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Everything posted by Jatwaa

  1. Looks that the commit is on Dev version 3acd9ac. I downloaded that Dev version from d-MP and seems to be working again. https://d-mp.org/downloads/dev/3acd9ac4862de1017afe000c6a5c72a542df8ac1/DMPClient.zip
  2. Every time I see this going forward still bring another smile to my face. Awesome! I dream in treads lol
  3. I don't see it. IR is useful because of the number of single actuating parts that it has that can be used in various ways. This...while awesome and I am downloading now because Roverdude is like...just too amazing #ModdingBeast I need to play with this...NOW!
  4. I may have to...think I did one blue dot type thing but haven't in a while. But that was my patient plea for Scatterer, never realize how much you need something till a new patch hit LOL. Cannot wait till it's all steady so I can get the back to my fav mods.
  5. Then I looked upon Kerbin and saw Jeb was also sad. "Why do you frown little one?" He said to me "The world. It does not shade. The seas to not glimmer. Kerbol does not reach it's godrays and glint in our eyes." I stared to the flat horizon and knew it to be true. "Be patient little one" I spoke calmly. "The godrays will again reach forth, the seas will gleam in the distance and once again the mountains will cast their shadows upon us all. Scatterer shall once again grace our dear Kerbin." Then we stared through the empty sky... That was all dramatic...but OMG the world is mega glum without Scatterer and I have been reading too much Lovecraft
  6. Had too much fun in this experimental Infernal Robotic folding and gliding rover design
  7. If people want to play virtual war in KSP, let them. It's not hurting anyone. If they want to race boats, let them. Sure the game says SPACE but not many games offer modular building and physics the way KSP does. Don't like a war server, dont access the server. Host a peaceful space coop server. I say live and let live. The more people buy KSP and enjoy it their way, the better for Squad to fund future progress for KSP be it multiplayer or bug fixes.
  8. As much as I am for MP, I am NOT for mandatory MP. I just can't see myself being forced to MP. That is what MMOs are for. I too play sandbox 90% of the time. I am not looking for scenarios much, just having another user playing in game. They should never drop the SP option. I highly doubt that was their intention.
  9. Aye, we may be of differing opinions, but we should always respect the other view. COD is a worst case scenario. Minecraft the best case scenario. I have confidence in Squad. They make things happen. I continue to have faith in them to be able to deliver as they say. Time is on their side. I doubt it would take 10 years though. MP code is more simple than it used to be. An Indie Jam pushes out dozens of such. I am sure that Squad has the means and the methods, but it's is not the time yet. I would be fine discussing the complications and ideas of how to overcome them, modes and rule sets for hosting admins.
  10. We are family!...well gaming nerd family. I get dibs on being the crazy uncle. I am all for getting stable then dropping in an MP option. Or they could bring in a person only focused on MP. They may have...I dunno. But I take ANYTHING I say as an "after the bugs are mostly gone and wheels are fixed" thing
  11. Spitballing a bit more... If players need warp, instance them so that they are warping and get a collision warning if their destination will be populated on arrival. Kick them from warp (all this optional of course) x minutes prior impact if no actions are taken. I would like to be on a Kerbal basis. So i am in control of one Kerbal. But there would be alot of code work for that. I don't want them to stop progress on the main game so anything that prevents that I am for while they chase Lan, Mp, co op
  12. I would hope not. All I would want is the same game. Just with freinds. Problem is so many game recreate themselves to do this. Some just add in the ability for others to join in. We don't need another game type, just the ability to add freinds. Similar to Minecraft and it's drop in and out with option to use a dedicted server. 7 Days to Die is another good example. Freinds connect play then leave. You login and...hey he or she fixed the door...sweet Yeah that is a trouble point. I lean to having it as a rule set. The admins hosting can decide if they want to allow it or not and via what rule set. All or none, none, vote and highest wins. So on
  13. Actually its pretty simple, then again some would not like the idea. The host or dediated server admin sets the rules. Permitted mods etc. 1. Warping should be all or none. All agree to warp or there is a long wait. No reverts. Hardcore...may suck but. Is what it is. But leave that rule up to the server admin as an option. 2. Mod checker, not difficult. 3. Trolls...eh can't be helped. Password protect your instance if playing in MP and backup the main save in increments. 4. Quick Save and reloads are up to the Admin/Host. Alot of the problems with the rules are not up to Squad but the local admins hosting the server. Keeps Squads hands clean. Best example...unfortunately, is Minecraft. Rules can be set by the admin...i used to run a Spigot server. From there people join and have fun, troll or mine.
  14. Aye peer to peer would be a bit troublesome off a lan. Dedicated server would be the way to go. Rubberbanding does suck. Me personally, I would pay for a host site and run a dedicated from there
  15. Except there are numerous games that have multiplayer done by smaller studios with less coding experience. DMP as a mod is not required to be updated. You would be asking Godarklight to maintain mp for a company for free? As for MP, they simply have to provide a workable code to allow mp and a rule set for admins to manage it, then, just maintain it. We are not talking a whole new game type like COD. That would be overboard.
