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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. If this was an option don't you think NASA would have designed it that way?
  2. Apologies for stating a no-brainer but are you sure you've switched the SAS on every time? Without SAS fins, reaction wheels and RCS are useless as there is nothing even TRYING to keep things stable.
  3. I doubt he meant the hex trusses. It's more likely he's wondering about the long distance ore scanner from EPL.
  4. The space shuttle weighs three times as much and lands 50% faster than a typical fighter jet. Landing a fighter jet on a carrier is already considered a controlled crash landing. Even with serious modifications on both ends this would be all but impossible. So how would you do this? You don't.
  5. Those are to toggle fuel flow from that tank. When the disabled sign is showing no engine will pull that resource from that tank. You can however manually draw fuel from it to any other tank.
  6. That is pretty much the only way to correct your orbit. Burn radial to bring your Pe up/down to the desired altitude. Then burn to the normal to place your Pe at the equator. And as a third and final step plan a manoeuvre at Pe to circularize and correct inclination simultaneously.
  7. Yeah, inclined at a whole whopping 0.06 degrees. Any inclination that close to zero would be considered perfectly equatorial.
  8. Now this is truly a desktop worthy screenshot. Unlike a lot of dime-a-dozen mission report photo's this is a true gem. +1
  9. Some dogs are smarter than cats, all are smarter than Kerbals. Fact: 111.111.111 * 111.111.111 = 12.345.678.987.654.321
  10. As valid as this suggestion is it is hardly original. There have been dozens of suggestions along these same lines over the last years. I am sure SQUAD is aware of this. I am also pretty sure it is low on their priority list as it is just a feature to make things only slightly easier.
  11. Perhaps I could have expressed myself a bit clearer. I also think he was and incredible actor. I never wanted to give the impression he was not. What I meant to say there are actors I think are better but he still ranks among the greatest.
  12. If you're totally stuck and have difficulties try playing sandbox for a while. Don't be bothered with funds and science. Just learn the basics of the game. Once you've learned how to get to orbit and possibly get to Mun give career mode another try.
  13. You're right. This could have been about Williams just as easy. He was not the greatest actor but he was definitely one of the great. He will be missed. R.I.P.
  14. This is one of my most successful SSTO designs. My Hammerhead does have multiple intakes but not to the level of air hogging. It can launch 4 Kerbals to LKO with ease. Vertical climb to 10 km to escape the worst of Kerbins soupy atmosphere. Them a slow steady climb to 30km (30% throttle) before switching engine modes. It's also the plane I've successfully used for rescue missions multiple times.
  15. If you're having problems keeping up with mod development you might want to bookmark http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library. It isn't always up to date and it isn't always complete but it does give you a listing of the most popular mods including links to their respective threads. The problem with mod packages is not just the licensing or keeping them updated, it's also their contents. I prefer a certain selection of mods but I do not want others. The mods I use are MY choice and might not suit other players. The sheer number of mods makes for an unimaginable number of combinations. Picking exactly the pack YOU want would possible be harder than just downloading the individual mods.
  16. All true. Big corporations laugh at rules as they have the endurance to stall and prolong lawsuits. But with copyrights laws at least you have a chance. Without them you'll have nothing.
  17. In my experience the most cost effective way to do rescue missions is an SSTO spaceplane. Netto cost after 100% recovery on the runway is √1000 at max.
  18. * Mk 1 Lander Can with a few legs suspended by a launchclamp. Whenever you get a "test part landed on Kerbin" mission stick the required part on top. Drop the lander on the launchpad (landed) and test the part. Recover the whole load for 100% refund. [Alt] + [F12] for debug menu. Hold [Alt] for about 5 seconds. Add/remove as much science, reputation and funds as desired.
  19. Don't know how to mod the science gain but the obvious answer is staring you in the face. If you don't want to complete the science tree with just Mun and Minmus then don't go there! Nobody says you must milk Mun and Minmus dry before leaving kerbin's SOI.
  20. As a matter of fact it is the SECOND time TODAY http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90105-Start-Menu-Easter-Egg
  21. I agree, it is outrages how certain companies abuse copyright laws and try to claim the public domain as their own. But I also think it is time for the devils advocate to step in. Copyright laws do have some positive side too. Let's assume you're a young aspiring writer. You've just finished a brilliant screenplay. To fulfil it's potential will require a great deal of money but since you're still a nobody none of the movie studio's are willing to invest in your risky proposal. Disappointed you start searching for money in other areas: friends, family, crowd funding, corporate sponsoring. Even a second mortgage on your house. You barely manage to scrape enough money together to finish your project. With the limited funds you had the sets and effects leave much to be desired. And the actors are cast from the local drama theatre and highschool musical. With lacking effects and no actors to speak of, to no one's surprise your movie never catches on with the general public. But since the story itself is brilliant it does generate a buzz and gathers a loyal following. Now suddenly the studios do take notice. But not the movie studios that turned you down. This time it's the TV studios you never considered contacting since you wrote a movie script, not a TV series. TV studios pour millions into the idea and it becomes the biggest hit since sliced bread making them billions. And you? You're still slaving away, paying off your second mortgage. Nobody cares about you, without copyright laws nobody is protecting YOUR idea and YOUR money!
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