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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Alright, renaming the folders did the trick. KER's back to nominal operating for me.
  2. I had just sent a tanker to my crew that's stranded around Moho in preparation for a rescue mission. Turns out that still wasn't enough. I'm starting fresh with 0.20, but I might hold on to my 0.19 files just to see if I can still get them back eventually.
  3. So are there still spots open on the rotation? I think I'd like to take a shot at contributing something.
  4. I think I saw it earlier in chobit's thread, but somehow I didn't make the connection to this one. Anyway, nicely done!
  5. Unfortunately, Odin seems to have also eaten my post asking chobit which WIP image she's working on next.
  6. Easiest way to get an orbit around the Mun is to just burn in the opposite direction your traveling at the periapsis of your current trajectory. Do you know about the maneuver node system? Using maneuver nodes can be quite handy for plotting course changes.
  7. Good ol' Culture Chop Suey. Goes great with ham, or so I've heard. Warning: TV Tropes. Meanwhile, which of the WIPs are you going to be working on next?
  8. Well, I guess you'd better get started on it, then
  9. Truly the seat warmers shall be remembered for their valiant sacrifice. Nicely done overall. It's been a pleasure to have followed this.
  10. They do when the other guy has them, too. See also: World history since 1945.
  11. Welcome to the forums! If the darkness itself is the problem, then I'd recommend putting some downward-facing lights on the lander. You can rotate parts in the VAB using the QWEASD keys, and you can toggle lights on and off in flight with U. Otherwise, if your issue is more with your ability to pick a landing spot: Are you coming straight at the Mun's surface from Kerbin? If so, I'd recommend that you get yourself into a low circular orbit around the Mun first. From there, you can effectively pick any landing spot along the line of your orbit. You might also want to check some of the tutorials in the Drawing Board. There's a link in my signature. Happy landings! EDIT: Ninja'd.
  12. That's pretty much right on the money. For myself, if my burn is anywhere longer than 10 seconds, I'll split the total burn time in half and start that much before the time to the node. (Any less than that, and I'm not hugely concerned about the precision losses in most cases.) A trick that might help reduce the wait on long burns from "excruciating" to merely "almost intolerable" is to turn on Physical Timewarp with Alt + [.]. Of course, if your ship has any wobble, physical timewarp will magnify it that much more, since you're basically telling your computer to skip steps in the physics calculations.
  13. The Mun landing and Apollo 11 re-creation tutorials should be useful jumping-off points. A few additional tips once you get to the Mun, from my own personal experience: 1. Unless you have absolute confidence in your ability to "suicide burn," don't try to come in for a landing straight from your Mun intercept. Circularize into a low orbit first, usually somewhere between 5 and 10 km. 2. From your low orbit, you basically want to do a reverse gravity turn -- start killing your horizontal velocity, then follow your retrograde marker as it approaches vertical. 3. If, during your final descent, you start to find yourself drifting, don't turn all the way to the retrograde marker; a slight nudge in its general direction is usually enough to correct for any lateral movement and is much less likely to result in a situation where you'll need to "panic burn" to get control over your descent back.
  14. Nice to hear a new update for this is coming out. I was just about to start using it, and the 0.20 update hit not five minutes later, in real time. Out of curiosity, how will the integrated docking clamp cameras work with the new mod directory setup? Will we still have to overwrite the stock docking ports?
  15. Welcome to the forums! Nice Mun landing! I still remember my first one; those memories really stick with you. New updates are always an excuse to start with a clean slate, too. If you get stuck on any particular aspect of the game, or if you just want to hone your skills a little more, stop by the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has a number of useful reference materials. Don't be afraid to ask questions in the How To section of the forums, either. Happy landings!
  16. Welcome to the forums! Unfortunately, there's none that I'm aware of, short of using a mod like the Crew Manifest mod to quickly remove crew from crewed modules on the launchpad.
  17. And then there's this one, which (I think) is in the new lander can: Text says: "Stop using bits of metal as fuses! You have spares!"
  18. Welcome to the forums! As mentioned before, if you need any help with anything, there are tons of useful tutorials out there. I've tried to collect a few of the better ones into a place called the Drawing Board (link in my sig), along with a few other useful resources. You can also ask questions on the How To section, as the people who hang out around there tend to be very knowledgeable. Happy landings!
  19. Welcome to the forums! I'd highly recommend that you check out the Drawing Board (link in my sig) if you ever get stuck anywhere in the game. It has tons of useful information, including tutorials and other references that you can use to aid in your spaceflights. Don't be afraid to ask questions in the How To section of the boards as well. Happy landings!
  20. Exactly. The thing about DLC content is that it's optional. There's nothing that says you have to buy it if you don't want it. You can enjoy the stock game just as much without it. And if you're making so little money that buying an extra DLC pack would seriously cut into your budget, then you really shouldn't be worrying about computer games in the first place.
  21. Speaking of the little things: I enjoy that they finally tweaked the descriptions for the smaller unfolding solar panels so you can actually tell the 2x3 ones from the 1x6 ones.
  22. When I was in college, I'd run into the same problem myself. Whenever I got stuck in that situation, I typically eventually reached a point where I decided, "OK, forget about making it good, just make it happen." Then I'd just start on some aspect of whatever project I was working on that required the least thought to get done; for instance, if it was a paper, I'd just go ahead and start writing down whatever facts I already knew in a little Word document one at a time, along with whatever source I got them from. Just little snippets and bits and pieces at a time, not even really paying attention to any structure or organization. Then, when it came time to actually write the paper, I'd often find that I had enough information that I could just copy and paste whatever I had already written into another document, get it organized the way I wanted it, edit it a little to make it more unified and coherent, maybe type out an introduction and some concluding remarks if I didn't already have one ready, and convert my little personal reference notes into formal citations. I never wrote a bad paper using that method. I think part of the problem is that you're specifically thinking about how much work you have ahead of you, which is causing you to give up before you've even started. Instead of focusing on the One Big Thing that you know you'll have to do in the near future, focus on the little things that you know won't take you that much time, effort, and pressure to get done. Before you know it, those little things will start building up and looking a lot like what you want the One Big Thing to end up like, and the rest of that One Big Thing won't look so hard to work on.
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