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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. And you expect the entire world to know what's happening in your backyard?
  2. That's an 0.17 video. RCS thrusters in 0.17 were a lot stronger then.
  3. No module Manager required. It's just a single .dll.
  4. And still I'd prefer Andromeda over Lexx any day of the week.
  5. If you use WASD in regular flight mode your SAS will be fighting your wheel traction. Switch to docking mode or remap your rover controls to something like IJKL.
  6. And the very best way to save funds is to mine resources on Minmus and construct your craft in orbit. Recovering of science drop pods will actually earn you extra funds.
  7. You either love it or you hate it. Yes, it's somewhat original but the acting is crap and effects are hopelessly outdated. Lexx dates from the late 90's to early 00's. Even in the 70's or 80's those visual effects would have been below sub-standard.
  8. This has been in place for many versions. ANY flying object (manned or unmanned, controllable or debris) beyond physics range at more than a certain atmospheric pressure. (I believe it was 1% surface pressure?) is considered to crash and is deleted. For Kerbin this border is at roughly 23 kilometer. To still be able to recover debris you could use DebRefund. (There are others that do the same. I just mentioned DebRefund as I use it myself.)
  9. A minor tweak would indeed be very welcome. And the ability to adjust them in the VAB/SPH is pretty much mandatory. [table] [tr][td][/td] [td]Probe[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Probe lander[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Probe rover[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Capsule[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Lander[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Manned rover / Surface vehicle[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Base[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Aircraft[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Multipart ship / Mothership[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]Debris[/td][/tr] [/table] (Icons 'borrowed' from KSP Ribbon Generator.)
  10. You're using KSP x64, right? Please be aware x64 is far from stable.
  11. That's a bit useless when testing solid boosters. But you're correct. To be more precise you don't even need to add a fuel tank.
  12. "Can't make it out"??? Either you need to watch this in HD or you need glasses. It CLEARLY states KSC Security Patrol. Kennedy Space Center.
  13. Few weeks ago a similar topic passed by: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91943-I-need-some-anime-to-watch
  14. If you like The Walking Dead or other zombie flicks: Z Nation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBMAHsunAUs
  15. Launchpad, runway, KSC, shores, water, grasslands. All Biomes within walking distance. Get as much from those as you can for a free science boost. 'Landed' test contracts can also be a very cheap and easy source of science. Remove all fuel from the engine, activate it on the launchpad and recover for a full refund.
  16. I do exactly this all the time. Nothing tedious about it. In fact, I don't even want an automatic update. I prefer to stay in control and update and transfer everything manually. And downloading an update through the patcher or doing it manually is just as fast (or slow). Fortunately for me I don't have a crappy connection. My ISP may have lousy customer service but they do provide a reliably fast connection.
  17. Have you tried starting KSP WITHOUT the launcher? If that does work, why bother?
  18. The post you're referring to is roughly a year and a half old. Some of the mods that katateochi used might no longer be around any more. Others simply won't work in 0.24. And the mods that do work, like B9, have changed so much since that time that craft build on the old version are incompatible with the new. I can only suggest two options: Build your own house. Or ask katateochi for help.
  19. Before this gets locked for necro-posting I'd like to ask you one question: How did you find this? It's been dead for nearly a year!
  20. Some simple rules - Any Sci-fi/Fantasy source is allowed. Games, movies, books, TV, any source will do. - The source must be globally known. - Trivia must be part of established lore and not fan-fiction. Unless of course this fan fiction has become so big it has actually become part of the established lore. - Anything can be found through Google these days. But to give people who actually KNOW the answer a chance: NO GOOGLE! - Make sure it is actually possible to answer the question. Give at least some direction. - He who answers the question correctly will post the next question. - Please wait for your answer to be confirmed before asking the next question. If confirmation is not given within 24 hours you're free to post your question. Example question In Star Wars, who was 'Echo 3'? Luke Skywalker "Echo 3 to Echo 7. Han old buddy, do you read me?" And now for the real question: What was the name of the destroyer in War of the Worlds?
  21. Unplg Switch off your phone and actually talk to people. Works on any phone. Even on a 1980's brick.
  22. Only vaguely heard of this but found it in less than a minute: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80292-0-24-2-Flight-Manager-for-Reusable-Stages-%28FMRS-v0-2-00%29
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