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Everything posted by Athlonic

  1. - Antenna Range support : this would require an API, last time I checked there wasn't any. I will check again. - SSTV on science transmission : this is on my "todo" list
  2. I just updated Chatterer KerbalStuff depot as 1.0.4 compatible. I guess it should fix CKAN assuming v0.9.5 is outdated.
  3. The "stop every second" thing is a 64bit known issue. I need to test another way, I have in mind, to play audio files.
  4. Guys, I have been quite busy with the setup of an Airshow here the last weekend, almost all my free-time went to bed time ^^ Happy to hear Chatterer has no issue so far with KSP 1.0.4 @ MOARdV, an API for Chatterer sounds good indeed, I will see if I can make this happen. Also, I won't be able to code/test/play for some more days/weeks so don't hesitate to report any issues if any Thanks.
  5. Sorry if it has already been discussed but, what about PS4 version Mods support ? I heard about Microsoft allowing Fallout 4 PC mods to run on XBone version as well, so I am just wondering what is possible to do with these consoles regarding Mods. Thanks.
  6. Concernant les FR, moi c'est bien évidemment EnFrancaisDansLeTexte et aussi Plexistan (FR mais stream en anglais).
  7. And another mod added to my musthave list. Thanks a lot
  8. So, -80% science reward seems to be the way to go then... Regarding .cfg file editing : Will editing the line "Global_Science_Return = 1" in Contract_Experiments_DM.cfg suffice and act as a global multiplier where 2 means +100%, or do we need to edit every single line (ScienceMultiplier = #) in all PARAM section of all .cfg files ? Thanks.
  9. Honestly I am in the same boat here. -80% science reward !?! Please no I am playing with KCT and kinda realistic way (RemoteTech/lifesupport/...), this mean I won't be able to go to duna/eve/jool and back using 10000x time accelaration and win thousand of science in minutes. I am only at tier 3 on the stock science tech tree and I already feel the need to grind for science point. This mod use to be my savior because of its generous rewards, I always felt sad wen I saw stock experiments rewards for 2-8 science points when some techtree ask for +500 each. I think I will stick with previous version then as well :/ Please maybe make an optional hard setting or something. Or bind the reward amount to the game's science reward slider maybe ? Anyway thanks for this awesome mod
  10. Hehe, this happened here as well ... several times. The last time it was when I set SSTV to play randomly for testing purpose, I got bored of waiting so I set and used a key shortcut to play it. But then, I forgot I let random play on ... A little later ... BEEPILLIILIBEPP !!! Jeeeeeezzz, and of course I was concentrated on something, wearing my headset and it was around 02:00AM. Still makes me laugh when I think about it ^^
  11. ROFL ! But yes there can also be an issue, if upgrading while keeping old config file or when using per_vessel settings, where Valentina's set have to be manually loaded.
  12. Hi, If you use Remotech it will disable beeps, SSTV and capcom chatter (capsule chatter will still trigger, simulating "talk to self/inter crew chat") Now you talked about it, I guess vanilla KSP has a "connection to KSC" check when sending science ... maybe I can use this to simulate loss of connection without RemoteTech as well... mmh mmhh mmhhhhh
  13. Thanks, glad you like it Also HOTFIX out, sorry for the mess up and thanks again taniwha
  14. And I messed this again, I knew I forgot something when packaging for release. This is it, crew check for probe ! I should have wrote it down somewhere. Thanks a lot taniwha, will push a hotfix asap.
  15. Don't know about a donate button (will consider this) but here is Chatterer Valentina supported edition :
  16. Not so simple actually, but here you go : Also sorry for those who downloaded the previous update already, I know it is boring ^^
  17. @ canisin, Yep and I will consider adding a random beep option as it has been asked several times. Also little update up :
  18. It seems like you didn't take the files from "Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/windowsstandalonesupport/Variations/win64_nondevelopment" Didn't you ?
  19. Yep, this is it. No RemoteTech connection = no beep (white button), no capcom chatter (blue button) With no connection, green button means a Kerbal is still speaking to himself/a team mate sometimes.
  20. Catched this. It has to do with the OX-STAT solar panel (the flat one). If you have a vessel at very high orbit with any of this part every 12 seconds or so it will fly away from focus. Reverting to v1.9.1 TweakableSolarPanels.dll file fixes the issue (as a workaround)
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