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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. blowing of something? why not going to try the N1 now ... awesoem looking stuff here. edit: dude ... this discomfort button is AWESOME !!!!!! XD
  2. no escpaetower? your poor kerbals. i hope nothing goes wrong during lunch very neat looking rocket! and holy molly, this N1 rocket is unbeliavable. there you can see th power of KSP ... no limitations with stockparts
  3. sgt_flyer, your Angara is superb ! have seen teh thread an it is loking awesome. going to try it later this week, when i got time. back to my mini's. after hours or days (!) of working on the god damn engineclusters ... i got a solution, still not satisfied, but it works like a ... well ... like a good rocket xD my goal was to recreate the Englineclusters of the Soyuz2-1, the current standard issue Soyuz. additional i wanted a big shiny smoketrail so i tried different things with hiding biger liquidengines inside of the core stage. there were serveral problems with this idea: fuel, thrust, the limitation of clipping and fuelflow of clipped parts. i learned my lesson about KSP-engieenering. My current Soyuz with my updated Spacecraft is now like a mix of the Soyuz 2-1 and the Soyuz 2-3. Clustered Boosters of the good old one and the single powerfull core engine of the newer 2-3. okay ... i still tricked with clipping several engines together to get my thrust, but it is working really fine now. A surprise was the fuelflow. Before the "hiding" attempt, i lost some speed (50 to 100m/s) during seperation of the boosters. now it looks fine with nearly zero speedlost. (still needs testing to confirm) i "could" build a Soyuz 2-1 with the well know engineclusters. but i'm to tired now. and to quote a good old proverb: "never touch a runing system" during the rebuild for KSP 0.20, i updated teh fairings as well. now coming with the classical twoshell version (thx to sgt_flyer for inspiration!) at last but not least, two pictures: The Engines: The Rocket itself only a matter of some hours to build the rest of my rocketpack. so be ready to get your hands on my updated mini's. but know i go to bed... dreaming more about engines and clusters and ... well i think you get it.
  4. you Sir are my Hero i think someone uf us should open the "Stock Russian Rockets" Thread in the Rockebuilder section
  5. the new and the old textures a very good, i really like the new ones from Wyseman76 , because they give teh feeling of "stock parts". looking like real parts from Squad! overall these tanks are very good, going to plan to use some on my spacestation and / or Duna researchvessel.
  6. rofl ... that would be Jeb-aproved ! this damn mini Soyuz - reworkd the engines a third time today still not the "right" thing, everything else is working and looking awesome ... XD
  7. teh headless soyuzless rocketman ! very nice lifter so far. still working on my minis, but i will give the bigsize a try later
  8. the bug of implodes ... maybe you have to rebuild the entire ship in 0.20 to fix it. several users got teh bug of expldoing or strange speed changign and stuff with 0.19 craftfiles in 0.20. nevertheless a very neat looking ship. i hop you have a coffemugholder for jeb
  9. such a Monster for such a tiny spacecraft ... Jeb is amused !
  10. working on the MiniSoyuz. i think i will stay with the name minisoyuz, compared to your bigones. i really love KSP version 0.20, it's so easy to change the payload and i don't have to use subassambly (mostly). here are some progress pictures:
  11. if you read the thread topic ... then you see that this is not a megathread ^^
  12. a very nice looking Rocket ! going to test it later this day. the fairings are beutifull and nice design on the boosters.
  13. Laz. Corp is currently working on a new Dragonfly with improved service module (mostly better docking section with Heatshild). A new testvehicle should be avalible soon and it would be great if KSP could test it during their normal spaceflights.
  14. êhrm ..right. sry my mistake, i thought you mean the sputnik probecore XD
  15. you don't need a round probecore anymore, use the flat AI rocket navigation thingy thing
  16. the onlky mod i use is Engieener. i planed to use subassambly but i will wait for a proper fix ^^
  17. hello guys ... nice to see 0.20 of KSP out here, but i'm aware of some of the bugreports, indicating problems with the RCS from 0.19 craft files ... so ... i'm goging to rebuild, improve, polish and install cafemug holders for the new 0.20 version of the (mini) R7 to Soyuz Rockets and maybe, only maybe, i wull build the 3Kerbal-size Soyuz rocket like Gusturbo with my Soyuz Spacecraft if i can fix the wobble-of-death stay tuned and fly save hey sgt_flyer, nice to see your Kliper here !! i'mgoing to test it, after rebuilding my minirockets but first of all ... time to download
  18. ... Munbug VI ... i guess i should start working on my Tanis-Program again. i have to say, that i realyl want to look over your shoulder Mulbin, when you are working in the VAB and testing the stuff you build. just shot the Jool V into orbit some minites ago and it was ... awesome. edit: reverse engienering is something great. i really wondered about the fueltanks of your Jool V ... and you did the same thing i had in mind for my Tanis IV Munrocket. i only have to figure out a good enigecluster, cause i dont want to spam Mainsails your Munlander is relly pretty. such a nice lander, how much time did you spent on designing the lander?
  19. Very pelased to read the Kerbal Times. Seeing my ship performing so well is just ... a very good feeling. and i'm very glad to read that nothing went wrong. ~Laz. Corp - doing exactly the right things.~
  20. seeing my Dragonfly there is ... well .. i'm proud
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