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Everything posted by Wahgineer

  1. Cool. Nice to see that KerbalStuff has been reincarnated.
  2. By "proper" I meant it changed based on the distance rescale, not the size rescale. Anyways, thanks for answering my question.
  3. Does the mod properly scale the solar panel power curve?
  4. Hey Nertea, could I recommend an engine based off of the KS-25 engine, so we could build Hydrolox space shuttles?
  5. Well, according to the devs, there will be a DSN: a Deep Space Network around Kerbin (basically, a bunch of radio transmitters on the ground that encircle the planet), so com networks will be pointless for Kerbin. I personally plan on putting a large relay satellite into a high polar orbit around other planets, so I won't need a complicated sat network.
  6. I have a question: when should I ditch the engine ring for the atlas? Most of the screenshots I've seen are beauty shots that don't show the altimeter when they separate it.
  7. A large radial monoprop engine with high gimbal, for use on shuttles. I also agree with having inline monoprop engines, as well as larger monoprop tanks. A fuel switcher would be nice, too. Also, more nuke engines, perhaps like the ones in porkjets Atomic Age mod. 5m parts would be nice as well.
  8. But the problem with putting bipropellant OME's on our space shuttles is that the main engines may accidentally consume the shuttles on-board fuel supply, leaving us with no way to get to orbit. By using monopropellant, this issue is removed, plus we have the bonus of no-longer needing separate RCS tanks that take up payload space and increase overall mass.
  9. I think we should have fuel switching, too, but it should only be for LF+LOX. This would allow us to consolidate the airplane tanks. We could even add texture switching, so we can tell if a tank is LFO, LF, or LOX. Further more, if we implemented it like Necrobones FuelTanks Plus mod, we could give tanks different visual styles (Such as Shuttle ET orange, Delta blue, Soyuz green/orange pattern, and various NASA black/white checker/stripe patterns).
  10. I'd make planets 3.2 times bigger and put planets 6.4 times farther apart.
  11. true, but for the sake of argument, let's say the launcher has to be shuttle inspired (side boosters, side mounted, etc). If that's the case, then shuttle c is your best bet. But you're also right as well.
  12. with the simplified shuttle c, we're cutting out everything: wings, control surfaces, cockpit, landing gear, etc. by replacing these with just a fairing, we could increase payload while decreasing launch cost.
  13. Someone should run the numbers on a shuttle C: two main engines instead of three, use fairings instead of a cargo bay (and maybe a mk3 to size 3 adapter as a base), and have it unmanned. Maybe by just recovering the main engine 'pod', we could reduce launch cost.
  14. Now we can build ROOST(Reusable One-stage Orbital Space Truck. Go look it up!).
  15. Necrobones, if you ever make that 7.5m Sea Dragon style engine, don't name it after a bird. Instead, to reflect its power, call it the Novakiim: powered by the shouts of dragons.
  16. Necrobones, could you add a 7.5 meter probe core and heatshield? I want to land one of these things!
  17. You could make the jupiter III 6.25 meters, which is the next size up from 5 meters.
  18. What is the mod that changes the textures of the parts?
  19. So, if you don't have RPM, then this mod works fine in 1.0.4?
  20. Would you consider my suggestion I made in the Space Y thread: a self contained 5m biconic spacecraft? (Basically command pod, fuel tank, and engine as it's specific parts)
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