the balls so they fitted the gun. And while you could use an large cannon as the cylinder for your engine the boiler and pipes had to stand up to the pressure to. This way why the first steam engines used vacuum rather than over pressure. Early engines was also very little fuel efficient, only worth using pumping water out of coal mines as transport cost was low It took an 100 years before steam locomotives was practical but some tugs used steam engines before this to help sailing ships in and out of harbors. I would go for movable types printing press, cannons are nice but as mostly for siege it would just help Rome expand it empire making it harder to hold. With an printing press ideas would spread much wider who would have much more of an effect down the line, and its an very simple invention.
  4. I agree, but that will cost millions. Naming boosters is free and increase engagement. Downside is if they dispose of one them there will be some backlash.
  5. Some who know Everyday Astronaut get him to ask this next time he meet Musk. Its reasonable plausible it would pass.
  6. 23 landings and its an veteran I say. Naming them and it would be much more common. Falcon heavy side boosters would have names of twins like Romulus and Remus. Core got no names as it is disposed. Imagine calling them Louie, Huey, and Dewey and dispose of Huey Disney would be furious of them using these names
  7. Who failure, the failed landing. I assume that is an internal issue for SpaceX.
  8. Good correction there, I was mostly thinking about making an obsolete product. Early jets was also very fuel inefficient so range and time in the air was limited. It was also a few planes with both piston engine and a jet because of this. Fighter planes not the B-36. SLS, we make an rocket out of the shuttle parts, without the shuttle dry weight it would have a massive lifting capacity and be an fast an cheap solution, well in KSP it would be. Wonder where all the money goes? On the other hand for disposable rockets two stages and SRB is very efficient so lots of rocket has used it. Its the go to in KSP for me unless launching something tiny like an satellite or something very heavy, and the joy of using Soyuz side boosters on an Saturn 5 core is notable. It don't work well with reuse however.
  9. This now I think over $28 is more in the ballpark of New Glenn disposable second stage, price will go down with many launches. They are also working on an reusable second stage and by the Everyday astronaut interview. Its some sort of internal competition between reusable and disposable. Now unless the reusable is an hangar queen it will win then you have spare capacity or can simply launch more as in constellations. New Glenn upper stage will be nice for throwing stuff hard into deep space as its hydrolox and lighter than SS. Then you have refueling who tilt thing again. Interesting times, I love it SLS is kind of making an very nice V16 engine fighter plane in 1949, but all are moving to jets. Also price is out of control by order of magnitude.
  10. Might be hard to fix as SpaceX uses air to cool the spacesuit while water is most common. This is an element during the space walk as they use pure oxygen and low pressure they need more cooling air. Add that astronauts will be moving around here generating more heat. Benefit of using air is that you need air to breath anyway and leaks inside the suit is not an problem. I assume air is distributed trough the suit as in into arms and legs then flow back inside suit before getting tapped out for cooling, and reused. Now it could be possible to make an adapter for air to breath.
  11. Grandmother of the ascii art of an nude lady and other stuff we had back in the 80's and used scrolls, as in dot matrix printers printing from an roll. That lady was an meter tall I think
  12. It makes sense, you don't want juniors flying an new capsule. And as I understand an issue with IIS is that its actually understaffed as most of the crew time is keeping the station running. One of the reason NASA want to buy in on an commercial station so they don't have to do ship and hotel jobs most of the time. They would share the running cost with companies and tourists, And its fun to use billionaires as interns, fun for both parts And the falcon 9 launch tempo let you insert other payloads if needed, excrements our satellite stopped working and customers are screaming. Yes we can delay an starlink launch. Dragons is the bottleneck for manned missions.
  13. Ping is important for stuff who has to be real time: games, drone control, short time trading. It does not matter for streaming, Most live TV streams has couple of seconds as an buffer anyway. Watch sport on cable and streamed on your phone or laptop. at the same time, no it does not matter much here outside of edge cases. For science data time is pretty irrelevant, same for streams.
  14. I assume space lasers at starlink is an new way to get high speed communication for satellites especially they who generate a lot of data. Down the line we want dedicated satellites for this purpose, ping is not important and an higher orbit let them service more and they can have more lasers and receivers, primary purpose for starlink lasers is to relay data if over water.
  15. Water is an valuable resource and you might still get issues then it hit downrange unless you trap it. Thinking of that, using gravel or sand and something like an shot trap who is used on some indoor gun ranges, an funnel who angled so bullets will only ricochet inward, have bottom tilt towards the rear to so stuff end up in the rear. Yes you need to build this solid but its an very simple structure. You could then reuse the sand or gravel for the next shot.
