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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. With that specific design, I'd imagine that some of the issues are caused by having a relatively high center of mass. Depending on how you've mapped your keys, command pod torque could also be coming into play -- the default WASD commands for driving rovers happen to overlap those for rotating your craft, and if the total mass is light enough in comparsion to that of the command pod(s), it can get quite tricky to control. Switching to Docking Mode controls or remapping your rover controls to the translation keys (IJKL) might help here.
  2. Welcome to the forums! And that's certainly quite an impressive view indeed. Never gets old. I'd like to invite you to take a look at the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has a number of links to useful reference materials. Many of them are oriented more towards novice players, but there's still quite a treasure trove of information even for more experienced ones. Don't be afraid to ask questions on the How To forums if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation, either. Happy landings!
  3. Quite nice This looks like another one for the Drawing Board.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Glad to see you aboard. Maybe you could share some of your wisdom with other players over in the How To section, or write a tutorial for the Drawing Board (link in my sig) as well. Of course, feel free to consult both of these resources if you still want to try to take your skills to the next level; while many of the resources are meant for beginners, there's information in there that can be useful for players of all skill levels. Happy landings!
  5. Welcome to the forums! I'm glad to hear that your initial impression of the game didn't discourage you from trying it out. A lot of the visual aspects probably are designed to make the game more appealing to a younger crowd, but there's plenty of fun and challenge for players of all ages. KSP is deceptively easy to learn, but quite hard to master -- which is just the way I, for one, like it (although I don't claim to have mastered it by any measure myself!). If you need any help with a particular mission, or if you just want to learn more about how to make your rockets perform better than they are now, take a look at some of the tutorials and other resources that have been collected in the Drawing Board (link in my sig). The people in the How To section of the forums will also be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about vehicle design and space travel. Happy landings!
  6. Welcome to the forums! "MOAR BOOSTERS / STRUTS" silliness aside, there are a number of useful player aids out there to help you get the most out of your spaceships through intelligent design and piloting. I've tried to include some of the better ones out there in the Drawing Board (link in my sig). Don't be afraid to ask any questions you might have about building and flying rockets in the How To section, either. Happy landings!
  7. Welcome to the forums! Docking is indeed one of the trickiest parts of the game. I still have trouble with it sometimes, and I've done it successfully multiple times. On the subject of tutorials, you might want to take a gander at the Drawing Board (link in my sig), where I've tried to bring together a large number of quality resources to help players of all skill levels get better at the game. You can also ask specific questions about any problems you may be having over on the How To forums. Happy landings!
  8. Welcome to the forums! Don't feel bad about your English. I'll guarantee you that it's better than my French If you ever get stuck on a particularly tricky mission, or if you just want to learn more about how the game works "under the hood" and how you can make that information work for you, take a look at the Drawing Board (link in my sig). It has a number of links to tutorials and other useful resources. You can also ask questions in the How To section of the forums, or in the International forum if you think you'd understand the answers better in French. Happy landings!
  9. Welcome to the forums! I can say that rendezvous and docking is about the hardest thing you will ever have to do in the game, so being able to pick it up that quickly is certainly an achievement! Hope you keep us posted as you move on to greater accomplishments. That said, if you ever need any help with any other aspect of gameplay, feel free to post your questions in the How To section of the forums. The people who hang out there are typically quite experienced and knowledgeable. There's also the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has links to a number of useful tutorials and other resources. Happy landings!
  10. Welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun both playing the game and tinkering with the mods. If you run into any problems, the people who frequent our How To and Addon Development sections will likely be able to answer any questions you may have. I'd also advise you to take a look at the Drawing Board (link in my sig) for some resources that can help you learn more about the game, as well as any modding resources that are in their respective forum sections. Happy landings!
  11. Welcome to the forums! I have to agree -- landing a rover that size must have been quite challenging! I've done a bit of playing around with rovers myself, but far too many have landed in horribly wrong ways for comfort I'd like to invite you to take a look at the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has a number of reference materials for players of all skill levels to use. Don't be afraid to ask questions in the How To section if you ever feel stumped by your most recent mission, either. Happy landings!
