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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. oh my fu**ing Kod ... how could i missed this awesome Mod? Baele i love you ! finaly stock looking Soyuz parts ! I LOVE IT ! just took the beauty for a testride ony my stock Soyuz 2-3 lifter ... just awesome how clean the Tantares dits on a 1,25m lifter. about the little offset CoM for RCS ... just place it a little bit more lower on the gridstructure, just underneath the decoupler and the problem is fixed (and it looks so more like teh real soyuz ^^ ) later i will show you somee Pics my Stock Soyuz together with Tantares
  2. yes, totaly stock. highspeed and SSTO are in developent
  3. i heared flying wing? but i love your design. what did you do about the vertical stabilisation? hidden vertical ruder inside the fuselage?
  4. still WIP, but gettung closer to a finished product. sadly i have not much time currently to work on it the Hortenbrothers:
  5. Horten Ho 229 ( H IX) inspired series of Aricrafts. I can't wait until the Horten will be implemented in Warthunder ( WoP sucks ) from right to the left: classic version, high altitude high speed, SSTO
  6. i heared Soyuz? just checkout my Soyuz Rocket pack , link in my signature
  7. got i love ! reminds me of my Me 262 HGIII version ... but i have to finish my work on my Horten inspired flying wing first bevor make the Me 262 ssto xD
  8. very intersting disscussion about the SSTO. i have some similar troubles to get my first SSTO into orbit. after some trial and error (and watching some youtubevids) i replaced a single LV-N with a pair of two Rockomax 48-7S. but i think with the ideas here, i might get a LV-N into orbit which would dramaticly increase the rnage of my SSTO. here is it in the current configuration. rockets are hidden inside the turbojets
  9. next update: work on my flying wing is nearly done standard and advanced versions are complete and the SSTO needs some minor updates (and i need flyingpractice)
  10. lovly artwork ! it's nice to see, that debris is not always just yunk. wonder how my aifield will look now after all teh testing with my first plane
  11. my first plane, which i build today (after playing for one year and a half ):
  12. hrm ... some improvments of my flying wing ... still not that satisfied, but it's flying very well ... for my first plane
  13. i got bored with rockets so i build my first plane EVER in KSP (and i play for more then one and a half year LOL) still highly WIP, think about to making it SSTO ...
  14. hey Denny, thanks to your glorious Proton Modell, i got some inspiration for designimprovments of my Stock Proton rocket. i use the Proton for an alternative soviet mün-misison. here a screenshot of teh secondstage burning with the L3-TMI complex on top inside teh fairings.
  15. Designimprovments of my Proton and (hidden inside the fairings) the LOK. got some ideas for an overall better look and shape and stabilityimprovments. ... i love the enginecover of the second stage !
  16. just wow ... sadly no tiem to test it now, but it's on the top of my list for tomorrow, right after the Saturn V update. can't wait to fly this beauty
  17. going to give the 1.4 a test tomorrow best looking Saturn V. keep the good work
  18. took her for a testride ... Model is looking very good so far. complaints only about the engines overheating, engine power/fuel consumption and size of the thirdengine nozzle. wait ... N1 released? god damn i need sleep you and are releasing more awesome stuff?
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