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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. oh Rareden is taking a brake? thats really sad to hear, but go your way. you did some very (and i think the most) awesome KSP-artworks. was a pleasure to see your pictures and to see how you share you love of KSP and space with us. i have a 100% stock "Proton M" rocket with experimental "PPTS" crew delivering system (proudly presented by "OKB-1"). on the lunchpad: second stage ignition: third stage, fairigns are gone: the PPTS: returncapsule decoupled with heatshild (stock!): godspeed Rareden! i hope that we will see you somewhere in space again
  2. jaja der gute Mulbin *g* is schon genial was der zusammenbastelt, aber der is nich der einzige mit zuviel Zeit (aka langeweile)
  3. amazing parts. but i have one question: where to get the trusspieces , which are so lookingawesone on teh first picture on page one ?
  4. i have totaly no idea about your secret historical project ... maybe an other hint? ^^
  5. hey dude, are you upgrading this tiny little awesoem mod for teh career mode?
  6. that different model.mu is need to change the radiator into a sunfacing solar panel together with the cfg ... finaly it's working for me so i only have to addjust the weight, scale and powergenerating thanks everyone for the support ! and zzz : awesome models, keep the good work !
  7. sitting shiny on the lunchpad ... looking very good on my Proton M lunchvehicle thanks a lot ! intersting fact: my Proton M is balanced to lunch upo to 18 tons into 75x75 LKO and with this new stock-a-like Serrvice Module System, i have 400 m/s dV left in the third stage. i think i will replace my 3man PPTS with this new one. funfact: my PPTS looks nearly the same with this new one.
  8. very nice boxes and radiators. perfect for my interplanetary ship
  9. well, i can't download the KOSMOS pack from the spaceport, somehwhere during the dl, the file gets corrupted. would it be possible, to upload the package anywhere else?.
  10. oh my f***ing Kod ! i was looking for nuclear engines for my planned interplanetary mission, cause teh stock nerva is way to small ... and then i found this here. my heart jumped, now i can go to duna or even further with my planned vessel without using to much mod parts and still with cool and awesome looking engines. you are my hero Kommitz!
  11. have you guys noticed, that the trust of engines can be "blocked" by overlaping parts? when a part is overlaping the zone of trustcreation (inside a specific point of the nozzle) of a rocketengine, a fuel tank or reversed nosecone, the engine will still consume fuel, but won't generate trust. this was my problem during the first iterrations of my Proton M rocket so remember guys: you can hide the enginebody, you can clipp several engines together, but the nozzle(s) must be "free"
  12. you LV-T75 is working perfectly ! i could reduce the partcount of my Proton M lunchvehicle by 40 (!) ... and teh reduce number of engines in the first stage increases the overall gameperformance a lot (12 engines now compare to the 48 in my original design XD) about the third stage of the Proton M: it has a single non gimbale engine and 4 gibaled minitrusters (one engine with four small nozzles on the outer ring). sadly there are not many good pictures of the Proton M thrid stage, but i found some and build my one
  13. ha thx for reviving my thread ^^ working on improved Soyuz rockets myself and already have a nice looking Proton ... hey sgz_ flyer, going to test your Enginebuildlayout, ... sounds intersting
  14. very well done Kuro ! i love the Mini Progress, very clever use of parts going to copy it too but tehj first thing i had in mind, after seeing your Proton was "let's put my Proton under Salyut 6 muhahaha" XD still has to finish my Plan B munmission and Mir bevor sending mroe stuff into LKO. keep the good work.
  15. very nice rockets Mulbin ! love it how you get the real shape and feeling of this historical rockets.
  16. Soviet Special Mission: Spacecraft ready in Orbit of Kerbin for teh top secret mission, after the N1 faild so badly....
  17. first of all : the outer smaller tanks are not getting empty at the same time -> the result is a shifitng center of mass to the side and teh rocket tumbles. second during the burntime the center of mass moves from the tail over teh center of trust to the top -> going to be instable during the moment where center of mass is equal to center of trust -> small correctioninoputs to the flypath will have a big inpact
  18. nice tiny plane ... where is the craftfile?
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