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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. Denny big thank you to you for working on teh russian rockets. i love Proton and Soyuz and seeing an updated/new version of them for KSP is awesome.
  2. update to version 2.4: features: -fixes for 23.5 -finished work on russian tulip -design improvments on TMA, Progess and Vostok -LITE version added -updated gallery
  3. finished my work on the next update for my Soyuz Rocket Pack Sputnik, Vostok, Progress and Soyuz TMA: edit: more pics
  4. well .. i like staging ebents on the Delta IV and the DCSS ... but overall i hate the orange
  5. have as much fun as possible with it but don't forget to thank giggleplex, he helped me with the fuellines. about the throttling: the real Delta IV throttles the coreengine down to 60% shortly after liftoff. later after seperation of teh sideboosters, it goes back to full 100%. i tried to replicate this with the actiongroup and the clipped engines ofcourse: thrustlimiting would be easier, but that was not my goal
  6. i want to add my Delta IV heavy lifter rocket for he Stock Craft Repository here the thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79577-0-23-5-Delta-IV-heavy-23-tons-to-LKO
  7. cool looking refuelstation, take the rep !
  8. Good evening Kerbonauts: Well, a little distraction from my stock russians rockets, i did the Delta IV heavy. Only stock parts are used and it has the same flightprofil like the real one. It can lift 23 tons to LKO (with some spare fuel for deorbiting the second stage) and without the stock payloadfairings, even 25 to 26 tons are possible or slightly more, depending on the flightprofil. features: -real look-a-like. same stages and look like the real one, even the second stage is very accurate in the look -corebooster engines needs to be throttled down, archived with actiongroup and partclipping -stock fairings -subassambly ready update: 22.july - added the Orion spacecraft as a payload for teh delta IV heavy, stockfairings and LES included Warning: because of partclipping of engines is this stock craft not compatible with the hotrockets mod. sry guys Download: -> [stock] Delta IV heavy pack<- important flight instructions: -Actiongroup 1 is used for the throttling of the corebooster engine. - t+ 1m20s ( one minute and twenty seconds) after launch, press 1 to throttle down corebooster engine -after seperation of sideboosters, press 1 again for full throttle of corebooster -shortly after seperation of sideboosters, you can stage for releasing the payloadfairings -second stage engine is only a single LV-T30, keep this in mind for planing orbit insertion - burntime will be very long with a 20+tons payload, attitudecontroll with reactionwheel and very big battery for the Orion: -same flightprofil as the Delta IV heavy with other payloads -Actriongroup 2 for Solarpanels and Antennas Abort sequence: Abort -> 0 -> 9 -> party pictures: -launch with 23tons testpayload the rocket is subassamly ready, but you can just build your payload on top of the decoupler. For teh stockfairing: just take the single one and go for 3x symetry. But don't forget the struts and the stageorder. pictures of the Delta IV heavy and the Orion spacecraft: big thanks to Giggleplex777 for helping me with the second stage !
  9. finaly imgur works again for me here a pic of my Delta IV heavy. it's already finished. the tank on top is just the payloadtest
  10. when you are using Prodedual fairings, then you should change the threatitle from [stock craft] to [mod craft]. or else it would be confusing for some people.
  11. FINALY found some good informations about the RCS system on the PPTS ... seems i have to completely rework my version ... or i will stay kerbal-style. landinggears and rockets are working and i have enough fuel in the Proton to loft more, maybe i will add the orbital scienceorb or so ... imgur still nt working for me -.-
  12. i HATE beeing distracted from my Mün Mission and Soyuz rockets ... Delta IV medium+ 5.4 - done Delta IV heavy - done Ariane 3 & 4 - in progress Ariane 5 - maybe... sadly no pics yet, imgur won't accept new ones curently. don't know why.
  13. working on my Soviet Mün-Mission ~Proton-Style~ improved LOK and LK, but i have soem trouble with the mün-car. at least the new Protons are working well Münar-Complex in LKO:
  14. thanks a lot buddy and no problem. i think i will release and updated version of my Mun mission with Proton rockets and maybe upodated soyuz pack soon ... so keep an eye open for this
  15. hrm something unusal ... well ... on one testflight, teh first stage explode after teh seperation and activation of the secodnstage engine. i think the exhaust hitted teh fueltanks ... but that happens from time to time for me and my proton too. the rocket is very solid, but i noticed a minor wobble during ascent. nothing big, just a small thing
  16. just took her for a ride ... i have to say: very good looking rocket with beautifull stagingevent. i love the interstagering between the first and secodn stage. clever usage of parts. i'm thinking of adding the 2/3 interstage on my proton, but have to do more research for th exact events ...
  17. lovly landers here my LK lander on Mün
  18. thas one nice ship Gus ... damn can't give you Rep right now
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