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Everything posted by hemeac

  1. Looks really great and looking forward to seeing it develop. Should this be in Add-On Development instead? I don't think Tools and Applications gets a lot of clicks.
  2. Started last year and "Season 3" has just started:
  3. @PSA You will want to put the SSTU folder in Gamedata folder and create a patch with the code above to connect the SSTU internal with the Orion
  4. I've been following a YouTube series which is using Kerbalism 3.11 in 1.10.1, so I am guessing that you have a configuration error somewhere.
  5. @noobkerblkat, the patch for the fairings was written on the assumption you are using 1.10.1 as 1.10 added variants to the fairings which weren't in 1.9.1. You will need to modify the patch to get the new variants that do not show up in the game currently.
  6. It may depend on the mod combination you have as I had noticed that the capsule was using Mk2 command pod textures and they weren't in the Orion restockwhitelist so the capsule was a bit too white. But if they don't have ReStock, guessing the issue may be something else.
  7. @munman19 You should see the bearded kerbal in your toolbar (circled)
  8. @infinite_monkey, The IVA suits have a different color scheme from the EVA's and when they take their helmet off, it goes to the IVA suit.
  9. @mcwaffles2003, I came across this video that goes through a modelling workflow from Blender and a follow-up video that shows getting the model into Unity. It may be good to have some basic experience with Blender as he goes a bit quick, but it should give you an idea of the work involved.
  10. If you like SuicidalInsanity's work, you can also check out their Stockish Project Orion. I also think that Well's work, particularly Luciole, Knes, and X-20-Moroz work really with stockalike parts. Angel-125's MOLE is worth a look as well for some really nice looking capsules that work well with ReStock and some 1.875m station parts. However, it does add some custom gameplay elements such as a proprietary science system to the parts in MOLE.
  11. @The Flying Kerbal, SVE is an older visual mod. For AVP, you will need EVE, Scatterer and Module Manager.
  12. Have you or @Poobix tried running with just kerbalism and it's dependencies? It would also help if you can attach a log file via Dropbox or something similar. However, I see you have something from Reposoftech. Is that Deepfreeze? If so, that may have compatibility issues with kerbalism.
  13. Looking a couple posts above, you were an early adopter of AMD, my first wasn't until the Athlon XP 2600+. Hopefully you didn't pull the K6 + MX440 out of your bin to try to get KSP to run on the them
  14. Did another run with 40, but this time had added visual mods to the Stock + OPM + GEP + MPE setup and turned off V-Sync. I was at about 70fps in the Mun's orbit and dipped to about 55 fps when I landed. I quicksaved and quickloaded as the terrain looked a bit glitchy (don't think this was Kopernicus related). After the reload it was about 60 fps.
  15. There are two ways to get the name of the parts. The first is to go through the config files which you can find in GameData\Squad\Parts. Just go through each of those folders and you will see the cfg files with name = PartName Another way is to use the PartInfo mod that I listed above. That helps give you useful information about parts when you right click on them either in the tech tree or within the VAB/SPH. In regards to changing the part locations, I think theJesuit's techtree mod will be a really good starting point on how to start placing parts in game as well as modifying the location or creating new nodes in the tech tree.
  16. That sounds like a fair bit of work to add a new shader for a couple of parts though. Going back to the OP, but did you reduce the number of segments on the torus's (torii?) that you created from the defaults? If they are small details, you could keep the number of segments small and then just set the shading in Blender to smooth and that should help the illusion of details at distances that most KSP users will be viewing the parts
  17. I was happy with the performance in 37. Did you remove because some people were having issues with it? Is it possible to add a toggle in the options to enable/disable?
  18. Here's some results Ryzen 5 3600/RTX 2060 Super/64GB Ram/Windows 10. Barebones install: Kopernicus and Planet Mod(s) in KSP 1.9.1. Playing at 4k JNSQ: Release 37: 45 fps in Kerbin's atmosphere; 60 fps at all altitudes of space. 60fps at all altitudes of the Mun and Minmus Release 39: Same as Release 37 Stock + OPM + MPE + GEP Release 37: 60 FPS in all situations Release 39: 60 FPS until near scatter on Mun and then dipped between 45-55 fps as I was crashing my command pod into the surface.
  19. @Aniruddh, are you thinking something closer to displacement maps? I've fooled around with microdisplacements in Blender, but not sure if that technique works well in real-time. How does your file sizes compare to some of the BDB 1.7 parts? I would be guessing in late 2020, can have a bit more detailed parts than we had in 2013. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cg_Programming/Unity/Displacement_Maps
  20. @Sesshaku, I think the issue with EC is that it does get buggy at high timewarp. Not sure that is a Unity issue, I suspect that the KSP team just didn't prioritize the mechanic at high time warp as they have no life support system and nothing that critically requiring EC at all times. Back on topic, if the boil-off mechanic causing issues, this untested patch should disable it from all tanks (back up your save first): // Remove the module that manages the boil-off mechanic from any part that has one @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCryoTank]]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] {} } Alternatively, you can try modifying the boil-off rate and/or cooling cost: // Alternatively, choose a boil-off rate and cooling cost that fits your style better @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCryoTank]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] { @BOILOFFCONFIG:HAS[#FuelName[LqdHydrogen]] { // in % per hr @BoiloffRate = 0.05 // Change these to a value that you prefer @CoolingCost = 0.09 } @BOILOFFCONFIG:HAS[#FuelName[LqdMethane]] { // in % per hr @BoiloffRate = 0.005 @CoolingCost = 0.045 } } }
  21. I thought I scoured through the forums pretty thoroughly, but hadn't come across this. Really nice mix of 50s sci-fi with what looks like some modern Star Trek influences
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