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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Never used MechJeb. My boss like moment is. I can sort of land where I want to on the Mün as long as I have enough fuel. Still working with Kerbin only was able to recently hit the small island north-east along the coast above KSC and I am not talking about the big obious one either. One right smacked dap against the coast line the blends in unless you are close enough to see the water lines.
  2. For the Mün high. Going Of from the top of my head. Was Less then 45-60 km was low ish for when the zone starts to count. Will check after I finish hittting all of Kerbin's Biodomes. And they EVA report of fly goes all the way down from 60 km to landed just need to be on the ladder.
  3. I got to the Mun but then sarted over since I found out the numver of times before experaments stop being worth doing. And restarted over to get max points on Kerbin before hitting the MÃœN! as well as making sure I know which biodomes I have it and what I did at them. XD
  4. Well he is currently tucked safely imto the crew plex. And only flys designs that are safe. =^.^=
  5. I had this with my main Test pilot Jeb. He said both of those with the same design. So it is most likely just randomness.
  6. To bad then. Yeah. From the sounds of it we need a way to re-extend them to full length. Would not mind it if it costs electricity. After all we barely have enough uses for it as is. Edit: Or we could always use what people did before gears where available. Use winglets.
  7. I found this while playing another browser game that has a halloween event going on:
  8. It is the whole area. If you are high on a crate it is the same as the bottom right now.
  9. "I think I can see my House from here." Went testing in Kerbins water. Something along the Lines.. The Goo escaped. Need to get that quote.
  10. It i s that squid in a trailers offspring. Since when ever I open it in Kerbins water. It escapes.
  11. Outside of having rover parts a bit sooner. Since we know they have invented wheels as the hanger has vehicles in it. Othere then that still playing around testing out what works. Edit: Also it certainly is a challange to play with such limited parts.
  12. Or think of Eve that happens to be a one way trip for most people do to the lag from parts needed to make a craft able to leave it.
  13. Question. What is your terran / planet side detail setting? As it might need to be set higher (perferablely at max) inorder to work properly. As one of these threards mentioned that at lower settings. The game starts to take short cuts at lower settings.
  14. Does not Eeloo have even lower gravity then Mün? Also have you reached the point where you get the plane landing gears? As I remember people used those before. Plus they have the nice advantage of being on wheels.
  15. Well did a Mün and back with a live Kerbal. This was the end resault: Luckly I had 2 goo pods both for the same exparament. One of which was destroyed due to ship not landing and staying on the legs. Flipped down on its side regardless. Need the SAS aspossabily making it wider. But, at least I gained 500+ science points from it. Yes. I know I should have screen shot it too.
  16. Had this fun landing yestarday. As you can see in the pic. No SAS enabled and the Aerospikes are keeping it up right: Had one Kerbal death with the new carreer mode. Lorie Kermin tested out a new rocket. Now only if decuplers where available with a new start. Should have just set it on the pad. Collected some data and never bother to launch it.
  17. Glad that it is released. Now will do a new game starting with carreer mode. Once done. Take it nice and slow and switch inbetween my 2 saves.
  18. Well. Made a few space planes SSTO and staged that are evenly balanced so they dont flip one way. Sucks that the simple fix was to use landing gears directly above the bottom ones. Oh well. One of my test runs it did prove handy. Sadly would have still crashed hard into the water dispite landing on the wheels nicely.
  19. More prefurmance fixes. Reasources. More parts. Kerbal Warp Drives. Another star system or 100.
  20. Not really landed. More like made a crater then a controlled crash a few dozen times before having. Not enough fuel to leave. Then having enough to leave with no fuel to retuen to kerbin. Think you know how the rest goes.
  21. I like them not saying when. Gives them more time to do the updates and not worrinh when they have to get it done.
  22. Well today I had fun with drop pods, A.K.A. CoM with parachutes, onto Duna: Sorry for the darkness. It was at night and did not feel like waiting for day and needless to say I also dropped them also under 1 km from my Kerbal Mass Driver. Which was the whole point of me sending the Kerbals there. It needs more test subjects. Had them run over there too. They needed the excersise anyways. Next up in a bit. I'll be trying to land the rover that will reposition the Kerbal Mass Driver.
  23. Yeah. I know I could do Minmus for a decent fuel depo. But, without the Kethane mod which I don't want to use do to I want to keep my mod use small. Makes such a benifit not that worth while as I would like to just spend time on designing the ships and sending them off to find their dooms. So basicly refuel while in lowish Kerbin Orbit and at the target destionation. That is if it is not a one way ticket to their doom.
  24. Basicly this. But, with. Econime Sized Coffee mug/cup/container for my Kerbals to drink out of and doughnuts the size of Kerbals for them to snack upon. Both are needed to help keep them away and fully energized.
  25. Tested my Kerbal Mass Driver on Duna today. Still had to do a power landing as my chutes disconnected beefore touching ground. At least nothing broke. Still a bad angle for the test shot. But, at least you can see Nelvey happy to test it out: Nice little shot of the still happy Kerbal going up to what would have been a 79 k high altitude. But, Since I could see Ike. Decided to try and make him orbit using Ike as the referance I wanted for the orbit direction: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1099167190508351437/15A4305112F9E2DA49E6AEF4E21D992F73E39228/ Still it was work a shot. Need to build a rover to position it as I have already made it possable to do. Wonder how well it would have worked if I could face it towards 90 degrees East and 45 degrees up: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1099167190508382748/6329B53051FD53BE7E7DAC279607EBC112C9D752/ I realize the linkmight not work. Was getting errors too. Will try and correct later if possable. Edit: Also need to send more Kerbals over.
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