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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. Heck I'll build a lifter for you so you can see how to do it if you give me the craft file of what your trying to lift.
  2. I picked rockets because at least we know how to build those instead of some mythical space plane that can theoretically only get tiny payloads into orbit.
  3. Idk, should we be worried some guy is trying to build a fusion reactor?
  4. Or I could just build my craft with the neccesary equipment to make the interplanatary burn by itself
  5. Dude theres a whole host of scientists smarter than you or me who work specifically with fusion and even they dont think it is feasible
  6. Also, decimals means................SIG FIGS BUM BUM BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I hate significant figures almost as much as I hate infinity.
  7. I hate decimals because I hate infinity with a passion.
  8. And all of the stuff proposed for tripropllents seems to explode with just about everything.
  9. Also, I'm pretty sure Hydrogen cant exist as a single atom, is has to be molecular hydrogen...
  10. "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." -John Adams
  11. The government is not bankrupt they just cant figure out what to spend money on, so they are not spending any money.
  12. Gravity propagates at the speed of light or something near it, therefore if the sun disappeared you wouldn't know for 8 more minutes, and if a black hole disappeared a light year away, you wouldn't know for a year at which point you'll go flying off into space again. According to quantum mechanics there's a probability that you don't exist. Science is fun.
  13. The little challenge that could. Its been reopened what 2 times now?
  14. Time for my submission! The Ravenspear mk1 v2- Points for creativity right there. Very simple to take off, all you need to do is press t and throttle up. The Ravenspear mk1 v2 is the successor of the Ravenspear mk1 improving it in every aspect. This plane now features more control more air intakes and a whoppin 8 count em 8 turbojet engines. If you need fast then this is the plane for you. http://www./download/xd3uc714im1355d/Ravenspear_Mk1_v2.craft
  15. WELL, there has been work on custom creating algae to make hydrocarbons for use in bio-fuels, And some theories of custom creating algae or bacteria to survive in mars atmosphere and create oxygen.
  16. Drop a 5,000 pound depth charge in front of it and go home.
  17. Who knows maybe your a modern day Galileo, and 300 years from now there will be cold fusion reactors powering everything, and when that happens you can laugh at our ignorance.
  18. Why don't you work on getting a real controllable fusion reaction to work, then work on cold fusion.
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