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Everything posted by Athlonic

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/js0m8ufpemb6i0h/SurfaceLights_devtemp_forKSP_V1.1.zip?dl=0 While waiting for Why485 update, my temporary fixed dll, still works here. Just install the original mod and replace the "GameData\SurfaceLights\SurfaceLights.dll" file with this one. I just recompiled it with KSP v1.1(final) references just to be safe.
  2. There is already a "quick&dirty" Kerbalish audioset (not very proud of it), I plan to "mix" a nice Chatterer like audioset in the future I like the idea, as well
  3. @klingolf, glad you got it sorted and yes 64bits helps a lot when using several mods.
  4. Sorry to hear that. Your logs : "KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt" & "KSP.log" should help to find out what's going on.
  5. Isn't it ? Like if he was talking/listening to someone/something ... uhuhuhuhuhuh ? ^^
  6. Beer = Stupid stuff !!!???!! Are you for real ? Dude !
  7. This is exactly what I was wondering also, will do some testing. Thanks Tested without calling base.OnUpdate and ... nothing exploded. Dropbox file updated. New changelog from original below (along new references to be added) :
  8. You are right, but I had no other choice. Update() seems to no longer being part of ModuleLight class which this mod belong. This is also why I called this fix "dirty" But it works ^^
  9. Hi, Wanted some tiny and cute lights for my ships, so I quickly did a "dirty" fix for this mod for KSP pre v1.1 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxw7gimcr1m13a2/SurfaceLights_devtemp_forKSP_preV1.1.zip?dl=0 Install original mod and just replace the "SurfaceLights.dll" with this one. Here is the changelog along the usual references changes for KSP 1.1 :
  10. That beep is called Quindar, it is the slider just below chatter volume you want to lower
  11. I knew I shouldn't try this new version, I still remember these 3 poor Kerbals I lost last year. But, I tried it anyway ... low willpower. And you didn't disappoint me, excellent one
  12. Hi, I replaced panLevel with spatialBlend for Chatterer, it seems to do the trick if you want a 2D audiosource. panStereo seems more like just a left/right balance, I might be wrong though.
  13. Ok folks, Here is a devBuild which should work with KSP prerelease v1.1 Use with caution still, feel free to post feedback or issues you may encounter here. For KSP prev1.1 only : https://github.com/Athlonic/Chatterer/releases/tag/v0.9.8-devBuild
  14. Hi ComatoseJedi, Exchange are not event based (yet) but they trigger randomly on some events. Now that we have a nice english NASA chatter set (thanks to KingNeberkenezer) I know I have to implement a smart "event based" exchange system and it has always been my long term goal for Chatterer. Squad recently added several game event triggers in the code so I can feel this coming a reality soon.
  15. If you are a PC gamer but hate Steam ... You are doing it wrong Also nice to see 22 pages full of "Thank you squad for the opportunity" posts Oh wait ... ^^
  16. And this is just what I call a brilliant idea. Actually I was waiting for a Steam beta branch for years regarding KSP, it would definitely help updating mods to be ready on official launch day. And of course reporting issue we might encounter in the process. You guys rocks ! As usual
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