  16. 1. This is an assumption that it would be a small set of people that would use it. This is not fact, it is an uncertain, also biased, opinion. I am biased the other way so I am just as guilty in my assumption that people WOULD like it. 2. Refer to the above + I do (and did) back Mechjeb. Fantastic mod. I would vouch for it. Then again...it doesn't need much work because it is already great. They would just have to tweak and distribute it. 3. Parts count is a massive issue. I have a few 1000+ craft that will fly fine together but not so much with the others. Beyond welding hulls, this could be a problem. But, I am not asking them to take this into account actually. Let the end players build their craft accordingly and host from a fast, powerful and low latency system or host or know that the environment may not be overly considerate...kind of how the game is already. Mod requirement checking isn't too complex. You can't stop all trolls. Simply said, all they would need to do is offer the MP option and rule set at a high level and possibly password protection. 4. They have the ability to clear debris already. I use it when I am on sandbox. Sure there will be complications. Heck people can spawn 1000s of mobs in Minecraft. You kind of just deal with it and laugh or get upset. Or both...it happens. I just make sure I know who I am gaming with. As with the current game, backup the saves and set it to an interval. It is the best anyone can hope for in any game. I am not asking them to take into account Each and EVERY possible troll or small concern. I would be all for removing Warp all together. The problem people have with DMP is the bugs and latency. I could list on for days why I stopped using DMP. I really...REALLY would like DMP to be the end all for MP. But it's just not. The game does have issues, yes. I would not debate that. I am not saying, STOP EVERYTHING and give me MP. Because...no, the game itself does indeed need some fixes for bugs. I have a dancing Minmus base. But, MP was on the table before, once things are stable state, THEN MP as an option would be viable.
  17. Interesting factoid. Much like the others noted. I would gather they had a SP experience coded, then an MP. Squad has, numerous times, referenced the same. So, the three I noted would thus be acceptable. But sure, others, like Subnautica, Stardew Valley and Don't Starve. Don't Starve already implemented theirs. Subnautica and Stardew Valley have it planned and likely in testing as well. Oddly people misunderstand why some would enjoy a good coop game as well side by side with a good SP. Whats better, for KSP, is the lack of need to provide deep MP content. They need to set rules and the mechanisms.
  18. Minecraft with multiplayer...is still Minecraft. Starbound with multiplayer...is still Starbound. Saints Row with multiplayer...is still Saints Row. But, they are more fun for some with others to join in and play with freinds. Keep in mind, we are not talking about forced multiplayer, only optional.
  19. Just have to say how much I enjoy this mod and how you keep innovating. Although I think I used the sub wrong...I couldn't wait for the blimp...
  20. I find it troubling that people want others to play the game in the way they only see fit. Peaceful, space race, exploration of space. Those are fun as well, but why stop others from enjoying the game differently? Besides, MP would allow them to play their way peer to peer or dedicated server. To each their own.
  21. This is awesome. When you took a mini-cation I was looking into coding an auto-balancing ballast system myself and never got far into the whole thing with my schedule. I'd trust your coding more than my own any day! I must be trying this...Atlantis...you shall be mine...
  22. I hardly find the game negligent...well the wheels need work. As far as it being Aviation, sorry, it is. In order to create a SSTO one must understand how to make a proper plane. As far as Military, that is a mod. Not Squad, no real point. BDA is pretty fantastic bit of code as well. But one thing that seems blatantly wrong is forcing anyone to play multiplayer. We are speaking peer-peer or dedicated servers. Nothing that is too far fetched for Squad, as they had mentioned before that they were investigating and testing such things. The "tiny fraction" has no verifiable evidence. But I would lean that if people could play with a friend, they would. Because such things have appeal to co-op-ers. Now, if DMP had a powerful functionality like say...Minecraft, which has some fantastic streamlined servers available, this wouldn't even be a discussion. My last launch with DMP saw a mirrored station go into orbit..that was...interesting. Nothing wrong with people playing the game with all of the available possibilities or enjoying a game with friends. Nothing at all. As long as they don't force MP or servers. Besides, if the code is there in a variant and the time was already spent, why not use what you have? That time that people talk about being wasted on MP code...the code would have to be there if they had noted they were testing it prior.
  23. I look at it like this, I still have fun. With the game solo...actually am circumnavigating Kerbin...with a new craft this time. Been playing all day. I have 3k+ hours in the game. Is it fun? Yes. Would i like to fly the world with a wingman? Oh hells yes. Do I need it? Nah...but I would love the multiplayer experience. Some people play games with others, some do not. The possibilities for multiplayer are limitless. VR, races, wingmen, war sims, build projects...the list goes on.
  24. There is something special about bringing in multiplayer after the mail sail is set. The features are not omitted only added. As it has been said plenty of times, this could be a feature that thise who do not like it could simply ignore. I play Minecraft and Starbound solo most the time. But many people like to share that experience in a low latency, well devised and fine tunable setting. DMP was and is great, but it is not refined enough. Are there things to sort first? Oh ..ohhhh yes. Wheels mainly. A few things I would love to see would be single kerbal controls for multi crewed ships. In multiplayer. Time warp is handled well via DMP, rehash reuse. Let's say that the legoes are there on the field, Squad just would have to pick up the blocks and make it all a nice prettier package than DMP. It's too dangerous to go it alone Link...take Jeb with you. #TeamMP lol
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