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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Tex_NL

    I am a dog.

    I have no idea what you've been smoking. But if it messes with your mind this bad it can't be legal.
  2. No offence. But that's pretty much why you can't sleep at night. Napping during the day and taking pills at night will only mess up your natural rhythm even more. You can't sleep so you pop a pill. You still won't sleep properly and need a nap during the day. As a result you're not tired at night and can't sleep: another pill. See where I am going with this? Whatever you do, no matter how tired you are don't nap during the day. Stay active. Early evening go easy on the coffee and other 'stimulants'. Last few hours before bed no coffee, no cigarettes or adrenaline inducing activities. (Heavy sports, horror movies, etc.) Make your bed with fresh clean sheets and TURN OFF the heat (your bedroom should be a bit on the cold side). A scolding hot shower and straight to bed! I know it's cliché but hot milk right before bed does actually help.
  3. I could say this has been suggested many times before. I also could say there already are mods for this. I could even post a link to those mods. But I am not going to. Do your own homework!
  4. You mean something like this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54370
  5. Freelancer is a great game. I've 'wasted' many hours as third in command and Trade Master of ZEN (Zoner Edgeworld Network) on the PTC server. But it does has a few issues. The single player campaign gives the appearance of being open but only up to a limit. Without following the story jumpgates stay locked and reputation is fixed. After finishing the story the game turns into a more or less sandbox. Too bad by now you're flying an over powered ship without much to do. Replay value is low. What makes Freelancer interesting is the mods. The Discovery mod greatly enhances the game; new ships and equipment, new factions, new systems and planets. Adding more content than the unmodded game came with. Tantalus' images are from this mod. Single player with the Discovery mod is certainly possible but is rather lonely. A HUGE sandbox and nobody to play with. Solution: multiplayer. To bad the multiplayer community is not very friendly. There are dozens of modded servers available but only one is actually active 'Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7' all others are either dead or dying with little to no activity. Choosing a server to play on is choosing between bad and worse. Bad is a nearly empty server, worse is 'Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7'. It is run like a police state with not room for personal freedom. People get banned for minor offences and players that ruin gameplay for others (but staying within RPG) get rewarded. When I started playing Freelancer some years ago I played the 'DiscoveryPTC Relaxed RP' server. In it's glory days it rivalled the main server but was much less restricted. Too bad the current admin is a completely incompetent and obsessively religious narcissist. Since that fool took over the player numbers dropped from a 40+ average to only a few in about a year. So if you decide to play Freelancer know you'll be dealing with an absolute great game but a lousy community. P.S. If you ever spot someone flying a ZEN tag on any Freelancer server give them my regards.
  6. For now? A definite NO! For the future (beyond KSP 1.0)? Maybe. There is an incredible amount of work that can and has to be done inside the Kerbol system to improve the game. Adding an entirely new solar system at the current state of development would be a waste of time and resources as it is nearly impossible to reach and doesn't significantly add to the game. It is much easier, cheaper and efficient to improve and expand the current solar system.
  7. Try throttling back a bit. The FAR display clearly states High Dyn Pressure. You're pushing you're way trough the sound barrier. With FAR's reduced structural integrity your plane simply can't handle the load and breaks apart. That's all.
  8. Send an SSTO plane to recover a crew in LKO. The plane was left with less than 0.1 m/s dV after rendezvous. Fortunately I could refuel and bring the crew back home safely.
  9. No offence, I love the work done so far. But I could really use a reduced texture pack. I am scraping my RAM limit and installing this mod was NOT beneficial for my frame rate. Reducing the textures might bring the frame rate back up to playable levels.
  10. Various people have been working on mods along these very same lines. Some work, some don't. There are probably more but these where all I was able to dig up quickly: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60540-WIP-X-20-Dynasoar http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71095-Pteron-Micro-Shuttle-and-rescue-vehicle http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24724-0-22-X-BobCat-ind-Historical-spacecraft-thread But you can very easily build your own craft with for example B9 Aerospace.
  11. Yes, as soon as you touch the offending again engine the NaN error returns. Just don't touch the engine. Didn't know LLL had the same issue. I don't use LLL.
  12. Locked? No! If you lock it even the topic starter would not be able to revive it without moderator help. Marked? Yes. Just not sure if it needs a special [DEAD] tag. A moderator can just as easy edit the first post to clarify the links are broken. Once the mod creator returns to active duty he or she can then update the links and remove the moderator edit.
  13. Does it look like what I think it looks like? Mass Effect
  14. No need to look at your logfiles. I had the very same issue a while back. It is 100% B9 related. The solution is as effective as it is easy: Simply move the electricity slider to 0, the NaN error resets and the CoM indicator returns. I expect the bug to be solved as soon as Bac9 releases his long overdue update.
  15. And other should stop asking/suggesting the same thing over and over and over and over again!
  16. Few weeks ago someone made exactly this: forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80943-100-throttle-key
  17. Only two were ever deployed in anger! But the actual number of atomic devices detonated is a lot higher. And when I say a lot higher I mean 2000+ !!!: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_weapons_tests
  18. You might want to check out WernherChecker.
  19. Aw. You even threw Bob and Bill in there.
  20. Last year we had a challenge along those lines: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38809 It resulted in some interesting designs and solutions.
  21. Looks promising. I know a thing or two about circular building (see my signature) and I'd like to suggest you keep your mod as modular as possible. If your parts only fit your parts people might not like it. If they fit at least the stock parts and perhaps other mods they become much more usable. And people might even find ways to use them to build things you didn't plan or thought of.
  22. I have ninja'd people before in the past but as far as I know never a triple. And that diagram. It's not my own, I merely found it with some clever Google-Fu.
  23. Testing it in the VAB/SPH would be a lot easier than calculating. Load your lander in the VAB/SPH. Extend all landing legs. Call up the Centre of Mass indicator. Now slowly tilt your craft until the CoM indicator moves outside the landing legs. This angle is where your craft will tip over. The rover on the left can handle a 45 degree bank. The one on the right can not and will roll over.
  24. The ARM release in 0.23.5 included a lot of features that where originally planned for 0.24. To my knowledge that's the main reason why SQUAD has not yet released 0.24. Without the ARM pack I am pretty sure we'd already have an 0.24 but I highly doubt we would have many more features than we have right now.
  25. Yes, EVA could be improved. A tether could be useful and it would be a good idea to have the ability to toggle fine controls. But most people (including myself) are able to preform long duration EVA missions with great accuracy and precision. If YOU can't handle it you don't need an improved EVA system. What you need is practice!
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