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Everything posted by Wahgineer

  1. MPUS: Multi-Purpose Utility Shuttle, a mash-up of an overgrown Turbo-dactyl (custom X-20 Dyna-soar) with a Sarnus 1/1c from BDB, ala Saturn-Shuttle. FUSS: Flexible Utility Space Shuttle: STS built using Cormorant Aeronology. OCV: Orbital Crew Vehicle, originally based off of Orion, became CST-100 after Puff was added. OREO: Orbital Rescue & Exploration Outpost, could be used as a space station or as an upgrade to the OCV Service Module.
  2. @Pak, could you include LH2 configs for the stack/KS-25/STME (when it's added) for those of us who like to use CRP/CryoEngines?
  3. That brings back memories of the Bobcat Jool V, possibly the largest mod rocket of it's time. Granted, BDB' s Sarnus V would absolutely dwarf it now.
  4. @RoverDude, I just meant to replace the magnet with a claw.
  5. @RoverDude, would you consider making a variant of the crane that has a claw, so we don't have to use gregarious amounts of power to lift stuff? It could also work for early tech in career mode. Love the mod by the way!
  6. Also, @CobaltWolf, the 0.9375 APAS docking port' s bottom node is too low: it floats above any part it is attached to.
  7. So, this time the space program actually has knowledge of their forebears existence?
  8. @CobaltWolf http://robsspaceplace.blogspot.com/2014/03/on-wings-of-apollo-really.html?m=1 Pretty please, with a booster on top?
  9. @VenomousRequiem, Woot Woot! AJ260! Will it make it in time for the next update? I just took a closer look. That's Sarnus 1c (*facepalm*). Looks good either way.
  10. @pTrevTrevs It can't be too heavy, you still have to account for the mass of the SM and Mission Module.
  11. @CobaltWolf, maybe remove SAS, or leave it disabled by default. Have @Jso (or whoever writes your plugins) set it up so that the orbital module enables SAS?
  12. If i remember correctly, there was design sheet with regarding the planned revamp included in the download. It had diagrams of ALL the engines, including a few new ones, done up in the new style. It also mentioned a possible stock meshswitcher that would allow for the engines to switch between up to 3 variants: standard (engine attached to a ring of standard size, such as 1.25 or 2.5m), boattail (standard variant with an aerodynamic cover over the engine), and compact (engine mounted on as small a ring as possible, with the same feature as the Vector: rotate the engine up to 10 degrees and it will still be flush with the surface it is attached to). I also think all of the engines were/are going to be radially attachable.
  13. @CobaltWolf, cool. The SM looks pretty good the way it is, and I hope you're still considering the alt-colored Apollo capsule(s) with different crew capacities.
  14. Pretty much. And for Saturn-Shuttle, I meant the fly-back S-1C variant, which would basically be big wings for the S-1C.
  15. @Pak, maybe after you finish Shuttle 2, would you consider maybe making Shuttle-C parts? Maybe (tentatively) consider BDB-compatible Saturn-Shuttle parts?
  16. It also looks like most of the official Squad dev team left, guess we won't be getting a rocket part revamp.
  17. Oh. Anywho, if you want a quick and dirty job for fairings, just rescale a stock fairing base, or the Sarnus 1 fairing base if you so desire.
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