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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Large for ye could be small for another. Just give an idea on how you go about landing yer big-uns.
  2. Sometimes the design of the rocket kind of forces you to wait till then. As some lower stages have been known to collide with the center stack. As most of the time the decouplers don't have enough. Ohmph to push the stage far enough away. At Least till people realize that they need that little sepatron to help speed boost things away.
  3. Something like this: As this design style will give me a base for my rovers to return to, maybe. But, at the very least it will give my rover a way to judge how far I have traveled from the landing spot as currently every time you leave the rover for a new craft or to build a new craft you lose the distance of how far you have traveled. Plus if I do it right, so far not yet, I have a potential fuel depo to use for my landers as well as a start of a base location for a colony if the area is level enough.
  4. Drove this around Mün for a few hours without needing to F5 save or F9 to reload: Tis be a very stable rover for the Mün, at least for me, and can reach 26.1 m/s as long as it is in a stright line with very few hills with odd angles. But, still safer to go over hills under 10 m/s.
  5. One can also go by with. Because they can. And like another said. They could still be talking about how they want to use it. Either way. They don't have to tell us squat. But, it is nice that they are willing to do so. Back on topic. Yeah. IT is most likey will be related to converting funds to Rep to Science. As well as possibly hiring the poor sods we use to test our rockets. As well as possibly the place where we can allocate funds to projects.
  6. Also remember to also stop pushing to at 0.5 to 1.0 as that is enough (depending on the size of the craft) to make it back to the pod with plenty to spare. Most of the time. If The craft is smallish .08 is enough to get back to the pod or at least get to the ladder once you get good enough. Another thing to remember. Take your time and go slow. Little bursts for thrust go a long way when reaching the back end. As most of teh engines are cupped shaped at the back. Providing a good place to push. When you stop pushing. Let your Kerbal drift back on its own for a little bit. Saves fuel as well as helping keep you from bouncing around.
  7. Aragosnat

    Which one?

    Resources would be great. Even if they only added Funds. Life support would also be intresting. Give a reason to use probes more as well as use up Funds sending supplies to our poor Kerbals living on Eve or else where.
  8. Not much today. Did a lot last night though. Very crazy Contract reason: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/570023530087336206/C19F22CDAEB51DD68D312AB9F8CE2D05DCF22E42/ I like them. =^.^= Anyways. Had fun Spinning a Class B roid around with my thrusters. Renamed it after the first Kerbal to take samples from it. So I can try and remember to capture it when I have the CLAW next time it comes around if ever. Or Have a nice little probe go fetch it.
  9. Been to Jool, only landed at Laythe and the rest of Jool's Moons need more then a fly by. Been to Eeloo's to orbit it to get ready to send out a deep space Ion probe in 0.18. Need to send a lander. Keep miss going to Dres for some reason. Made Eve and have colonists there, have made orbits around Eve's. Gilly is a fun moon to jump off of. Orbited Moho not sure If I landed on it or not. Might have on version 0.18. Have orbited Ike Need to land upon it.
  10. 34k under for my SSTO plane that just recovers Kerbals from 120 km circular orbit. Think avarge 150km+ depends on what I'm trying to launch up.
  11. Yeah. It would have been fun too. Sadly they might never have played MineCraft. At least that is not as evil as Dwarf Fortress.
  12. Don't think it is close to realistic. As at times I should be getting light to the panels. But, don't. Hope I'm wrong about it too.
  13. Kind of reminds me of what I thought the Ion Drives should have been.
  14. I have used it on space planes a few times as well and a way to use them as structual parts as well. Thinking of putting it one my potenial boat/sub. Outside of RP. There are not many uses for them.
  15. How about Do-dads or Nick-nacks. Common they use bottlecaps, safty-pin and some other little thing.
  16. Single launch happens to be 250k around. Plus been putting the game off as I have not felt like unlocking the parts I need to make my interplanetry ship design I'm thinking of trying to make. Multiple smaller 70-100k launches to help refuel ships in orbit will make it cost more.
  17. They need wheels prefurably the electric ones as they don't weigh a lot. Then you need batteries and solar panals, prefurably the ones that can turn to keep the part count and mass down. Next is how it is going to be controlled. Probed, command capsule or rover seat, depends on which you have unlocked or need. On top off it all. They need to be balanced and a bit wide and low to the ground as well as disabled front braking to prevent flipping. Extras are someting to right our rover back, either gears and or RCS monopropelent, science point gathering parts, comm part, and the patience of a Saint. Best top speed in most cases is 10 m/s. As that gives yuo the most time to react as well as not likely to make the rover go BOOM! as at higher speeds gravity is a real [REDACTED] as well as lack of atmosphere to help slow you down a little.
  18. Yes. Those all sound pretty much on what I want as well.
  19. I thought there are 16 Biomes on Mün and only 9 for Minmus. But, on the whole it is way to easy to make money and not a lot to spend funds on so far when you become good enough to build and fly rockets.
  20. Yeah. With how we get science and money now. There is to an extent hardly a point to go out to get more science. Even though I'm planning on doing it for fun. If the tech tree either had more and or cost more. Like what another mentioned here. We need to hit another planet/moon to get the tech part to unlock so then we can then spend science on it. Kind of like what mining for resources would have brought. But, do agree the current planets need some love. Just so they can get a system in place for creating biomes on other planets. For the just in case they do add more then just planets to Kerbal's system.
  21. You might want to add one should either then change the end extention to .txt or open with notepad. As not everyone looks up how to open said file.
  22. Hum.. If I get this right. My Duna and Ike missions should never have unlocked as I don't have my Minmus part at all unlocked nor was my Mün Contract finished (think I only had an Orbit and transmite data Duna). All because a contract wanted me to test 2 diffrent side mounted decouplers on an escape Kerbin SOI tregectory (which are also on an escape tragectory out of the Sun too O.o?). But, the crazy thing is. I started a new career start. And was able to hit Minmus on a very first launch and that did not get the Minmus mission contract at all. Just plant a flag and collect data from orbit as well as Mün..
  23. Yeah. Ion Drive might be very useful.
  24. Congrats on making it to Duna and back. Now its time for you to do a Laythe Mission and land a SSTO space plane. =^.^=
  25. Did a nice little revert on my test game and came up with this design that lets me have around 80 unites of fuel left from the Minmus encounter: The one I posted eariler is not as stable going up as this one.
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