  16. Something like spinlaunch makes much more sense on the moon because lower gravity and no air. Main issue is how the counterweight handles on release, suddenly the thing who rotate very fast is unbalanced. Some ways to fix it is to simple release it too, has it hit an pile of gravel, dig out and attach again. More advanced has counterweight fall some cm then landing on rails or an plate around the center so you can slow it down.
  17. Give the poor things an kick stage Hint an new Sheppard fits inside the fairing. (Yes i know it would obviously pass way to fast past mars to slow down but the new superheavy and cheap launchers let you do far more kerbal mission profiles.
  18. CO has the major benefit that you don't need water so you can just generate it out of Mars atmosphere, you still need plenty of power and no idea how small you can make this. Pretty pointless for sample return as if you have an return capsule in mars orbit you only need something the size of an anti tank missile to launch it.
  19. Don't disagree on you but then you need to develop the Mars lander and have enough of them to get the crews in orbit down even if you had one crash and one out of action until you get new parts from earth. You could also refuel the ship in orbit at Mars in an pitch. I don't see this as practical at the initial landings as developing this craft would be expensive for an single purpose craft. But landing something designed for long interplanetary missions is not an good idea. I would also change moonship for reducing weight if it would have an 2-4 man crew. Probably use an fairing and an smaller habitation section made more light weight. Might use an fairing to let you put more stuff on top. You could still make it very luxurious.
  20. They are shipping in tower segments already, its an ship breaker north of the build site who I assume is used for bringing them inn. You might need to move some power lines and cut down some trees but nothing serious. But you are probably correct, might also update that harbor a bit who would be the big one.
  21. This is because the aircraft marked is very mature and large, rocket marked is not. I kind of expect Stoke space rocket to be much cheaper than Starship for smaller payloads as rocket is much smaller and easier to handle. Starship would still be much cheaper if you could use the capacity. As or the A380 its problem was that the passenger flight model was shifting from an spoke an hub model to far more direct flights with smaller planes as they was now more efficient and could fly longer. Two reasons to move SS horizontally, either send them with ship to KSC, or they land somewhere in the Pacific or US west coast and then returned to an launch site. Now why would this require an environmental impact study? Its shipped dry after all. An structural study makes more sense here, damage to tiles is an major one even if in an cradle.
  22. Note that New Glenn is planned to get an reusable upper stage down the line. And I agree as an commercial launcher Starship is over sized. But commercial launches is not Starship core function, that is Mars according to Musk. Its also nice for moon missions and launching lots of starlink satellites at once. An disposable SS and SH is an option but I say it depend on how fast they progress, It looks like SH will be reused soon and its the most expensive part if SS is not designed for reuse. Refueling in orbit is the key to SS heavy lift to moon and other places.
  23. LOL at the French navy at the age of sail. German strategic rockets was way worse. First how could the second bombing of London work then the first did not back then Germany was on an winning streak? At an time then they was losing fronts all the time it would be pointless. Strategic bombing was pretty ineffective as it was at lest until the end of the war where you get the huge bomber fleets who could drop kiloton of bombs during an attack. Some V1 missiles makes some sense as the allies would spend resources trying to shoot them down. V2 was an waste of resources, I assume they was desperate trying to find something who worked and designing rockets or weird planes is better than the east front so none working on these things would say anything.
  24. I agree here at least for PC games who can not run on modern windows because old drm it tend to be patched out for games who is still kind of relevant, many times stealing pirate hacks as patches hopefully after looking into them. I got into hacking games after running Windows-NT as it was much better than 98 but games did not work on it. For multiplayer games its much harder, often you need other players who is impossible to find. But for larger MMO like WOW, Elder Scroll Online and FF 14 realm reborn I think they keep them up for many decades, Everquest 1 is still online as it should be as its now historical relevant so is WOW classic. Elder Scroll Online has stuff like more lore about Bosmers, Argonians and Khajiit than you probably want to know. Random shooter 3028 who was an obvious bad cash grab is not unless so bad it broke the business model. Antem, new world. Now adding to this I say AI will likely be used both for voice acting and generating quests both is probably good while not as good as the hand crafted ones it would be closer to the bad ones than the random quests. This might require servers even in single player games even if you could run it on the gpu as you are in dialogue anyway.
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