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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Do you mean it can actually carry cargo or that it can be carried AS cargo. Because it is pretty darn small. Bring the rear wheels forward to just behind the CoM and it will take-off a LOT easier.
  2. Probably pretty close to 11 h 13 m 20 s, the orbital period of Minmus. But someone should be able to calculate. AP 350799.7 PE 350486.4
  3. I think you're talking about Panda Jager Laboratories. Problem is, it's old and I have not been able to find it on either Curse or Kerbalstuff. The good news: I still have it and despite being old it still works. If this is the mod you're looking for contact me through PM and I can mail it to you. It's only 773kB Edit: Never mind me offering to mail it to you. I just noticed there is an alternate download link on the last page.
  4. Easily cured with some simple antibiotics.
  5. Kerbals and vehicles moving around KSC similarly to how they move through the VAB/SPH should not be that hard to mod.
  6. I guess your talking about the blue, orange and green markers and not the clouds. The clouds are obviously EVE. The coloured markers most likely a contract mod like Fine Print.
  7. Yes. But in Tomb Raider your PC didn't have to simulate physics on a 1000 part space station at the same time.
  8. People need a bit more info than a simple "I have a problem, please help." In order to help you we'll at least need to know your KSP version (0.24/0.25, 32/64bit) and what which mods you've got. Keep in mind: 64bit is extremely unstable for most people. And many mods have not yet been updated. Many that used to work fine with 0.24 have issues with 0.25.
  9. A video only shows the parts the producer wants you to see. (And 90% of promotional video's isn't actual game-play anyway.) It can never compare with experiencing the game first hand. I wholeheartedly agree with the comment posted by Sky_walker. If I'm buying clothes I want to see and feel the fabric and make sure it actually fits. If I want to buy a car or bike I'm taking it for a test-drive. And if I want to buy a game I want to play it first. If I can't download a demo I am going to download the whole game. Problem is: If I've already downloaded the complete game, why would I buy it? Demos are a good thing! Yes, they do cost a bit of time and money to the producer. But in return more people will buy the game instead of pirating it.
  10. One important FAR/NEAR feature to keep your eye on is stall. Especially when it comes to canard wings. If your nose keeps dropping and you continuously have to pitch up in an attempt to maintain level flight you might be tempted to increase the max deflection of the canards. Contrary of what you might think you should instead reduce the max deflection. What happens when you pitch up hard is your canards will stall and loose lift, dropping the nose. To compensate you'll have to pitch up even harder causing even more canard stall and loosing even more lift. With a reduced max deflection angle it might take a few seconds longer to pitch up but you will not stall as quickly and you'll keep the nose up a lot easier.
  11. Now with 0.25 you can exchange reputation for science and/or funds. Just check out the new administration building.
  12. There used to be a dedicated B9 craft thread several months ago. I can't find it at the moment but I do remember it contained a wide variety of B9 craft.
  13. You should at least make a back-up before you update. Stock-craft should not be affected be the new update. Same goes for mod-craft after mods are brought up to date. The only mod that I expect to cause some minor troubles is SP+. As SP+ will become stock some parts might have been renamed and/or remodelled.
  14. Making claims about a release date is bull crap. Without a solid reference anything said will be nothing but speculation. Only sure thing you can say SQUAD will release on a day ending in a Y.
  15. My guess: as you use fuel your CoG actually DOES shifts backwards to behind the CoL. Or at least far enough backwards to make your plane extremely unstable. Since you already use KER I'll assume you're not afraid to use mods. Install TAC Fuel Balancer and use fuel from the rear tanks first.
  16. I am 100% sure that if somebody would a proper mod manager the modding community will adapt and incorporate it in their future releases. The same thing happened with Blizzy's toolbar. At first it was just a gimmick but now more and more mods rely on it. If it happened before it will happen again.
  17. Freelancer Mod Manager 1.5 Yes, Freelancer is old but it still has an active community and there are hundreds of mod. I've played Freelancer a LOT and have always used FMM. It's small, it's free and does NOT require any registration.
  18. OK, yes, the mod manager would have to be downloaded and installed. But that still doesn't require me to sign up or register anywhere.
  19. Instead of a 3D Jeb figurine why not a random Kerbal? Engineer, scientist, Werner, generic and a 1 in X chance you actually get and orange suited Jeb, Bill or Bob.
  20. For one thing; it doesn't require any software install or account to DOWNLOAD from Curse. It does for Steam.
  21. To get to low solar orbit you could use a gravity assist from Eve or Moho to slow you down. Getting back to kerbin with a gravity assist would be a lot harder. You could build a mining facility on or around Gilly or Moho to refuel your low solar station. That way you won't have to carry the fuel required to get back home.
  22. This should definitely be possible. The light on the AR202 MechJeb controller already changes color depending on whether it is active or not. It should not be too hard to do something similar based on electric charge.
  23. A NON-Steam mod manager would be a much better idea as it would be available to both steam users as non-steam users. I am one of those people that doesn't use steam. I don't have it, I don't want it. And unless anybody can provide a really, REALLY good reason to do otherwise I'll avoid it like the plague.
  24. At least you're not trying to link an image directly from your PC like some others do.
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