  12. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help accomplishing any of your missions, be sure to check out the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has a number of tutorials and other reference materials. You can also ask questions in the How To section of the forums. If you think you'd understand the answers better in your native Italian, we also have an International forum you can use. Happy landings!
  13. Welcome to the forums! As others have alluded to, if you need any help with any of the trickier parts of the game, there are lots of experienced players around who can answer any questions you might have, particularly in the How To section of the forums. There's also the Drawing Board (link in my sig), a collection of tutorials and other useful resources. Happy landings!
  14. Given that none of us (that I'm aware of...) are actually paid money to play this game, I don't think there's any professional players on these boards, by the proper definition of the word.
  15. Most likely, yes. Three tons is lighter than the three-kerbal capsule, I think.
  16. You probably don't even need the drogue, honestly. Laythe's atmosphere is almost as dense as Kerbin's, though it doesn't reach quite as high.
  17. I actually once had a probe die on the launchpad because I was too busy fiddling with the display settings on a mod and had forgotten to use any batteries, solar panels, or launch clamps. So yeah, we've all done something like that at least once.
  18. Looks like those windows almost didn't hold up. Also looks like whatever it was well-nigh traumatized poor... err, which one's the blonde one again? EDIT: Wild Mass Guess: This is also the same accident that took away the other one's leg.
  19. I've played a few. Never beaten any of 'em, though. They've got good music, too.
  20. Welcome to the forums! Once you're that close, you basically want to start flying towards the target with you navball. First, find the pink dot with the circle around it. Line up the "birdie" in the navball so that you're pointing straight at it. Then give your engines a little throttle. Notice that, as your engines fire, the yellow circle -- your prograde velocity marker -- starts moving towards the direction your rocket is pointing. Your goal at this point is basically to steer the yellow velocity marker onto the pink target heading; when the two are centered on one another, that means you're heading directly for your target. If you think you're going too fast, spin your ship around to the crossed-out yellow circle -- your retrograde velocity marker -- and burn in that direction to kill your speed. Once you're within a few hundred meters of your target, turn on your RCS and switch your camera to Chase Mode with the "V" key. This will ensure that up, down, left, and right on the translation controls are the same as they are on your screen when your view is directly behind the engine. Use the IJKL keys to adjust your course by translating in different directions, and the H and N keys to push your craft "forward" and "backward." Keep that yellow circle centered on the pink target. Once you're within about 50 or so meters, slow yourself down to about a meter per second and start getting yourself lined up with the docking port you want to dock with. Take it slow; patience is key when docking. Hope this helps!
  21. I would like to point out that "Single Stage to Orbit" and "spaceplane" are not exactly the same. You can have an SSTO design that's all VTVL rocket, and you can have spaceplanes that are launched from the top of multi-stage rockets. But yes, both spaceplanes and practical SSTO craft are quite difficult to design and fly effectively.
  22. I think we're getting just a hair off-topic, though. So to put us back on topic: What sort of vehicle would everyone like to see chobit eventually do? (I already mentioned the Silbervogel.)
  23. How about praying mantises, then? Or alligators? Are those moving plants, too? The point I am trying to make is that just because something is not shown does not mean it is not there at all. I don't think that Kerbals are any more walking plants than that I am an actual Chinese terra cotta soldier. Plus, I think I recall someone mentioning a developer stating that Kerbals are most definitely not plants.
  24. Welcome to the forums! I don't know of any guides as such yet, but rovers have been a pretty popular topic on the How To forums lately. You might want to check out these three threads have tons of tips for people building rovers using various methods. Feel free to also ask your own questions if you still need help. Also, don't forget to check the Drawing Board if you need help with any other areas of the game, as there's a wealth of information available through the links there. Happy landings!
  25. So all green things are plants, eh? I guess the government has been lying to us about yet another thing, and all those street signs just sprouted on their own.
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