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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. is it possible to download the packsomewehre else? i have trouble to get it from spaceport. the download abborts randomly
  2. i love my Mini-Soyuz ships and Rockets <3 here my new Progress. can deliver fuel and monopropelant
  3. thank you guys for your words i'm veryglad that you like my Soyuz update v2.1 ! now with Progress ...
  4. Felburn ... i hate and love you just watched a couple of videos and you inspired me to redo my Mir-Station. totaly stock of course ... my Soyuz needs something to dock with
  5. ! FINALY ! -> the long awaited update <- Soyuz pack version 2.0 is now ready to download, just look at the first page
  6. Soyuz Spacecraft ! luncher, SPutnik and vostok are nearly finished. time to adjust some minor details
  7. i havnt tested this specific crafts. but your Vostok does not work anymore. the shield dockingorts fpr the sperical capsule are dancing and wobbling around. lunchtower still works, but slightly dancing is vissible, but not a problem for a quick lunch.
  8. WIP, my new Soyuz ... spacecraft with fairings is done. now time to add the booster. Soyuz-1 will be a great help...
  9. indeed ... clipping is a clever way to build things with good asthetics. i was just curious
  10. ha thanks a lot ! time for loooong albums voll of KSP glory ... here a test: [stock] Soyuz 1 (Soyuz 2.1v) able to put around 2 tones into LKO, my rocket has a volga upperstage and a deep space probe underneath the fairings. and yes ... thats a NK-33 look-a-like at the bottom
  11. hrm ... sadly imgeshack is going to have a pricetag ... now i need to look for a different picturehoster ... but i can sent you the craft-file for the Soyuz-1 ^^ just for testing
  12. nice Soyuz ... working too on the Mini one.kerbal-soyuz again. Soyuz-1 (2.1v) is allready done, now i rework my Sputnikluncher, maybe Vostok and normal Soyuz ... oh and Soyuz 2-3
  13. just took my new shuttle for a testride (and crashed it later on the runway) amazing mod! the only thing, which i don't like are the attachmentpoints in teh cargobay. adding stockparts stuff (like stock stataöites) is difficult. =/ nevertheless: AWESOME MOD !
  14. ohhh i can clearly see massive interplanteary explorations ships in my mind ... thank you Kommitz, i waites ages for it !
  15. just a recent proof of concept design, the interplanetary ship is far away from being finished. still (light) lander and a good 3man crewferry missing and other smal stuff. main goal was to test some enginesectiondesigns for my roughly 60 tons manned interplanetary section. the whoel ship had to be "realstic" as far as possible... after some tests with single nuclearengine and electric engines from the near future pack, i used my frighter... and the idea behind the multifunction frighter was a succes. not only cargo can be transported, i can easly be modified to be the enginesection for a larger interplanteary ship. the Duna~Explorer the cargofrighter funfact: the frighter is nearly finsihed since weeks. and i played around with the engines for my dunaexplorer since ... weeks. only today i got the idea to use my frighter. recycling at it's best :ccol:
  16. [WIP] just a recent proof of concept design, the interplanetary ship is far away from being finished. still (light) lander and a good 3man crewferry missing and other smal stuff. main goal was to test some enginesectiondesigns for my roughly 60 tons manned interplanetary section. the whoel ship had to be "realstic" as far as possible... after some tests with single nuclearengine and electric engines from the near future pack, i used my frighter... and the idea behind the multifunction frighter was a succes. not only cargo can be transported, i can easly be modified to be the enginesection for a larger interplanteary ship. the Duna~Explorer the cargofrighter
  17. just walked over this pack for probescience .. testing it right now. and its very good finaly probes are usefull for exploring firsthand ,thx a lot
  18. thanks for flying my Mün-Mission the strutbase left by the lander is inspired by the real LK lander. whichs leaves his landingbase on the moon .. or should have
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